God of Vampires

Chapter 56: C56

Chapter 56: C56

Hah! Time passes so quickly that I didn't even notice a thousand years have gone by since the world system activation, and since then I've been doing experiments.

What you might ask? Well about souls.

You see i unraveled another discovery relating to this universe's law, every living thing should have a soul, animals, bugs, trees, plants..etc

This world is filled with plants and trees and each of them has a soul. I tried creating a baby wolf and without a soul, it was simply braindead and unmoving!

So i gave it a soul which took ten points of divine power from my reservoir and the wolf came to life, so i created an opposite sex for the said wolf as to bring wolfs into the world.

And.. something i didn't expect happen, these first two wolfs are the progenitors of their respective species in the world, although they connect to the wolf system and rose in strength but not too powerful as i have made sure to set things into hardcore mode. Back to the thing that happened, the two wolves had children plenty of those and they all came out braindead, they didn't have any souls

In this i did experiments with other variety of beasts species, and finally came at a crucial discovery for the next generations to generate souls at birth their progenitors that died so long ago need to have powerful souls, not powerful in a sense gives them power, no just a soul with so much power that will allow it to live eternally and generates souls for the next generations until its respective species goes extinct, these progenitors souls are stored in a special space in the world system core.

They are batteries for their respective souls.

Anyway I started to calculate how much of divine power it would need to power two souls, here comes a trick, i created a powerful soul and split it into two different souls so when they die, they'll be combined into one powerful soul that will serve as the batteries i explained earlier.

The soul took a total of two hundred points of divine power which is little but this changes as I create more species.

I created all kinds of birds and animals then came monsters which took one thousand points of divine power to power two progenitor souls, like ogres, goblins, orcs, griffins, basilisk, unicorns.

Then waited a little bit, well not little for you but little for me.

To be precise i rested, in this case me exploring my own realm and experimenting sometimes, discovering new things and like putting a shield around my realm but it is temporary and it consumed a huge amount of divinity which i gotta say in this universe consumption rate of divine power is horrible, if i were a poor god i would have been left penniless.

Ten thousand years or more that is how much passed, and the wild predators hunt their choice of prey, anyways the world now looks much livelier which made me notice something I forgot! Marine life, and so i started creating again, basic marine life, fish, whales, sharks and the like.

Then I added sea monsters which will start in small size, through their advancement in level and skills their size will grow along with strength, which brings something back to mind that i forgot!


I accessed the administrator backend through my divinity, and through my will I added some things to the user window, status to be exact.

Strength: measuring physical power and carrying capacity

Constitution: measuring endurance, stamina and good health

Dexterity: measuring agility, balance, coordination and reflexes

Intelligence: measuring deductive reasoning, cognition, knowledge, memory, logic and rationality

And added health, stamina and mana values.

Only mortal users will have this, because gods depend on divine power through it if they have a large amount of it they can create a hulk if they wish it.

And i didn't forget this time to add 'Stat points' which for those who formed awareness and have a name will choose to distribute them, but for example monster who have not formed intelligence and awareness, still dumb and nothing but savages their stat points will get distributed by the system automatically.

Like a goblin recently evolved into a hobgoblin which i didn't create just the system generating things and naming them, that is how an evolution path works, anyways the hobgoblin is still an idiot and doesn't know what stat points are, this hobgoblin focuses on magic and so the system will distribute the points in intelligence and constitution, throwing some in dexterity and finally end up with less strength as it best fits the hobgoblin's mage direction.

Back to things at hand, when I updated the system, the core reacted for such change.

This time it didn't quake, I just sent a small ripple in the mana in the air, no one would notice it unless mages who are sensitive to magic.

I took residence in a wooden hut made by my hands, without using any point of divinity, i have to save divinity not snap my fingers everytime i wish to create something.

I even downgraded from a mighty god.. To a hunter clothed in animal skin instead of a suit which got dirtied, and this is for just saving up my reservoir, which got emptied little by little from creating so much progenitor souls.

I spent the time learning how to cook and the like, something I never bothered to learn, and when i'm doing nothing, i draw what i can remember of humans, what organs they have and the like, which i finish just now and started on dragons.

Sleep? there is nothing called sleep in this universe for gods at all.

I am happy, it was all worth it, hehe.


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