God of Vampires

Chapter 12: Planning

Chapter 12: Planning

Inside The castle at the throne hall a god sat on the majestic throne, the god was in deep thought, with so much unlimited power but not knowing how to control nor use it. That God is Min Joo. the god of vampires.

-Ding! Ding! Ding!

//"The Castle arrived on Azeroth Continent"//

//"Would the host like to see his current location?"//

"Yes!" Min said in a low tone.

//"The Castle is located above Terio Empire Capital"//

".." Min stood up in a hurry and said. "What, you warped us above an empire's capital.." he sounded angry but at the same time calm.

//"What would the host like to do?"//

"Create four gigantic chains and link them between The Castle and the fields around the capital" Min replied.

//"4 gigantic chains generated"//





Meanwhile at the capital below, people are still looking at the gigantic castle that appeared out of the portal, then red light bubbles started forming around the castle ground i the sky then after a few seconds four gigantic golden chains stretched for miles linked the fields outside the capital with the gigantic castle in front of them, looking like a ship that just arrived at a sea port and dropped its anchor chains to settle down.

After hours of no one coming out or going near the castle, everyone got into the homes leaving nothing but quiet in the capital. Afraid something bad will happen.

Nobles, Soldiers arrived near the royal palace which is the heart of the empire.

In a meeting room located inside the royal palace, a middle aged man with blonde hair sat on a majestic stone chair looking at the empire's noble's that were waiting for orders.

"Your majesty what are your orders?" an elder human asked the man sitting on the majestic stone chair, that appears to be their emperor.

"Ehm! Any news from the royal mages?" the emperor asked a young man wearing a black robe with red lines on it.

"The flying castle is unknown; they have read every history record and nothing came up..a-and the red energy is unknown too, but they detected a similar one a few days ago, so they sent the adventurer Zen to investigate, but we received bad news afterwards" after the young man told the emperor about the royal mages investigation, and the message Zen sent them after encountering hordes of monsters travelling under the red blooded sky.

The nobles heard everything the young man said, they started to show fear in their face as if they met the death reaper, whispering to each other in a low tone and gossiping about what's going on.

"Try to get someone into the flying castle, and produce an army and contact the adventurer guild we'll need their help to fend off against the upcoming hordes" the emperor said in a majestic voice, then waved his hands telling everyone to leave him alone in the room.

'Oh my~! What if whatever is inside the flying castle rains armies down on us' the emperor thought.

'Sigh.such bad luck we have, it seems the end of the empire is nearing..' the emperor showed a disappointed expression on his face.





-The Castle, Throne hall.

There Min summoned his four generals and Hizar.

"The four of you, each will choose a warrior to follow you. I want four armies ready, you can go down to the capital and turn whomever you wish" Min said while looking at the four vampire generals.

After the four generals received their orders they left the throne hall. Only Hizar and Min remain in the hall.

"Father, I have an idea you might like, would you like to hear me out?" Hizar asked in a respectable tone.

"Ok! Spell it out" Min Replied.

"Let's choose this territory to become the first vampire empire in this world" Hizar said in a suggestive voice while making a smile.

"Hahaha! Nice one Hizar,...Ok!ok! Go meet with the emperor and make him the offer, he'll keep his position as the emperor as long as he joins our race. If he refuses, bring him to me. I know what to do" Min laughed and smiled at Hizar while agreeing with his idea.

After Hizar heard what Min said he immediately bowed and left as if in a hurry.

With Min remaining alone, The castle has become lively now that more vampires live here.

'Uhh! I feel great'

"AI how many vampires do we currently have? Specify Vampires alone and Vamps alone."

//"Counting..1,240 Vampires, 170 Vamps"//

"AI count how many living being live in Terio empire's capital"

//"Counting...12 Million Humans....2.8 Million Beastkin"//

"Wow that much, just imagining those becoming vampires.. That is enough to invade earth that has nuclear weapons."

'I think it's better to remove a race from the vampire list...like beastkin..' Min though and said.

"AI Remove Beastkin from the vampire turning race list, make it the bite of a vampire kills them."

//"Vampire Bite effect on beastkin applying.10%....30%....100%"...Applied"//

"AI Rename the stronghold from 'The Castle' to 'Vampire Castle'"

//"Renaming Stronghold name from 'The Castle' to 'Vampire Castle'...Done!"//

After Min was done with the daily improvement of the vampire race, he walked out of the castle and started floating above the ground and flew towards a part of the capital he marked earlier in the map called 'Adventurers Guild Headquarters' the only location the capital is full with powerful warriors and mages.


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