God of Internet

Chapter 65: Elemental God

I thought it would take me 5 days to accumulate enough Divine Power to advance in rank, but to my surprise, I had enough in just 3 days to become an Elemental God.

To be on the safe side, I decided to wait another day, giving me a total of 4 days to accumulate Divine Power, which gave me the security of being able to move up a rank and still have a few million Divine Power points left over to defend myself... or attack.

At this point, I had returned my consciousness to the divine world and was now controlling my main body to advance one rank.

When I looked at my status screen, I had a big smile on my face.


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet

| Level: Rank 9 Embryonic Deity

| Number of believers: 1,145,529 -> 1,685,811

| Average usage per user: 4 hours


| Available deities: Creativity, Waves.


| Divine Power: 5,625,489 / 12,800,000 -> 16,441,208 / 12,800,000 (+11,325,360 -509,641 (Lucy's involvement))


16 million Divine Power Points... yesterday I had just over 13 million, and I had to control myself a lot not to go up one rank at that moment.

But my self-control was good.

The growth in the number of users on the Internet was also very good, increasing by a total of 540,000 in just 4 days, an increase of more than 100,000 per day.

All of this was due to the new believers that came out in Novera and Valoria, both with Lucy's help in Novera and the usefulness of having supported Christopher.

Did I feel bad about helping a son kill his brother and father? Yes, but when I found out that, as I suspected, the royal family of Valoria wasn't the most respectful of commoners, where the king had a few dozen children with various women he found beautiful on the street and had sex with them regardless of whether they had husbands or not, I felt better.

Of course, to make sure that nothing like that would happen again, I explained to Christopher the system for reporting Internet users and the possibility of banning him from the Internet if I found out that he was doing anything like his father.

I could see the astonishment on his face as he realized what I could do if I didn't like what he was doing, but I didn't care.

As I opened my hand and materialized some divine power, the smile on my face became clearer.

Now, spending a few tens, hundreds, or even a few thousand points of Divine Power to do something I found interesting was something very trivial to me.

An amount that was once extremely important to me when I arrived in this world, when I had a measly reserve of 3,000 Divine Power points, now I could spend it with a thought and it wouldn't be missed at all.

Who needs to flaunt money when you can flaunt Divine Power? I laughed as I absorbed this Divine Power.

Not only was this Divine Power in my hand, but I also began to absorb my body's Divine Power and make it my own.








When I finally absorbed the more than 12 million points of Divine Power, I began to feel the change in my body...

Changes that I had not noticed in the process of ascending the ranks were now much clearer, such as my body muscles developing even more.

Fortunately, this development stopped at a point where I no longer grew in size, maintaining a swimmer's physique as I had hoped, but now the muscles began to develop in density.

When I closed my hands, I could feel the power coursing through my veins.

But the biggest change I had was not in my physical body, but in the efficiency with which I used my Divine Power!

My Divine Power, which at Embryonic Divinity Rank 9 was 47% more powerful than someone at Embryonic Divinity Rank 1, had more than doubled this time!

This story has been taken without authorization. Report any sightings.

In terms of my efficiency, I was now just over 100% more efficient than someone at Embryonic Divinity Rank 9, which meant that my current efficiency was 300% that of an Embryonic Divinity Rank 1!

While a Rank 1 Embryonic Divinity would need 10k Divine Power points to cast a basic blessing, I could cast the same blessing with only 3.3k Divine Power points!

Even though my divinity used 10 times more Divine Power than a god of the same rank as me, that disadvantage was reduced to only 5 times more Divine Power now that I was an elemental god and had to deal with a rank 9 elemental divinity.

But the most important thing about rising from an Embryonic Deity to an Elemental God was that I had now unlocked a skill that would be very useful for my development, Blessed Prayer.

This skill was that every time a believer prayed to me sincerely, a fraction of the divine power of that prayer would be returned to the believer as a mini-blessing for them.

This mini-blessing was related to my divinity, which meant that it would increase the creativity of my sincere believers over time.

Even if only a fraction of the divine power of this prayer returned to the believers, the accumulation of some of this divine power over time would make this blessing stronger and stronger, to the point that after a few hundred prayers, there would be slightly noticeable changes in the believers.

And since I am a god with full divinity, this mini-blessing of mine is much more powerful and effective than those of other gods who only have small amounts of divinity.

Even if my blessing didn't directly affect people's lives, after a few weeks, months, or years, the accumulation of this mini-blessing would make the development of the kingdom much superior to that of other kingdoms, because my believers could use this creative advantage to develop new things in various areas of life.

For example, a blacksmith could use it to develop weapons in a more creative way, increasing the efficiency of the weapon, lowering the cost of production, or even increasing the speed at which weapons are made.

A farmer could use creativity to think of more efficient ways to grow crops, which could lead to more effective methods of planting, tending, or even harvesting crops, increasing the kingdom's food production, or even increasing the farmer's leisure time so that he can live a better life.

A wizard could use this creativity to create more spells, more powerful spells, or even improve the way they use magic, making the kingdom's military much more powerful over time!

The same could be said for warriors, archers, cooks, artists, merchants, and all sorts of other professions in the kingdom.

Creativity was something that could affect all kinds of professions, especially in a society that had not yet been affected by industry.

And since this blessing would only go to believers who prayed to me sincerely, I didn't have to worry about this kind of thing being used by my enemies, since the believer responsible for it would be loyal to me, or else his creativity would decrease to normal levels if he stopped praying to me sincerely.

A great way to reward believers who really deserve it.

As I generated a new status screen for myself after calculating how much Divine Power I needed to level up, I sighed.


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet

| Level: Elemental God rank 1

| Number of believers: 1,685,811

| Average usage per user: 4 hours


| Available deities: Creativity, Waves.


| Divine Skills: Blessed Prayer.


| Divine Power: 16,441,208 / 12,800,000 -> 3,641,208 / 25,600,000


Looking at the gigantic figure of 25 million Divine Power points to rank up again, I realized that I would now start to slow down in order to rank up.

With each rank costing twice as much as the previous one, I knew that there would come a point when the amount of Divine Power I needed to rank up would be in the billions... a far cry from the amount of Divine Power I was receiving on a daily basis now.

But even though it was a huge number, considering that there were 30 kingdoms the size of Arcantor in this small world, as well as several other small mortal worlds for me to access in the future, it wouldn't be impossible to reach that number.

Instead of complaining about how much divine power I would need to increase my rank in the future, it would be best to calculate how much more I could get now that my costs had been halved.

Even with the development of the new app and the implementation of the new Internet updates, my new efficiency would increase my profit significantly.

If before my Internet cost was 0.5 Divine Power points per hour of believer use, that number has just dropped to 0.25 Divine Power points per hour, increasing my profit from 0.5 to 0.75 for each prayer!

This 25% increase per hour was huge.

An increase from 3.3 million points per day to 5 million points of Divine Power per day!

Of course, now that I had risen in rank, I intended to develop more Internet functions and increase its use, but I didn't intend to let the cost of Divine Power reach 0.5 per hour again.

Lowering my operating costs by that much tasted sweet.

My main focus was to start developing my own artificial intelligence.

I knew that a very advanced AI was something very expensive for me, even now after rising through the ranks, but I could already develop big data to interpret Internet data and give me the most important user information.

It would probably have a high development cost and a high cost to keep it running all the time, but it was something that would be very useful to me in the future.

As long as I didn't have it, I had to manually search the Internet and read the messages and posts of the believers in Aetheris, Zack's kingdom.

From the rapid increase of believers in Aetheris over the past few days, I discovered that the reason for this was that Zack, or in the words of mortals, the God of Thunder, was forcing them to pray to him every day!

This caused discontent among the mortals, because unlike the God of the Internet, who gave them a reason to pray, Zack was just forcing them to pray and using the kingdom to punish those who they discovered weren't praying.

Considering how angry the people of Aetheris seemed to be on the Internet, I could guess that Zack had already lost thousands of believers by that time.

These people could even pretend to pray to Zack, but if the prayer wasn't sincere, Zack wouldn't receive any Divine Power Points from those prayers.

But even though he lost tens of thousands of believers, Zack definitely gained a lot of Divine Power.

In four days of forcing the faithful to pray to him, and with Aetheris having a population of 400,000, Zack must have gained at least 1.4 million Divine Power points.

Considering that he's still a rank 7 embryonic deity the last time I saw him, that 1.4 million Divine Power points would be equivalent to 6.2 million of my own Divine Power points if I used my own deity.

But if I used Lucy's deity... Zack would be completely screwed.

Even if he forced his followers to pray to him every day and had 2 million Divine Power Points when I went to him to collect the debt from his invasion, what difference would it make if I had 8 million Divine Power Points?

I could use my own Divinity to deal with him, or I could be as efficient as possible and overwhelm him with Divine Power through Lucy's Divinity.

So, with renewed confidence, I decided to contact my partner, Lucy, and check on her.

I had already sensed that her Divinity had increased in rank over the past few days, but I wanted to hear from her how things were going and how she felt safe after spending so much Divine Power to increase in rank.

This was the time to make preparations for my revenge, which would take place tomorrow!


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