God Of Immortals

Chapter 59: Revenant Among Us [III[

Chapter 59: Revenant Among Us [III[

The revenant quickly used a teleportation seal, but wasn't teleported beyond the forest area of the sect's premises.

"Huh, why am I still here?"

"You can't escape from this place, revenant. The whole place is under Heavens Gate. I believe you never saw that coming. How can you think of leaving after the harm you've done?"

"Deadfall Wraiths."

Without waiting for more words, the revenant took out his sabers and sent out his attack. Thousands of whispering phantom heads raced towards the grand-elder.

The grandelder swiftly pointed his luminous sword at the skulls.

"Lorran Shield."

Pillars of emptiness manifested and collided with the phantom heads to produce a wailing screams which rang throughout the premises. The phantom heads dissipated into nothingness while the space walls disintegrated too.

"Revenant, I don't have the time to play hide and seek with you."

The grandelder let go of the sword in his right hand. And in a swift movement, he clasped his right hand over his left hand which was holding a seal.

"End of Days." 

The revenant could feel something was wrong. He tried to teleport again but it wasn't working. He knew his life was in danger so he quickly took out his life saving talisman. He was activating his life saving talisman when the sword had appeared at his front locking him in place, but he had managed to activate the talisman.

"I hate this stupid world."

The sword started to rotate and like emptiness passed through the heart of the revenant. It totally obliterated him, but his soul managed to escape into limbo. At least, he would have thousands of years for his soul to find a way out before it would enter reincarnation. He decided to take the chance of limbo. When he comes out, he would do his own end of days on that stupid human. He only hoped the souls in limbo wouldn't drive him mad before escaping.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the premises.

Elder Cao Wang Xiu was the first to appear in front of the disciples. They didn't even know if it was teleportation or steps. They only saw her appeared out of the thin air. Why was everybody coming out of the thin air?

She bent down to check on Ju Feng who was still lying unresponsive on the ground. She took out a spirit pill and put it in Ju Feng's mouth. She did the same for Su Ming before going back to Ju Feng. She put one hand on his forehead and the other on his chest and started sending healing energy into him. She quickly moved to attend to Su Ming who was also unconscious before attending to Ju Feng again. She was doing this, when the other elders started to arrive.

"Wang Xiu, what happened?"

"What caused the disturbance?"

"I just arrived too and saw this."

They brought all the disciples to the haven and placed both Ju Feng and Su Ming on the large mat at the center of the haven.

As they were placing them on the mat, the grandelder suddenly appeared, and quickly examined the two. He was happy to be around when the revenant attacked, and grateful the two disciples were stil alive. 

He recalled being in a meditative seclusion when he felt the slightest energy vibration. The energy that was sent out when Ju Feng walked into the force-field and was sent out flying. It was so minute he almost missed it. Then it's resonance with his Shadow-Watcher talisman made him to detect it. He had left his seclusion to look for the source but couldn't locate it. He knew something was wrong but couldn't put his fingers on it. 

Hence, he had waited on top of his mountain with his spiritual sense covering the whole premises. He had hoped for another slightest vibration. He knew that it couldn't be a cultivator inside the sect premises that initiated the course of the manifestation of that energy. He had seen this type of energy before. It had to be a Revenant. He had prepared the seals in case of confrontation because revenants were very difficult to deal with. Especially those at the Hegemon level. He could loose his life if he wasn't careful, hence he had prepared more than necessary which worked as expected.

He looked gravely concerned at both Ju Feng and Su Ming that were being placed on the mat. 

"Wang Xiu, take the girl into the Seven Spirit pool. Give her the bloodroot pill every hour. She's lucky to be alive. If not for you, she could be dead by now."

Elder Cao Wang Xiu carried Su Ming to the pool room and placed her inside the pool. She sat beside her holding the medicinal pills she would be administering every hour.

In the haven, the grand elder look at Jufeng and sighed.

"We are fortunate not to loose any cultivator today. We have to be extra vigilant from today onward. Good things there are energies working inside his body to repair the damage already. The damage was serious enough to be a mortal wound, as a Zhuji cultivator, he should have been dead. He's surely stronger than he looks and the Crust Yellow pill really helped him at that time if not he could have died."

"Crust Yellow pill?"

"Su Ming gave him the yellow pill."

Shao Chen who had found his voice, said slowly.

All the elders turned to look at the other three disciples. They had forgotten about them.

"Well, she really saved his life."

"He will live. Take him to the misty fountain. Keep giving him a drop of the life elixir every hour."

The grandelder glanced at Jufeng again. He was wondering how a Premier, a Zhuji cultivator, could survive a Revenant force-field. It wasn't something that a Premier should be able to achieve in the first place.

He turned to the other three remaining disciples.

"Did any of you see what happened?"

"Yes grand-elder. We were there and we tried our best. But he was too strong."

"He mentioned something about a core."

"Yes, he said he was looking for the Sinnughar core."

"The Sinnughar core?"

The grand-elder asked before continuing.

"I see."

"We thought we were going to die, grand elder."

"We're truly sorry for what you all went through. Take these pills and go wash yourselves in the lake of Streamlight. I'll see you all after that."

"Thank you, grand elder."

The three of them replied at the same time and left the haven.

The grandelder clasped his hands behind his back and shook his head before turning towards the remaining elders.

"We're truly fortunate."

"What happened grand-elder?"

"It was a nascent level revenant."



"It's a long story. I should have told you this before now."

Then, grandelder started to narrate the events that took place.


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