God of Blackfield

Chapter 370: I Wanted to Add My Wishes Too (1)

"What do you do for a living, sir?" Kim Mi-Young shyly asked Kang Chul-Gyu.

"I guard a factory being built in Mongolia," he replied.

"Ah, I see," she responded awkwardly.

When timidly smiled, Kang Chul-Gyu's lips curved gently—not cruelly, menacingly, sharply, or mockingly. Kang Chan had never seen him smile like that before.

"What do you want to be in the future, Mi-Young?" Kang Chul-Gyu asked.

"Me? I want to be a diplomat," she said.

"A diplomat?"


Kang Chul-Gyu's smile and question seemed to put Kim Mi-Young at ease. The conversation managed to continue a little longer, though an awkward silence soon threatened to break it again.

This is good enough. What more can I ask for?

Kang Chan gazed at the river.

"Do your family members also live in Mongolia?" Kim Mi-Young asked, surprising Kang Chan.

Kang Chan quickly turned back, his gaze unintentionally sharp. Although he immediately softened his expression, he had already startled Kim Mi-Young.

"My wife and son were with me," Kang Chul-Gyu began, quickly drawing Kim Mi-Young's attention back to him, "but I lost my son in Africa..."

Kang Chan watched as Kang Chul-Gyu struggled through the pain.

Kim Mi-Young's eyes turned red.

"The shock took my wife away shortly after."

"I'm sorry," she said.

"It's alright. You didn't know. Besides, for some reason, I don’t mind telling you this story."

Silence followed as Kim Mi-Young blinked away her tears and tried to compose herself.

‘Did I make a mistake? Should I have just had a meal or a cup of tea with them? Am I unnecessarily burdening the two of them?’ Kang Chan wondered.

"Mi-Young, I'm feeling a bit peckish. Care to have some ramyeon with me?" Kang Chul-Gyu asked.

"Ramyeon? Let me cook it for you."

"No, it’s okay. I’m not planning to boil it, so I'll make it myself. Would you like some?"

"Sure,” she answered with a puzzled expression.

The way he asked her made it hard for her to say, "I don't like ramyeon!"

Why would someone come all the way to a pension house just to eat ramyeon? It’s not like there’s nothing to eat here.

Kang Chan shook his head in response to Kang Chul-Gyu’s questioning look.

"I'll help you,” Kim Mi-Young offered as Kang Chul-Gyu got up.

She followed him inside.

Damn it! Smoking a cigarette would do wonders for my mental health right now.

Kang Chan glanced inside, noticing that Kang Chul-Gyu had taken a frying pan and cooking oil. Meanwhile, Kim Mi-Young was opening a packet of ramyeon.

Recalling the pension house in Gapyeong that he had visited with Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook, he realized that he wanted this whole day to be fondly memorable. Eating instant food and drinking tea wouldn’t accomplish that.

Is that why Kang Chul-Gyu is doing something he has probably never done before?

Glancing inside again, Kang Chan saw Kim Mi-Young looking curiously at the frying pan.

Fried ramyeon? Like crispy ramyeon snacks? If that’s what he wants, they should have just bought some.

Kang Chan took a sip of his now-cold coffee.

Kang Chul-Gyu and Kim Mi-Young came out with a tray of crispy fried ramyeon.

At the same time, Kang Chan chuckled. They had indeed fried the ramyeon pieces until they were golden and crispy. They probably didn't know that the best way to eat ramyeon was to either munch on it raw or sprinkle a bit of the seasoning powder.

"Try it. It's really tasty!" Kim Mi-Young said.

Kang Chan wanted to decline, but he felt sorry for startling her earlier. Hence, he reached out for the ramyeon.


What the...?

He couldn't help but laugh; the taste was simply laughable.

"It's good, right?"

Kang Chan took another piece.

Crunch, crunch.

The three ate the fried ramyeon, catching the pieces in their palms.

"Where did you learn this, sir?" Kim Mi-Young asked.

"Back in the army, this was the best snack. We couldn't use this much oil back then, though."

After eating three or four pieces, Kang Chan was done. However, it felt awkward to stop eating since he felt he had to keep pace with the others.

Well, this isn’t such a big deal. We’re just sharing two packs of ramyeon.

He finished the bowl. Unlike the pork cutlets yesterday, the ramyeon didn’t really remind him of Gérard or Seok Kang-Ho.

Awkwardness dawned upon them once more.

"Why don't you two go for a walk?" Kang Chul-Gyu suggested.

What else can the three of us do anyway?

"Want to go down by the river?" Kang Chan asked Mi-Young..


Kim Mi-Young’s enthusiasm made Kang Chul-Gyu smile gently again.

Just stick to your usual self, old man.

"Let’s go. We’ll be back soon… sir," Kang Chan said, then stood up. Kim Mi-Young followed.

"See you later, sir," she said.

Kang Chul-Gyu nodded in response.

They walked around the side of the pension house toward where the car was parked, then down toward the river. While walking, Kang Chan held out his hand. Kim Mi-Young intertwined her fingers with his.

The afternoon sunlight broke into sparkling fragments and made the water shimmer. Kang Chan looked both ways to check the road.

"Let's go."

After crossing the two-lane road, they found a path that led down to the river. The distinctive, slightly fishy smell of the river greeted them as they walked along the bank. Kang Chan held Kim Mi-Young's hand firmly.

At that moment, Kang Chan gently squeezed Kim Mi-Young’s hand. "You're still young, and we don’t know what the future holds, but…”

Kim Mi-Young turned to him.

He calmly continued, "I want us to hold hands, make a lot of memories, and experience new things together. I want your hand in mind until we grow old."

When Kang Chan glanced back, he immediately noticed that Kim Mi-Young’s eyes were red again.

Why does she get teary-eyed so easily?

“I’d love that,” she replied.

"I'll always be by your side. When you become a diplomat, make sure to tell everyone it was thanks to your husband."

Kim Mi-Young smiled at him in a way only women could do. She looked so filled with love that she looked as if she was glowing.

The wind swept through her hair, and the sunlight breaking on the river illuminated her like a spotlight.

There were probably agents on the other side watching with interest and excitement. Nevertheless, Kang Chan slowly pulled Kim Mi-Young closer and hugged her gently.

"I'm sorry for making you wait. Unfortunately, there will probably be more times like this in the future. I apologize in advance," he said.

Kim Mi-Young wrapped her arms around Kang Chan's waist. Choi Jong-Il and Lee Doo-Hee tried to look away and pretended not to see anything. Still, they couldn't help but smile.

This was a new feeling for Kang Chan. For the first time, he had someone he could call his.

Time passed slowly. Hand in hand, they walked along the river. Occasionally, they would swing their arms back and forth or look into each other’s eyes.

When they reached what seemed to be a dock for summer waterskiing, Kang Chan stopped. It felt dangerous to go beyond the perimeter of the mountains on the other side.

"Let’s head back," he said.


They retraced their steps.

"How did you meet him?" Kim Mi-Young asked.

"We met through work. Since then, he’s helped me a lot. He's like a father to me," Kang Chan replied.

Kim Mi-Young glanced at Kang Chan as if to confirm what she had just heard, then turned to the path ahead again.

"I know it’s been awkward, but I really wanted to introduce you to him."

"I'm fine with it."

They fell into silence again as they climbed back up from the river bank, crossed the road, and headed up the parking lot of the pension house. Smiling at each other, they finally let go of each other’s hands. It felt a bit awkward to keep holding hands in front of Kang Chul-Gyu.

What’s the old man up to?

They turned a corner and entered the yard. Kang Chul-Gyu was sitting at a table, holding a kitchen knife. He was carving something.

Is he butchering a chicken?

"We're back," Kim Mi-Young greeted.

Kang Chul-Gyu looked up at them. He must have known they were coming back but had pretended not to notice.

"What are you up to?" Kim Mi-Young asked.

Kang Chul-Gyu smiled at her again. "I wanted to give you something to commemorate our meeting, but I didn’t have much to offer..."

He handed her a carving about the size of half a thumb.

"Wow! Did you carve this yourself?" she asked.

"I just have to make a hole at the top to finish it. Do you like it?" Kang Chul-Gyu asked.

"Of course! Are you sure you want to give this to me?"

As Kang Chul-Gyu smiled, Kim Mi-Young handed the carving to Kang Chan.

Kang Chan couldn’t help but be surprised. He never knew that the old man had such a skill. It was a bit eerie, though. A carving of a snake coiled around a knife wasn’t exactly something one would gift a young girl. It seemed more fitting to be a special forces team's tattoo.

Could it be?

Kang Chan looked up at Kang Chul-Gyu. "A guardian deity?"

Kang Chul-Gyu nodded. "I know you’ll keep her safe, but I wanted to add my wishes too.”

What was going on in this old man’s head while he carved a piece of wood with a kitchen knife? Was he thinking of the son and wife he couldn't protect, making him wish that Kang Chan could protect Kim Mi-Young properly?

Maybe he hoped that this carving would protect her when Kang Chan couldn't.

Kang Chan handed the carving back to Kim Mi-Young.

"If you like it, I’ll finish it up. Are you okay with it?" Kang Chul-Gyu asked.

"I love it. This must have been hard to make, though. Aren’t you tired?”

Kang Chul-Gyu smiled broadly and took the carving back. "I just need to do the sgraffito and apply some oil. It’ll be done by tomorrow morning."


"Oh, just think of it as the finishing touches."

"You oil it too?"

"Yes. It makes it much sturdier and longer-lasting."

Both Kang Chul-Gyu and Kim Mi-Young looked a bit more at ease now. Not wanting to stand around awkwardly, Kang Chan lifted the nearby barbecue grill and moved it next to the table. He then grabbed some charcoal.

"Anything you want me to do?" Kim Mi-Young asked Kang Chan.

"Could you wash some vegetables?"


She cheerfully headed inside.

Kang Chan lit up the grill beside Kang Chul-Gyu, who continued to carve the small piece with his kitchen knife.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" asked Kang Chul-Gyu.

"Right after breakfast. Why?"

"Just asking."

The old man wouldn’t ask questions for no reason, but he also wouldn’t give a straightforward answer even if asked. Hence, Kang Chan simply focused on what he was doing.

The smoke danced around the yard like a mischievous spirit.

Scritch, scritch, scritch.

Kang Chul-Gyu carved the wood as swiftly as peeling carrots or potatoes. He was so remarkably skilled that had he chosen to go down this path, he might have had a much different life.

Soon, the charcoal caught fire.

"How much longer will it take?"

"I just need to apply the oil, so it’ll be done soon."

Leaving Kang Chan to fan the fire, Kang Chul-Gyu went inside.


Smoking a cigarette lit by charcoal would be amazing.

The sun hung low over the mountain across the river, making it hard to see how much the charcoal had caught fire.

Kang Chan headed inside to get the meat. As he entered, he saw Kang Chul-Gyu and Kim Mi-Young washing lettuce and perilla leaves together.

It was unbelievable. Kang Chul-Gyu, one of the most skilled special forces team soldiers in the world, was washing vegetables.

Then again, here was the NIS Assistant Director and DGSE Deputy Director-General grilling meat and taking out barbecue supplies.

‘They sure prepared a wide variety of meat.’

Kang Chan chuckled as he pulled the beef labeled ‘Korean sirloin,’ from the refrigerator. He then grabbed some scissors and tongs and headed back outside.


As Kang Chan placed the meat on the grill, Kang Chul-Gyu and Kim Mi-Young came out, carrying vegetables, gochujang, chopsticks, bowls, and a pitcher of water.

"What about the rice?" Kang Chan asked.

"I saw some instant rice. We can just have that," Kang Chul-Gyu said.

"I’ll heat it in the microwave," Kim Mi-Young said.

"Do you know how?" Kang Chan teased.

Kim Mi-Young playfully pouted and went inside.

Kang Chul-Gyu sat back down at the table, watching the meat on the grill and the food on the table like a child waiting for snacks at kindergarten. When Kang Chan flipped the meat, white smoke rose, and the smell grew stronger.

The meat should have been grilled once the charcoal had settled, but the fire was too strong. Still, this was good enough.

Kang Chan cut the meat into smaller pieces and then placed a well-cooked piece on Kang Chul-Gyu’s plate.

"Try it."

Kang Chan noticed Kang Chul-Gyu swallow dryly. Since the old man was trying his best, Kang Chan pretended that he didn’t see it.

Kang Chul-Gyu picked up the meat with his chopsticks and brought it to his mouth. Meanwhile, Kang Chan moved the cooked meat to the edge of the grill.

"It’s as good as the bulgogi from last time,” Kang Chul-Gyu commented.

Kang Chan silently flipped the meat, finding it hard to respond. For some reason, he felt as if Kang Chul-Gyu’s words pierced his heart.

Kim Mi-Young came back with a tray of three bowls of rice and some kimchi.

"Looks delicious," she said.

Not wanting to be gloomy around Kim Mi-Young, who was trying her best to remain cheerful and brighten the mood, Kang Chan placed the cooked meat on an empty plate and set it on the table.

Kang Chan looked at Kang Chul-Gyu, who picked up his chopsticks again.

"Let's eat,” the latter offered.

"Enjoy your meal. Thank you for the food," Kim Mi-Young said. She and Kang Chan then put some meat onto their plates.

The meat tasted fine. It was the somber and awkward atmosphere that was the problem. Kim Mi-Young was too young to understand and adapt to these complicated emotions and relationships, which made Kang Chan feel sorry.

As the sun set behind the mountains, darkness quickly enveloped their surroundings, and the wind grew colder. Fortunately, they ate early.

"Should I grill more?" Kang Chan asked.

Kang Chul-Gyu and Kim Mi-Young shook their heads. They were just glad that the meal was over.

Clatter, clatter.

Kang Chul-Gyu and Kim Mi-Young took the dishes inside while Kang Chan cleaned the grill and added more charcoal to keep the fire going.

The red glow of the flames, the blue flickers between them, the warmth, and the smokey smell created a comforting ambiance.


All that was missing was a cigarette. After cleaning up, Kim Mi-Young came out with a tray of three mugs, accompanied by Kang Chul-Gyu. The beverages were the same as the ones they had drunk earlier. There was still some time before nightfall, and they would have to eat again after sleeping.

Should we just head back up?

"Sir, um," Kim Mi-Young called as she sat at the table. Kang Chan turned toward her. "Can I call you Dad instead of sir?"

Both Kang Chan and Kang Chul-Gyu stared at her, speechless.

"Chan said earlier that you’re like a father to him. So I want to call you that too."

Kang Chul-Gyu blinked oddly. After a brief silence, he responded, "I’d be grateful if you did."

"I’ll call you that from now on, then."

"Thank you."

"No, I should be the one thanking you. You even gave me a special gift.”

Snap, crackle, pop.

"Thank you, Dad."

As the night began to fall, the charcoal fire illuminated the wrinkles on Kang Chul-Gyu’s face.


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