Chapter 158 An Effective Bait

158  An Effective Bait

Immortal Gate

Core Region

In a large ancient hall, nine gigantic and tall beings, all wearing ancient golden garments, stood on high platforms as they stared down at the ancient elder from the room of flames; the nine beings were covered in darkness, making it difficult to decern their faces. One of the ancient beings spoke, this man's voice sounding heavy and overwhelming.

"Dead?! Who would dare offend us, the Immortal Gate, let alone kill a Dao Child?!"

"Yes, Ancient Grand Elder; there is no more trace of the Dao Child; it's as if he was erased from existence."

The ancient elder replied respectfully; he had his head down as if not daring to stare into the eyes of these nine Ancient Grand Elders. Again, another being joined in, his voice as heavy and oppressive as the last.

"Dao Children are incapable of dying; they are the physical embodiments of their Daos; if they died, they would be reborn and revitalized through their 'soul flames.' It seems there's someone who can alter the actions of 'Those' people."


The scene went quiet upon the second Ancient Grand Elder finishing his sentence. Although quiet, the Ancient Elder had a disbelieving expression as he thought.

'What!? There's someone who can alter the actions of 'Those' beings?! How is that even possible?!'

But then, another Grand Elder spoke. This time, the Grand Elder had a female voice.

"It must have been an outsider, someone with a god-level treasure, or both. And to erase a Dao Child's existence, this treasure must be quite powerful, perhaps a discovered artifact from a different dimension. Those are the probable options since no one in the Immortal Realm can kill Dao Children entirely, not even us."

"How they did it doesn't matter; they dared challenge our authority as the Immortal Gate, find out who killed the Dao Child, and wipe out their entire nation or civilization."

"... I may not know who exactly, Grand Elder, but I think the Dao Child was killed in the territory of Athos."


The scene went silent again as the word 'Athos' reverberated in the hall. Even the elder who spoke had a paused reaction after saying the word.

"...Athos... This puny realm has caused us great annoyance in such a short period. They must have taken our lack of action as tolerance for their horseplay, especially that so-called One Above. Since they so desperately seek our attention, they shall have it.

Send the 'void beasts and wipe out Athos!"



Patrick and his four wives enjoyed their dinner-like picnic as they laughed around. Athena, Anna, and Thalia took turns feeding him food and wine; Elaine was initially shy, but due to her sisters' persuasion, she had no choice but to feed their husband. The sunny weather and cool swaying wind encouraged a soothing atmosphere; birds in the tree whistled marvelous and happy melodies.

Patrick had a filled mouth as he tried halting his wives from constantly feeding him food, but to no avail; Athena and her three sisters continued to feed him even more.

"Dear, just one more spoon, and that's it."

Thalia spoke while holding a steak close to Patrick's filled mouth; her surprise meal was a steak found on Earth 001, where Patrick and Athena originated. Thanks to Athena, she and Anna got information about Patrick's taste in food. The scene looked lively as Patrick's wives forced food and drinks into his mouth.

"I'm quite full, thanks to you four ladies."

Patrick spoke as Athena wiped off the food on his lips with her left hand. Anna's mini-self sat on Patrick's head while rolling in his hair playfully and hanging by his hair strands.

Suddenly, Grace sounded.

"Master, the Immortal Gate has taken action."

Hearing this, Patrick smirked; he murmured.

"Took them long enough."


Outside the branch city, Lian Zu and his female companion followed Hul as they walked past numerous people, including Athosians. The group of three approached the entrance of the massive building, with Hul's voice sounding about.

"You know, it is quite generous of the higher-ups to allow you outside cultivators to visit Athos and, even better, have access to the resources and facilities. No nation would spend their resources on outsiders like this."

'This kid, although young, I can't even sense the slightest energy from him, let alone figure out his realm. It's as if he is an ordinary mortal. And how powerful is that suit he is wearing?'

Lian Zu thought as he paced behind the boy; he and the girl had similar expressions as they stared at Hul. Despite being a peak Star Celestial, he can't even detect the slightest Qi or energy from Hul, making Hul a mystery to him. The girl then asked.

"So, brother Hul, I noticed the energy in Athos is very different from ours in the Immortal Realm; Not only is it pure, but it is also more potent than the regular Qi; what is it?"

"Ahh, about that... Athos is a creation of the God Fairy, so naturally, its energy is derived from her. As for what the God Fairy's energy is, even we Athosians wouldn't know. But if you think this is pure, think about the glorious energy of His Godship, the One Above's hovering estate. There, even the flowers are alive and conscious...- ah, we are already here."

Hul spoke as he reached the building entrance. Holding his right hand to his chest, Hul saluted the two middle-aged Athosian soldiers with a smile.

"Hello, Uncle Hong! Hello, Uncle Luxian!"

"Hul! Back for your daily exercise, I see. Friends of yours."

"Haha... yes, I'm giving them a training facility tour. Ok then, see you guys later."

"Take care, Hul!"

The two middle-aged men smiled as they watched Hul and his two friends enter the enormously wide energy barrier. Upon Hul's disappearance, the two men assumed their serious stances. Not long after, the left Athosian guard, Luxian, noticed a group of cultivators respectfully bowing toward seven approaching individuals. Upon proper inspection, the guard spoke.

"Dao Children."



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