Chapter 150 Causing Trouble

Within the library institution in Athos, the surrounding cultivators watched as the Athosian guard flashed and attacked the purple-robed cultivator. Seeing the attacking guard, the purple-robed cultivator instinctively held his arms together as he attempted to block the swung energy blade. But the swung blade energy instantly sliced off the cultivator's arms; luckily for him, he dodged his head before the blade energy could slice off his head. The blade energy was then absorbed into the institution building.

Blood sprayed from the purple-robed cultivator's sliced arms. Sweats and dread filled his face as he stared at the Athosian guard with shock and disbelief. Suddenly, as if realizing something wrong, the cultivator spat a mouthful of blood, with his other six apertures also dripping blood.

Suddenly, the Athosian guard pointed his energy blade at the cultivator as he spoke. His voice filled with dominance and seriousness.

"Guest # 5652265. For violation of order 011, you are to surrender and await judgment from the One Above immediately; failure to do so would result in instant extermination; choose wisely!"

Listening to the Athosian guard, even the surrounding cultivators couldn't help but shiver with fright; the purple-robed man in question was a Saint King cultivator, yet a mere swing from the Athosian guard sliced off his arms. They even witnessed the cultivator trying to regenerate, but it only resulted in him spewing blood from his apertures, which means the Athosians can stop a cultivator's healing factor after injury. Such a realization was reality-shattering. Immediately, some cultivators began distancing themselves from the scene.

"Ptui! Is this how Athos treats their guests!? How dare you attack and accuse me without evidence!? And what order did I exactly violate!? Everyone can see that I am the victim here, so, Athosian, what do you have to say for yourself!?"

Hearing this, some of the surrounding cultivators exchanged gazes as they thought about the cultivator's words; it is as the cultivator said; they had witnessed the Athosian slicing off the elderly man's head and immediately attacking the purple-robed man. As they weren't Athosian citizens and not equipped with Athosian suits, it was only natural for the cultivators to side with the purple-robed man.

Noticing the massive sway of opinions to his side, the purple-robed man smirked as he provokingly stared at the Athosian warrior.

'Let's see what you have to say now, Athosian; would you admit your incompetence and stain the reputation of Athos, or would you continue your attack without proper evidence, making Athos and the One Above tyrants who kill without mercy?'

The cultivator thought as his smirk became even wider, especially after seeing the Athosian guard remaining silent; he thought of this as the Athosian indirectly admitting being in the wrong. Seeing this moment as an opportunity, he continued.

"Also, since when is it a crime to ask questions!? All that elderly cultivator did was asked a question, seeing as he wasn't familiar with the contents of the books in your library. But instead of answering his question, he was met with death, with you slicing off his head before he could even finish his sentence. Tell me, Athosian, how do you justify such tyranny!?"

The scene went quiet as all eyes turned to the Athosian warrior. Even the Star Commerce Alliance woman couldn't help but be curious, hoping to see how the Athosian warrior would answer when all opinions were against him.


On the floating island, Athena, Anna, and Thalia, all wearing see-through night lingerie, sat in the living room as they watched a certain cat-and-mouse cartoon on a realistic holographic TV. Athena and Thalia sat on a long sofa chair with Patrick laying on their laps. Patrick had his head on Athena as she played with his silver hair while Thalia massaged his feet; simultaneously, Anna sat on the ground as she caressed Patrick's hands and palms.

"Looks like things just got interesting; Raleigh, request for lady Marine."

Patrick watched the wide TV screen as he spoke. Simultaneously when Patrick uttered his name, Raleigh was already in the room, kneeling in his signature pose. Raleigh nodded as instantly after, fairy Marine materialized behind him; she knelt and bowed, speaking after.

"Your godship?"

"Yes, lady Marine, let the troublemakers go through with their plans, cancel the order for the mass extermination... I have a special gift for them. And as for what's happening in the library, I will leave that to your judgment."

Fairy Marine respectfully bowed again as she replied, with her and Raleigh simultaneously leaving the scene.

"As you wish, your godship."

"~Steady your head, dear; I was going to style your hair~" - Athena.

"~Fine, but I hope it's good!" - Patrick.

"~And your palms are so hard~!" - Anna.

~Sigh~ - Patrick.


It had been 10 seconds since the purple-robed man challenged the Athosian warrior; seeing that the guard had been silent, many of the surrounding cultivators were now already siding with the purple-robed cultivator. Even the Star Commerce Alliance's Head Manager's sister frowned with doubt and confusion as she stared at the Athosian guard. She didn't expect the guard to struggle with answering the cultivator's question; even she could tell something was wrong using her life law.

But suddenly, the woman and the cultivators witnessed the guard flinch as if noticing something; some of the cultivators were also confused as they watched the Athosian suit change its eye color from red to white; he also retracted his energy blade and uncovered his head. As if that wasn't enough, the Athosian knelt, as did every Athosian within the library.

Simultaneously while the Athosians knelt, lady Marine was already hovering above the kneeling Athosian guard; she was bare-footed and wore a majestic blue fabric dress; vibrant blue energy radiated from her body as it instantly calmed the scene.

Seeing lady Marine, all the cultivators within the library halted their actions as they knelt in respect to the god fairy of Athos. Even the purple-robed cultivator wasn't an exception, but lady Marine's presence caused him to change his attitude instantly, from arrogant to subservient.

Fairy Marine moved her left fingers when suddenly, the cultivators watched as the sliced head of the old cultivator instantly rejoined with his body, including all his blood, with a green glint of light entering his body after. Soon later, the old cultivator steadily stood on his feet with a confused and baffled expression; he confusingly examined his arms and body when he suddenly noticed the kneeling crowd surrounding him, seeing the shocked faces of the crowd frenziedly staring above him, the elderly cultivator slowly traced the cultivators' eyes as he saw lady Marine floating over him.

Without hesitation, the old cultivator hurriedly knelt and bowed his head.

The current scene was quite a prestige. But despite having tens of thousands of cultivators kneeling towards her, fairy Marine remained indifferent; instead, she nodded, acknowledging the cultivators.

The cultivators rose on their feet as they maintained their eyes on lady Marine; fear, shock, disbelief, and respect are some words one can use to describe the faces and countenances of the cultivators. The fact that this fairy-like God had brought back the dead with a mere wave of her fingers was not only reality-shattering but also nature-defying. The Head Manager's sister couldn't help but mumble disbelievingly.

"Wait! The reason they called her God Fairy wasn't just a title. But rather the state of her existence? But... how is a literal god living in the lower realms? Doesn't that go against the principles of our cultivation universe? Or even multiverse?! This should be impossible?!"

The woman was lost in her thoughts when she heard Fairy Marine speak to the purple-robed cultivator. Her voice was so feminine and soothing that it could melt a stone heart, but also cold and distant where it could freeze boiling lava.

"Despite being advised by His godship, some still seek a place in the afterlife. Tell me, cultivator, why risk your life in pursuit of a fruitless objective?"

Hearing fairy Marine's question, the man panicked as multiple beads of sweat dripped down his face; his previous arrogant attitude was completely gone, especially after witnessing this god fairy raise the dead with a mere finger wave. He had bulged eyes as his mind raced through every calculatable option, be it escape, surrender, or continuing his charade of being the victim.

But fairy Marine interrupted the cultivator's thought as she continued.

"First, you disrespected the One Above's generosity; second, you dared manipulate a guest of the One Above; and third, you... attempted to tarnish the reputation of his godship while also accusing an Athosian citizen of an uncommitted crime. Any of these crimes alone is punishable by death. And I haven't even accounted for the crime of you causing trouble, so, cultivator, do you still see yourself as the victim?"

Fairy Marine's cold words and impassive face left the purple-robed cultivator in dread as he trembled with despair; he couldn't think straight at this point, as everything now stated him being the culprit in this situation. Even the previously supporting cultivators slowly distanced themselves further from the man, trying not to be implicated as being in cahoots with him.

Seeing that he was now left with no choice, the purple-robed man burst out with energy, completely tearing the robe from his body; with the robe torn, it revealed his body with countless red talismans stuck to his body. The surrounding cultivators instantly reacted as they instinctively activated their defenses since they knew about the red talismans.

But unlike the cultivators, fairy Marine and all the Athosians remained unfazed by the man's actions, even after seeing the countless red talismans patched on the man's body.

Only seeing the crowd's defensive reaction, the man assumed a maniacal and psychotic laugh as he bellowed at fairy Marine.

"Hah ha! You may have caught me, but our Ancient Order will always triumph. Now all of you can die with me!! Soul Explosion!!"

The man laughed with a fanatic smile as he spread his arms wide, embracing his martyrdom.

But instead of a massive explosion, killing everyone, only the man exploded, his blood and body parts spraying and flying all over the scene.

Seeing this left all the guest cultivators speechless; some even had faces filled with dread and despair after realizing the content of the situation. First, one must know red talismans are the greatest exploding talismans in the world; they are basically atomic bombs, and soul explosion is the act of a cultivator exploding their soul core and their accumulated cultivated energy from countless decades.

The stronger the cultivator, the greater the explosion; in this case, the purple-robed man being a Saint King cultivator, must be able to wipe out six percent of the entire Immortal Realm with his soul exploding, let alone a massive building like the library institution. That was why most of the crowd reacted defensively; they knew how devastating and catastrophic a soul explosion was, especially from a Saint King cultivator.

And soul explosions rarely occur; a cultivator must be so cornered and exhausted or completely resents their enemy that exploding their souls is the only resort. It takes countless decades of cultivation and gathering resources to achieve a cultivation stage, let alone a whole realm.

So, the fact that the purple-robed man's soul explosion only resorted in him exploding must mean one thing: this god fairy was involved. And that's where the despair comes in; if the god fairy can even stop an inevitable situation like a soul explosion, doesn't that mean one wouldn't even be able to cause harm to Athos or its citizens? So Athosians are like unkillable gods in Athos?

These thoughts ransacked the brains of the cultivators as some couldn't help but distance themselves from the nearby Athosians; from their indifferent reactions, it must mean they didn't even acknowledge the Saint King's soul explosion, which in itself is beyond shocking. But as if that wasn't reality-breaking enough, the cultivators heard as the god fairy spoke, with a shocking scene happening after.

"I never said you were allowed to die, cultivator, and besides, you are not qualified to die in Athos. Now rise."


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