Goblin Workshop In Me

Chapter 61

61 Celebrating the New Year


Ko Byeong-gap left the bank’s main branch, his mouth curling up at the corners. He couldn’t stop his smile from leaking out, so he just let it go. It was okay to look like a man with a couple of loose screws today.

“I paid it all off. I paid it all off! Whoa! I did it!”

“Mom, what’s wrong with him?”

“Shh! Don’t look at him!”

He cried hurrah in the middle of the road. The passersby snuck away, looking at him warily. Regardless, he raised his clasped hands to the height of his forehead and trembled.

‘I thought I’d suffer for the rest of my life. Good for you, Ko Byeong-gap!’

The settlement of the expedition had been completed. The money he received amounted to 2.1 billion won. To be clear, that was the amount he received after paying off taxes. As soon as the money appeared in his bank account, he paid off his tedious debt. Still, more than 1.9 billion won remained.

‘What am I gonna do with this money?’

Now that he had money, he was thinking about spending it first. Here he was, a person who had eaten meat and knew how to cut it, but suddenly had no idea how to deal with a large amount of money.

If he had been a little smarter and more outgoing, he would have considered investment, real estate, or stocks. Unfortunately, however, he had no knowledge or experience in that field.

‘If I went on a spending spree just to make myself feel better, I might lose in the long run. Let’s change things step by step and only buy what I really need.’

From that day on, Ko Byeong-gap became busy.

First of all, he prepared to move out. He organized his six-pyeong studio apartment, which he had lived in for two years, and searched for new homes.

‘Since my mom is here, I have to stay in Seoul all the time, but good properties are too expensive… I can’t do this. Let’s go with Jeonse for now. It’s okay. I’m still young and I have a lot of money to make.’

He signed a lease contract with an officetel in Yongsan-gu, and the deposit was about 460 million won. There was no reason to insist on an apartment because he did not have any children.

“Aww. It’s a pity that I’m going to be a bachelor.”

The day he left the villa village in Sillim-dong, the landlady came to him as he was about to move his belongings.

Byeong-gap wasn’t sure whether she was feeling bad that he was leaving or if it was just regrettable for her tenant to leave.

“Anyway, I’ll go and have a good life.”

“Yes. I wish your mother the best too.”

He drove to his new house in a moving center car. The officetel was to his liking; the new building was clean and the surrounding infrastructure was good. Above all, his mother’s hospital was just ten minutes away on foot.

It was an empty vacancy, and it was fun to fill it up the way he wanted.

It was already nighttime when he finished unpacking his luggage and the furniture he ordered. He was looking down at the bright night view of Seoul, and it somehow made him feel better.

“Oh, no one threw me a housewarming party even if I moved.”

His relationships were very narrow; he didn’t have any particular friends. His circumstances made him a loner.

‘I don’t really have friends because I’ve been busy making money and paying off my debts since I was discharged from the army. Now that I’m here, who can I shamelessly catch up with?’

He recalled the friends that he was close with in high school and army colleagues he was with for two years. How was everyone doing?

“I’m not exactly happy with it, but I got such a nice house.”

His monologue ensued as he looked at his empty house. He was happy enough, though. Even though it was a charter, he was able to get his own house anyway.

He felt even happier than when he set up his first tent in Ashvilam. What was the difference between here and there?

“The difference is between having someone waiting for me or not.”

He sipped his beer and smiled. What a day to be so sentimental! He really seemed to be getting older. After all, he would be 26 in just a few days.

Anyway, the first night in his new house passed quietly.

The next day, Byeong-gap visited the store to pick up a new car. It was every man’s dream to get one, and it was the number one item indispensable to hunters.

He recalled the stylish foreign SUV driven by Jeong Seon-kyung. To be honest, he wanted to buy one, but it was a luxury no matter how much he thought about it, so he agreed on a domestic car that was cheaper.

“These days, domestic products are also popular. Anyone who ignores it just because it’s domestic is an idiot.”

The store dealer babbled on about things that weren’t important, even asking him if he was a Shinto Buddha believer. Anyway, the contract signing ended quickly because he found a car he was already sold on.

He signed a contract with a large SUV company in South Korea. When he chose the full option of paying 56 million won as a lump sum, the way the dealer looked at Byeong-gap changed.

“The shipment will take a month or two at the earliest!”

“As soon as possible, please.”

“Yes! Have a nice day!”

He left the store with a light heart. Waiting for him was his small, compact car. There was not much time left to drive this cutie, and it was too old to be resold. The highest probability was that it would end up in a junkyard.

He didn’t think much of it when he was vacating his room, but he thought it would be pretty sad to scrap this guy.

“Wait, I don’t have to scrap the car. I can take it to Ashvilam and drag it around.”

A funny picture began to form in his head.


“Oh, four, three, two, one… Huh. It’s really 2026.”

January 1, 2026. Ko Byeong-gap celebrated the New Year in Ashvilam.

In fact, the New Year didn’t change anything. The world couldn’t be turned upside down, of course.

Sitting in a rocking chair and counting stars, he suddenly got goosebumps on his arm. The night air was cool.

“It’s chilly.”

As expected, winter had come to Ashvilam. However, the cold weather here was not as severe as the winter in Korea. He guessed it was a warm climate all year round over here.

“Now that I’ve seen the sun go down, I’m going to sleep.”

He went back to his shelter in Ashvilam and slept.

These days, he spent more days here than at home. Since returning from the expedition, he had also taken a break from going on missions, so he had been eating and sleeping here.

The day soon dawned.

The Goblins diligently got up and prepared their routine. Byeong-gap woke up early today because there was food he wanted to cook for the Goblins.

“Hmm? Oh, my.”

“Good morning, Ea.”

“Yes. Good morning. By the way, what brings you here so early? I never imagined you’d be here in the restaurant.”

“I’m going to cook for the first time in a while. There’s something I want to cook for the kids.”

“You? You can cook too?”

“What do you think people are? I’m a Michelin chef just sitting in the corner of the room.”

“Michelin? Chef…? I sometimes find it difficult to understand what you say, just like right now.”

“You just have to think that it’s a good thing.”

“Really? That’s clear, then.”

In fact, Byeong-gap had pretty good cooking skills. He just didn’t do it much because he was lazy. He also had a free day to lie back because it was his birthday and New Year’s. Since no one provided him with rice cake soup, he had to make it himself.

“How about Doran?”

“She’s still sleeping. Didn’t you know she sleeps a lot in the morning? Doran is quite the sleeper.”

“Why didn’t you wake her up?”

Ea smiled and shook her head.

“I want her to sleep soundly. The Goblins and I can prepare the meal.”

“You’re weird too.”

“Ah, hello. Huh?”

“It’s Lord!”

“Lord, why are you here?”

Like tigers, they all started to come by. The kids came to help him prepare the meal. Before Byeong-gap could say anything, Ea opened her mouth.

“Your Lord is making a delicious breakfast today! Aren’t you excited?”


“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Hey, don’t make a fuss. It’s not a big deal.”

“Oh, my. You said you were amazing, but now you’re refuting it? Then which rhythm should I dance to?”


After all, she had a talent for making people speechless. Byeong-gap rolled up his sleeves, muttering.

“Now, I’ll give you a mission. You two, bring me the things I brought yesterday. Bring some water as well and put fire in a large pot.


“Got it!”

“Ea, take the rest of the kids and bring me some eggs.”

“How much do you need?”

“About five dozen eggs will do.”

“Leave it to me!”

The members all moved at his orders. Soon, the cooking began in earnest.

As expected, the food he was going to make was rice cake soup.

‘What’s the big deal about tteokguk? You can simply put all the ingredients in and boil it.’

He made a base by mixing beef bone broth and water. He then added green onions, rice cakes, meat, eggs, and then seasoned it with salt, soy sauce, and other seasonings.

It was perfect to taste and smelled amazing too.

When it was slowly entering the completion stage, Doran came into the restaurant. Ea recognized her like a ghost and said hello.

“Oh! Doran, welcome. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, I slept well. But what is Lord doing here?”

“Doran, don’t be surprised. Your Lord said he would make breakfast for today.”

“Really? So you’re making one now, Lord?”

“That’s right. Doesn’t it smell good?”

“Yes, yes!”

“Oh my gosh… What kind of a joke is this?”

Byeong-gap pretended not to feel proud of it, but his shoulders shrugged. Yeah! He was the Lord who took care of them so well! If there was ever another monarch out there who fed his world with his own hands, he asked them to come out.

Byeong-gap spoke as if he suddenly remembered something as he stirred the rice cakes so that they wouldn’t stick.

“By the way, Doran. You should get up early sometimes and help Ea. How much hard work do you do until dawn?”

“Huh? Ah, no… That’s…”

Doran was confused, then she suddenly looked at Ea and shouted.

“I told you to wake me up! Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“What? When did Doran—”

“Shut up, you idiot! I told you! I said it!”

“I’m… I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t hear that. And I want Doran to sleep soundly…”

“This is so annoying!”

Doran turned around and ran out.

“Wow, she’s like a real master dog, a master dog. How can she be so wild?”

Byeong-gap admired her in a pure sense. Ea, on the other hand, wiggled her fingers with a glum face.

“Why did you say that to her? I’m really fine… What if Doran hates me now?”

“Just leave it. She’ll be fine soon, it won’t even take a day or two. Now, go get the kids and tell them to eat slowly.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Soon after the little ones were called, the Goblins flocked to the restaurant. They each held a bowl and lined up in an orderly fashion. Byeong-gap distributed the rice cake soup with his own hands and announced to everyone that he had made it.

At last, the distribution was over, and a flood of gratitude filled his ears. He scooped up his share and sat in an empty seat.

“Enjoy your meal!”

“Lord, enjoy your meal!”

“Okay. Eat well too.”

Byeong-gap glanced to the side. The new family member, Varmond, was sitting next to him. The guy didn’t seem to be used to scooping up food with a spoon. Byeong-gap spoke up, munching on his rice cake.

“Hey, Varmond.”

“Ah! Oh yes, Lord. Go ahead.”

“What? Why are you so surprised?”


“This is nothing. What do you think? Do you like the food?”

He asked in an anticipating and nodded.

“Yes, yes, yes. It’s delicious.”

“…Is that it? That’s a little weak.”




Gobung, who was sitting about five seats away, jumped up and answered. What an amazing reaction time.

“Is it edible?”

“Yes! It’s so delicious! It’s so delicious. It’s my first time eating it!”

“Well, that’s good, that’s good. That’s very desirable.”

Byeong-gap nodded his head with satisfaction and looked like he didn’t know what to say.

“See? That’s how you do it from now on.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s enough, I’m just kidding. Just eat.”

“Oh… Yes. I see. Well, I’m eating very delicious food, too.”


‘He’s got a blunt personality that’s unlike other Goblins. I think he’s a little shy.’

from any other Goblin. Well, it was no big deal. Dorma alone had a serious atmosphere unlike the other guys. If all the Goblins in Ashvilam were to giggle, it would be a pain in the ass, anyway.

‘Hmm. Should I say it now?’

Byeong-gap went around the restaurant.

All the Goblins of Ashvilam were gathered, so there was no need to assemble them separately later.

“Guys, focus on me for a second.”


Byeong-gap spoke out loud. The Goblins stopped what they were doing and gave him their attention.

“I have something to announce.”


“What is it? Are you going away for a long time again?”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Then what?”

Dorma asked in a voice of concern.

Byeong-gap rested for a beat and spoke as if he were proclaiming something important.

“Everyone, listen up. We’ll move over the fog within the next month.”


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