Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 73 – Dragon Roaring to the Sky

Chapter 73 – Dragon Roaring to the Sky

No matter how I think about it, I had no time to deal with Norden right now.

Seeing through my thoughts, he laughed a little.

[In 30 seconds. Can you…..make it?]

[You asshole!]

The now visible Tenryu opened its huge maw, setting off to the location where the army led by Roxy was.

I couldn’t afford to delay anymore. So I rushed to the west as fast as I could.

Norden wouldn’t overlook this chance of course. And sure enough, he begun shooting countless projectiles from behind me.

Whilst continuously heading toward my destination, I turned around and slashed apart the projectiles that were targeting me….. I became unable to check on the Tenryu thanks to that hindrance, I was about to change the black sword to bow form.

However that’s exactly what Norden wanted. Anyhow I need to go to the west.

Immediately, I could sense unpleasant magical energy coming from my back.

This was too much!

Blue translucent bodies――the omega slimes had made a barricade with their own body. A strange laughter could be heard. I guess for Norden, this is nothing but a game. That bastard…..

『Fate! More attacks incoming!』

Norden’s ranged attack came in periodically even as I forced my way through the wall of omega slimes. Thanks to Greed paying attention to it, I was able to ward it off.

Several few moments later, I managed to reach the battlefield where the King’s army was fighting off the death march. I could see the soldiers were battling not only orcs, but also gargoyles, and other monsters I’ve never seen before.

But the morale couldn’t be said as high. With the Tenryu coming from the south it’ll be inevitable for fear to sprout no matter how committed their hearts were.

Even so, they refused to retreat….did they fight on because their leader told them to? Or was it because they were suppressed by the awareness that the end is near?

I don’t know.

Tenryu’s roar shifted my focus back to it. Its huge body casted a shadow over a wide area, enough to make anyone to mistakenly think that it’s night already. Thanks to me having drawn out the gluttony skill completely, I was quite fine despite being this close to it, unlike my first encounter.

I could move my body just fine. Perhaps because I’ve already achieved Area E as well.

This should be enough to stop Tenryu. Meanwhile, the Tenryu had finished charging something in its mouth and is about to release it.

A huge energy wave bursted out of Tenryu’s mouth, scorching Gallia’s terrain like it’s nothing, gradually making its way to where the King’s army and the death march were.

The monsters on the southern area got evaporated instantly. Orcs, gargoyles… even the crown tier stood no chance against the attack, they were easily slaughtered.

That majestic roar, one that could easily be mistook as an Angel or God. Some might even consider to worship it.

But I’m here to stop it.


The third additional form that I obtained after defeating the machine angel――the black shield.

The black sword changed shape and collide with the roar. Unbelievable, heavy pressure coursed through the shield to my arms, and even I could feel it reaching my feet.

I was pushed back little by little, but I should be able to hold on at this rate. The roar that collided with the black shield diffused into rainbow colored lights, gradually weakening.

The soldiers who were standing behind me didn’t understand what had happened at first, but they slowly realized the situation. My arrival had spared them from their imminent end.

Anyways, would you please go away already?

A painful feeling struck me, just when I was sighing in relief. One of Norden’s projectile had hit my right thigh.

[Dammit, that asshole]

I was forced to remain standing still in order to fend off Tenryu’s attack. But instead of aiming for my head or torso, being a ‘good’ guy he is, Norden aimed at my thigh.

Losing the stiffness of my stance, the power to hold on also collapsed. I was pushed back quite easily. It felt like as if there was an empty spot on where my right leg is supposed to be. It simply won’t respond to my will as more and more blood overflowed from the open wound.

《Auto Recovery》 had activated immediately in response to this, but there was simply not enough time.

In addition to that, I wouldn’t be able to respond properly to the next attack as it is. I saw someone coming at me.

The soldiers who were standing behind me earlier. Each one raised their shield in the attempt to protect my right flank from the incoming projectile.

I felt thankful, but unfortunately……that’s too reckless. The other party is an area E. He’s dimensions away from you guys.

[Get away from those attacks!]

The soldiers surrounding me wouldn’t listen. The fact that they acted on their own initiative without any order both made me happy and saddened at the same time.

Because Norden isn’t the soft kind of guy. Rather, he’s enjoying this kind of situation.

The bullet hit the shield bearing soldier on the left corner. He immediately exploded into mush, his blood splattering on my mask.

Even so, the remaining soldiers stood their ground.

And so, they fell one by one. Creating a pool of blood under my feet.

Quickly, quickly, please quickly stop already. And then, Tenryu’s attack begun to died down.

However, it’s already on its way to unleash the second attack. And this time it’ll seem to be on a much larger output than before.

This is bad.

While thinking like that, I could hear the voice of a girl I knew so well.

[What is this….]

I suppose I may have gotten pushed quite far back by Tenryu’s attack. I’m pretty sure she had rushed in here to see what had actually happened and how to handle it.

Roxy was that kind of girl after all.

However, this was probably the worst timing.

But I digress. Tenryu’s second wave of attack had been unleashed. It was an attack so powerful, both of my sleeves got torn off, and my mask cracked and gradually disappear.

No good! Norden’s muzzle must’ve been pointed at Roxy by now.

[That’s just, no goooooooood]

『This is…………Fate, you……』

The moment Greed let out a surprised voice, the black shield started to change shape.

This is, a combination with both black bow and black scythe. At the same time, even without Greed telling me how to use this new form, I already knew how.


Black shield that absorbed my stats released blue waves that covered the surroundings.

At that instance, Tenryu’s mouth exploded. It was roaring restlessly. What I could hear afterward was only its cry. Norden’s attack had also been blocked.

Greed said while smiling wryly via 《mind reading》.

『No way.. You actually unleashed the secret form without having to rely on me. Fuhahahaha, that’s just too awesome. Very much so……』

[Shut up…. I’m not done yet]

With the Tenryu still struggled after taking damage, the soldiers started to evacuate immediately.

However….now that I’ve lost my mask, I couldn’t turn my face. Because there was no recognition inhibition, Roxy will immediately recognize me.

But before I could do anything, not that I can move anyway, Roxy asked in a loud voice.

[…………Fate. Is that you, Fate?]

That voice, it felt like my heart was grasped by those words.

Haa, the time has come for me to come clean. And along with that, comes the end of this masquerade.

I let out a huge sigh. Then turn around.

There was the girl with her unchanging straight eyes.



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