Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 186 – Nostalgic Days

Chapter 186: 186

Chapter 186 – Nostalgic Days

We’re flying in the sky, but the wind on the deck wasn’t that strong .

Even as we’re sailing at a considerably fast speed .

Roxy seemed to notice this as well .

[This airship... . is truly a mysterious apparatus . I did not notice this at all during our conversation with Libra earlier . ]

[Perhaps because we’re only familiar with the ships that float on water . ]

[Indeed . There are still a lot of things we do not know yet . ]

[But Roxy is able to fly in the sky now . ]

[It is only thanks to Snow-chan . It is not my own power . ]

She gave me a little smile before turning her gaze toward the direction of Gallia .

The current Roxy had no wings .

It’s because she could only fuse with Snow for a limited amount of time .

The fusion was undone before we returned to the deck . Snow didn’t follow us, saying that she wanted to have a look around the airship instead .

We’re inside Libra’s property right now . I tried to stop her since it might be difficult to find her later...

But it’s Snow we’re talking about .

She wouldn’t listen .

She went away somewhere without even paying attention to my warning .

[Are you still worried about Snow-chan?]

[Yeah... her attitude is really troublesome sometimes . ]

[Fufufu, she is energetic alright]

[And reckless . This is in enemy territory . ]

[The same can be said about us . ]

The two of us were talking carefreely on the deck .

[That kid is strong . Moreover, she and I are connected . If anything happens to her, I will know right away . ]

So, a connection... that allows them to sense each other even from far away...

I’m also connected to Aaron through the Mortal Sin skill .

As I grow stronger through the skill, Aaron will also benefit from it .

Although it’s different, at least it’s similar to what Roxy has .

I could feel that Aaron is doing well in the capital Seyfert .

Which means, the Door to His Land didn’t affect the capital all that much .

Knowing that keeps my mind at ease . But what about Roxy?

There are Mason-sama, Aisha-sama, and the rest of her household back in the capital .

Now that the Door to His Land has been opened, the threat of resurrected monsters is imminent .

Roxy seemed to notice that my attention was not directed at Gallia at the moment .

[Everyone in the capital will be fine . There is my father . Also Aaron and the white knights . It will rude to them if you are worried now]


She smiled at me .

[Rather, I feel nervous about where we are heading now... Gallia, the floating continent . That is why... I want to have a small talk with Fai now . ]

Roxy continued . Still with a smile on her face .

[When I was still a kid, the world I knew was very small . It was a world where everyone adored and loved me . I was happy back then... but that was only on Heart family’s territory . But it was all changed when I found out that I have the Holy Sword Mastery skill . ]

[The day you become a Holy Knight?]

[Yes . As you might know, my mother does not possess the skill . Which means, the probability of me having the skill was only fifty-fifty . My father was very elated by this reveal, knowing that he has a successor now . So he brought me to the capital in order to train as a holy knight . ]

Even when we’re travelling together back then, Roxy never neglected her training . It’s easy to imagine just how extraordinary the effort she had to exert in the past .

[My father had high expectations, but I on the other hand was anxious . It was an unfamiliar place, with people that were unknown to me before . I was depressed because I could not get used to it at first . In the end, I sneaked out of the castle . ]

[You’re being noddy huh...]

[I have had enough back then, and I still do sometimes]

I lightly poked at Roxy’s inflated cheeks, which she responded with a scoff .

But yeah... I understand that she needs a break sometimes .

Having seen the glimpse of the holy knights’ life as I started going in and out of the palace with Aaron, I could honestly say that it’s not all fun and game .

Most Holy Knights were prideful . And since they are adamant in keeping to their old ways, they would never vouch for any new ideas, especially one that wouldn’t benefit them .

Moreover, I’m still young, so they could just brush me off saying that I’m inexperienced .

In the end, I had no choice but to rely on Eris’ influence as the queen .

[It’s horrible... I know, I’ve been on the same shoes too . ]

[Right! That is why Fai has to do his best to take the leadership position! You need to study even harder for that sake]


Satisfied with my reaction, Roxy turned to look up to the sky .

[Fai has not changed at all . Always striving to do his best for the task in front of him . Though it is scary sometimes for those who are by your side . And he also tends to forget about things . ]

[Nn? Did I... did I forget something?]

[It was six years ago... the first time I met Fai . ]

[Did we!?]

But I don’t remember at all .

No, but... looking at Roxy, she seemed to be serious about it . Try to remember, me! Remember!

But no matter how hard I try till my head is spinning...

[Good grief... Well, it is very Fai-like to do that . ]

I finally gave up...

[I suppose, many things happened back then . And our meeting was just one of them...]

[Fai cheered me up when we met after I snuck out of the palace during a party . ]

That really happened!?

But she remembered it . Then why I can’t... . Seeing me wondering, Roxy then continued .

[At that time, I was still wearing the civilian clothing which I used to sneak out, so Fai thought that I was one of the maidservant working at the palace]


With that as a trigger, a memory resurfaced in my head, albeit vaguely .

Indeed... I saw a little girl sitting near the palace with a long face . I wondered what happened, so I went to talk to her .

[Wait! At that time, that little girl said she was a maidservant working in the palace . I wasn’t wrong . ]

[Uh... you caught me there . Well, it seems that you still remember . ]

I couldn’t remember the little girl’s face clearly, but I still recall what happened back then .

I would’ve never expected that the little girl I thought was a maidservant is actually a holy knight . We were never an equal back then .

[I am sorry I lied to you at that time]

[Why did you lie... ah, of course...]

I was about to ask why, but realized the answer myself .

[If Fai knew I was a holy knight, you would be scared instead]

[Right . It was my first time in the capital, I would probably be too scared to talk to a holy knight]

[Yes . Hearing Fai said all the things about the holy knights, I could not bear to say that I am one . I am afraid that you would be scared of me]

When I sat next to the young Roxy, I might’ve blabbered my mouth about unnecessary things like the little kid I was, without even knowing who she was...

[But you listened to me, and even cheered me up . ]

[Sorry I couldn’t say anything that could console you back then . ]

[That is not necessarily true . It was enough to have you staying by my side during my difficult time . No words are needed . ]

I remember we talked about how it’s my first time in the capital, and then about Roxy’s hometown .

Then she asked about me as well . Back then, I still thought that the Gluttony skill was just a strange skill that made me hungry all the time . How the other villagers were crept out by it, which ended up causing them to banish me from my village .

No one else could be any more unfortunate than I did, and that at least her situation is more hopeful... I believe I told the little Roxy all that?

But anyways, near the end of our encounter, she shared some of her food with me .

I should’ve known better back then . A newly hired maidservant shouldn’t be able to bring out party food with her .

[Then a few years later, I met you again . I tried to talk to you whenever I had a chance... . But you seemed to avoid me most of the time . ]

[Sorry about that . Well, at least the mystery on why you seemed to look after me back then is solved now . ]

[Fufufu, but I am glad . I am happy that we can finally talk like this in the end . To others, that encounter might appear paltry . But to me, it was a memorable one . ]

After saying that, Roxy sent a distant look to the direction of Gallia .

[Fai, you told me back then, that you really admire your father Dean . Is it still the case right now?]

[About that...]

I couldn’t find the answer, and in the end I just gazed toward Gallia like Roxy did .

The place where my Dad is .


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