Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 182 – Wrath and Gluttony

Chapter 182

Translator: Raizu

Editor: Mirp

Chapter 182 – Wrath and Gluttony

Raine was being her usual self .

Instead of contacting her parents, she decided to focus on research instead .

No other choice, I had to be the one to inform Mugan .

I asked Seto to prepare a fast horse messenger to alert Mugan about his daughter’s well being .

[You really have a lot on your plate . ]

Seto laughed bitterly, before handing the report to his subordinate .

Originally, it was a necessity to inform the capital about all the happenings in Hauzen .

I guess I’m just making more trouble for myself at this rate .

[By the way, I haven’t seen Eris-sama around these days . Do you know where she is going, Fate?]

[Ah... if it’s Eris, she’s looking for a way to get ‘there’]

I looked up, towards the Gallian continent floating in the air .

You can’t simply walk there since it’s floating high in the sky .

If it’s just going there, I could ask Roxy to carry me in her angel mode .

However, using angel mode was taxing for both Roxy and Snow . Using it just as a means of transportation would be a waste .

Moreover, the girls would start complaining if I were to treat them like that .

Therefore, Eris said that she’d go to find a better method .

Though I still had no idea what this ‘better method’ is .

[I just hope it isn’t something too gaudy . ]

[Fate has an unusually low trust in Eris-sama, doesn’t he?]

[Why of course . Looking back, it’s only natural to think that way now . ]

[Can you give me an example?]

[Almost everyday, Eris sneaked into my bed, while naked . Thanks to that, I barely have enough sleep . ]

[What! That’s... I’m jealous!]

Seto seemed to have a little crush on Eris .

I wish he had a better thing to do .

[Is that so?]

[You! It’s Eris-sama we are talking about . Not only is she the Queen of this Kingdom, she’s also a very beautiful woman . For her to take the initiative, only for you to not react at all, are you really a man? What the hell are you dissatisfied with?!]

[Calm down . You’re talking too fast!]

U~n, at first I was naturally surprised and excited by the naked Eris .

However, humans would grow used to something if it happens everyday .

That also applies to the sight of naked Eris .

I simply grew used to it .

Even if she laid naked on the bed, to me it’s already like a part of the scenery .

[I think she’ll do that again tonight . ]

[Really!? What a luxury... Eris-sama’s naked body! Outrageous! Truly outrageous! What an envy! Please allow me to take your place, please!!]

[Calm down already . ]

Now that I think about it, Seto probably just got affected by Eris’ Lust skill .

The way he reacted made me think so .

Perhaps because Seto showed more respect to Roxy than Eris, the former did it for mischief .

When Eris returns, I really should warn her not to sprinkle her Lust skill around so brazenly .

She might argue that it’s a necessity to maintain her charisma in the eyes of people, but I don’t want her to cause unnecessary confusion within my territory .

Even now, Seto was sighing while calling Eris’ name .

Behind him was a little girl who kept giving him a cold stare .

[Papa... he’s talking about Eris-sama again . ]

[Huh! Ann... it’s not like that...]

[You promised!]

[I’m sorry . ]

It seemed that Seto was forbidden to act enamored at Eris by his own daughter .

A father was being scolded by his young daughter .

What a sad and pitiful scene .

[Didn’t you still have work to do? Just get back to work already . ]

[Yes . ]

Ann dragged away the dispirited Seto .

Un, they’re having a crisis in their parent-child relationship .

I should really tell Eris to tone down her mischief on Seto .

[Really now, what are you doing at this time . ]

This Her Majesty play of hers is really problematic sometimes .

While I was sighing, somebody suddenly hugged me from behind .

It’s easy to tell who this was, as there’s only one person who’d do this .

It’s Eris .

Just when I was wondering about her... she’s back .

Though this feels different than usual .

Somehow, the feeling on my back is different .

[The volume is not right...]

[What do you mean?]

Turning around after hearing that voice, I was greeted by the sight of white hair and tanned skin .


She never did this kind of thing before .

[What is it?]

[It hurts... . ]

Her tremendous strength was spilling out from her hugging hands .

It’s breaking .

If I don’t do anything, my spine would break for sure .

Even with auto-recovery and auto-recovery boost skill, I doubt the damage could be fixed .

Unable to bear with it anymore, I raised my hands in surrender .

[I give up! I give up! I just mistook you as Eris, that’s all]

[... . . I get it, for now]

She released me before my spine broke .

Fuu~, that was close .

I almost got myself incapacitated even before the upcoming battle on the Gallian continent .

[What’s wrong, doing that all of a sudden?]

[I think I should try to imitate that ero act once in awhile]

[Why again?]

[To get rid of her scent . ]

This is it .

Right! Recently Myne had been quite attached to me for some reason .

At first I thought she was just playing around by acting like a pet cat .

However, she’s actually a tiger with a cat face .

If we’re not careful, crack! That kind of thing could happen .

So I’ve been staying vigilant around her .

It feels like our relationship up until then was not as attached as recently There’s a certain sense of distance between the both of us .

However, that distance disappeared after we managed to win her back .

The girl was quick to be attached to me .

On my part, I’m not used to this kind of closeness yet .

And it’s making me surprised . I wish she’d inform me first before doing something like this .

Will I get used to this just like with Eris’ naked sleep habit?

Anyways, it’s strange .

[Fate, are you listening?]


Myne looked at me angrily for not listening to her .

If she had the black axe in hand right now, she would’ve already put me skyhigh .

Myne swelled her cheeks like a squirrel .

What’s wrong with her? Thinking so, I unconsciously laughed .

Myne smiled .

It’s something that has become familiar as of late .

One of the expressions that Myne regained .

After overcoming her past, Myne regained her sense of taste as well as emotions

Saying that she wanted to try something new, she’s been learning how to cook from Roxy . although I always ended up as the taster .

Regardless of her skill in battle, her cooking still needed more effort to say the least .

Myne, while staring at me shyly, said,

[About that time... Fate, what is your answer?]

What Myne said back then... wouldn’t that be... no, that shouldn’t be it .

The other day, I was taking a bath in the mansion .

It somehow became a mixed bath because Myne forced in .

And the girl confessed to me there .

It was probably the only place and time where I would probably be alone .

But before I could think up an answer, more girls came intruding .

These girls were Roxy, Mimir, Eris, and Snow .

They were complaining why is it okay to have a mixed bath when it’s only with Myne .

In the end, the answer to that confession had to be postponed .

[Is it about the confession back then?]

[Un . ]

[I, uh...]

I like Roxy .

When I was about to say that, she lightly pressed her finger on my lips first .

[I know . ]

Myne simply won’t let me speak any further .

She instead fast-forwards the conversation .

[Does Fate hate it?]

[I don’t hate it . I’m happy . ]

[If so, that’s already enough for now . ]

[What do you mean?]

Myne simply smiled happily without letting me know the answer .

Instead, she replied with wisdom that someone who had lived as long as her would probably get .

[I have all the time in this world . Time was never of consequence . Fate too . ]

[Don’t tell me...]

Myne said that she had lived for more than 4000 years .

Her long life seems to be related to her possessing the Mortal Sin skill .

In other words, I too could live an incredibly long life .

[I can afford to let Roxy have you now . But in 100 or 200 years, Fate will be mine alone . And we’ll be together forever . ]


[No problem . ]

Oioi, that’s a very long time in the future .

It’s true that as a normal human being, Roxy wouldn’t be able to live that long .

[Myne... you . ]

[It’s for saving me back then . Your karma . ]

[You don’t have to make it sound religious . ]

[Then, law of cause and effect!]

Myne happily hugged me again .

I don’t know what will happen 100-200 years later .

Just as Myne chose to live her life to the fullest now, I also chose to believe that there is a better future ahead of us .


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