Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 113 – Raine’s Lab

Chapter 113 – Raine’s Lab

The lab was twenty stories high. The building was built that way by referring to the remnants of buildings seen in an abandoned city in the middle of Gallia.

Even from a distance, the building remnant easily had a hundred or more floors. When compared to that, despite our best efforts to reproduce it, we’re still inferior.

The guards greeted and allowed us to pass.

The interior of the lab used different lighting than the ones used outside. Raine once told me, that there was something called a ‘power plant’ in the military district, and the district drew the electricity to power the lightings from there.

Roxy who was on my side, said this while pointing at the lighting on the ceiling.

[I believe it can light up due to a special material called filament. Somehow, the material will light up if electricity run through it. Pity that such technology was currently only available in the military district. People’s quality of life will definitely improved if it spread to the whole kingdom.]

[That’s right. Such is Gallia’s technology and science, almost like magic in itself. Raine also said the same thing. If this kind of technology spreads, perhaps it’s possible to create a world where its people no longer have to rely on natural skill.]

[Isn’t that wonderful!? I hope that such a world can be realized soon.]

Roxy got excited from imagining that. So I decided to tell her about the project that I’d been working on alongside Aaron and Eris.

I actually wanted to show off and surprise her when it’s already done, but even if I told her in advance, it’ll still be amazing to look at the real thing.

[Actually, in Barbatos territory――we are planning to apply the technology we have here in the military district.]

[Eeh, is it true!?]

She nearly jumped in surprise. That’s par for the course.

So far, the research in the military district had been shrouded in secrecy. Regular civilians were not allowed to know about it.

But after Eris returned to the capital, that situation changed.

[Eris wanted to make a model city that utilized this technology, and she chose Hauzen. We’re currently building a power plant there.]

[Really, you should’ve told me sooner!]

[Sorry, sorry. At some point, I thought about showing Roxy around the city once it’s been completed.]

[It’s like Fai said just now. It’ll be the first step toward a city that doesn’t rely on skills. By all means, please invite me when that time comes!]

We walked along the white passage, then entered some sort of vehicle called elevator that could automatically brought us up or down the building.

Raine’s lab is in the topmost floor. When Roxy pushed a button, the elevator door automatically closed and moved up.

[It feels strange no matter how many times I’ve used this. This feeling of moving while standing still.]

[I’ve not gotten used to it as well. But it makes it easier to move from floor to floor.]

[Indeed. It’s convenient.]

We talked about Hauzen until the elevator suddenly stopped. We’re on the twentieth floor already according to the display panel.

Well, here was Raine’s lab...when we’re about to exit the elevator, a scarlet haired girl appeared before us.

As soon as the girl saw me and Roxy, she rushed towards us. And immediately, she jumped at Roxy.

With a loud noise, she crashed into the elevator wall face first.

[It hu~rts! Roxy-sama, why did you avoid me!? Fate-san too.]

[Ermm....because you are scary?]

[How cruel! Accept me as always, please accept me, I’ll even give you a good morning kiss!]

The crimson faced Roxy immediately denied it.

[No! Miria, don’t speak a lie!]


Miria looked alternately between me and Roxy.

[Somehow.....I feel something weird. Roxy-sama denies it while Fate-san is around. The way the two of you talk is also felt different. When Roxy-sama sounded like Fate-san, and Fate-san sounded like Roxy-sama. Eh, is my head going bonkers?]

[Oh, so it’s something usual? How strange...]

[What does this mean!?, Roxy-sama? I knew something was wrong!]

Miria became even more confused. I could almost imagine steam coming out of her head.

Since I couldn’t help it, after both of us got of the elevator, I gave a short explanation about the body switching. I’m kinda got used to it after the third times or so.

Miria was still slightly confused, but was quite convinced otherwise. She’s a girl with high adaptability after all.

[I see..... So that’s the case. Roxy-sama is in Fate-san’s body, while Fate-san is in Roxy-sama’s enviable! I also want to switch bodies with Roxy-sama. The possibility would be endless! Guhehehehe.....]

Don’t say such a ridiculous thing in front of the person involved...... look, Roxy’s standing there with a pale face and teary eyes.

[Thank goodness I switched body with Fate. I have no idea what would happen with my body if I switched with Miria...]

She put her hand to her chest to calm herself. While I tapped her shoulder gently to sympathize.

Today, Miria apparently had waited in ambush here for Roxy. To be exact, she’d been laying in wait here for about two hours. Makes me wonder just how big her obsession to Roxy is. On the other hand, the research staffs must be troubled by her antics.

[This girl went rampant as usual]

[Kuu~, don’t say such a thing while you are in Roxy-sama’s body. If it’s Roxy-sama, she would’ve felt happy because I’d been loyally waiting for her here!]

[That’s not what I’ll do!]

As always, it’s always noisy when all three of us are together, but I felt like the noise had been getting worse ever since Roxy and I switched body.

[What should I do!?]

[What is it, what is it? What’s the matter?]

[It’s because like this.....I couldn’t hug Roxy-sama! Because it’s actually Fate-san inside Roxy-sama body. And meanwhile Roxy-sama has Fate-san’s appearance....what should I do now!?]

[Just cut it out!]

[I won’t!]

Miria fell apart, tearing up so hard I thought she’d cry tears of blood eventually. All the while slamming her fist on the floor

A staff member passed by with suspicion on his face. If this goes on further, we might end up unable to enter the facility anymore.

I’ll just take the hit this once. Although I don’t feel really good about it, I need to fix her mood. Trying to emulate Roxy’s goddess-like smile as best as I can, I spoke.

[Now, now, Miria. If you keep sitting there, you’ll only get in other people’s way.]


It seemed that my acting was quite spot on, as Miria excitedly jumped up back to her feet.

But that’s the full extend of it, nothing more.

[Kuu~, to think I’ll fall for it. It’s still Fate-san who’re speaking!]

[What are you talking about? I am Roxy. Now, come to me. Let me hug you!]


Seeing me waiting with both arms raised, Miria was attracted to approach.

[Even if I know the truth, even if I body...]

[Fufufufu! Miria, come quickly.]


When Miria was about to jump into my hug, Roxy, still in my appearance cut in to block her.

She narrowed her eyes, seemingly angry.

[What in the world are you two doing! We are in emergency here!]

[ [ Yes, pardon me ] ]

I guessed I’ve gone a bit too far. Because Miria used to treat me with scorn, it’s like a breath of fresh air seeing her acting positively towards me like that.

Finally sober, Miria spoke to Roxy.

[I’m used to being hugged by Roxy-sama to help cheer myself up. Now what should I do?]

[Even if you say so....with the current condition..]

[Uuuu..... It’s Roxy-sama inside, Roxy-sama inside]

Saying that repeatedly, Miria drowned herself in Roxy’s hug. I don’t really approve I received a slight damage while watching the scene unfolded.

[It felt uncomfortable because it’s Fate-san’s body, but I recovered since what’s inside is Roxy-sama. Let’s do our best today! Onward, to Raine’s lab!]

That was a bit messy. As a man, it’s only natural for me to have a tougher body. Especially so with the muscle training Aaron imposed on me.

Well, at least she regained her mood. With Miria on the lead, we walked towards Raine’s lab.

After getting off the elevator, her working station is on the left side at the end of the pathway.

I’d been getting in and out of this place quite often recently, to the point I’ve almost consider this place my own room. Raine wasn’t that friendly of a girl, so she usually busied with her own research despite the fact that I was still in the room. Even today, she’s working on her research silently without paying attention to whether she already had her breakfast or not.

That’s why I always brought a snack with me. Since once she saw me carrying food, she’d jump at it right away like a hungry rabbit. In any case, her father Mugan told me to make sure that she eats meals whenever I had some free time.

At first, I didn’t know why Mugan asked me to do so, which left me wondering just how bad his daughter’s eating habit were. But after witnessing it with my own eyes, I finally understood the reasoning behind it.

As we stood in front of the lab, an automatic door opened for us. Once we entered, we were greeted by a pile of trash.

Yes, Raine was that kind of unorganized girl. Very different to Roxy’s organized and neat room.

[The room is dirty as per usual, eh?]

[Eee, I’ve cleaned it up a little yesterday....and it’s already dirty again....]

[Where did my and Roxy-sama’s hard work go...]

Her eyes were fixed on the research equipment, sometimes looked away to see the panel. It appeared that she pulled an all-nighter again, judging from the bags on her eyelids.

She noticed our arrival, and greeted with her sleepy face.

[Hi, I thought that you’d come. Morning!]

[Good morning!]

[Good morning]

[It’s not the time to greet each other relaxedly! We need to explain the situation fast. Let me be the one talking to Raine!]

The supercharged Miria motivatedly told Raine what had happened to the two of us.

[Ah, it’s fine. I know the cause already.]


That reply came out of nowhere, rendering me loss for words. Raine came up to me and Roxy, with Miria still standing on Roxy’s side.

And then, she stared at us with her eyes that were slightly hidden by her hair.

[As I thought, you two really switched bodies. How does it feel? Was there something wrong?]

She waved at us, then returned to her working desk, beginning to type something.

[I see now.]

[What do you mean?]

[Well, you simply switched body, but the effect hasn’t fully influenced the two of you yet. Ah, that package, is it for me?]

Raine fished out the sandwich and promptly ate it. It’s almost like I’m feeding some sort of a pet.

No no, this isn’t the time and place to think about something like that.

She said it just now. The full effect hadn’t influenced us yet.

After finished eating, Raine resumed talking

[If you two stay in this state for too may proven to be dangerous, since the body and soul doesn’t match. Worst case scenario, you might end up dead.]

[ [ EEEEEEEEeeee ] ]

It’s actually life threatening. The body switching is already harsh as it is....but turns out it didn’t end there.

I turned to Roxy, wondering to myself on what should we do. Seeing us like that, Raine let out a laugh.

[That’s why, I’ve been ditching sleep to think up a solution. I’ll tell you the result right away, so have a seat around here first.]

We scrubbed away the trash to make some room for us to sit.


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