Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 109 – Teacher Roxy

Chapter 109 – Teacher Roxy

The breakfast was already prepared when I joined Shara in the dining room. Apparently, Aaron had breakfast with the others while waiting for me to wake up.

The dining room had been partially renovated with warm colored walls and tiles to better accentuate the warmth of the food. We thought to use marble tiles to invoke a sense of luxury, but refrained due to our limited amount of money. Most of the family wealth had gone towards reconstructing the territory after all.

Fortunately, there were a lot of high quality halite in the mountain near our territory that we could sell to other places as a source of income. Also, we’re trying to cultivate various spices in order to prepare more stable funding.

The cultivation method was based on the knowledge that Seto had acquired after travelling across the country. The land in the territory seemed to be suited for planting spices. Capsicum, pepper, and turmeric were said to be in high demand around the country, so we’d start out with those. Since there were no stable suppliers just yet, we can expect huge profits once our products hit the market. I remembered how Seto enthusiastically explained this to me.

Before I left the territory, I took my time to visit the plantation. The spices were growing well. If nothing went wrong, we’d be able to have our first harvest without a hitch. When that time came, Seto said that he’d be joining me at the capital to deliver the spices.

I could only hope for a good news now.

Once the agriculture sector was on track, we’d proceed to the industrial sector. It’s but the first step, but we mustn’t make any mistakes.

Roxy would teach us how to cultivate grapes. It’d take some time, but eventually we’d be able to develop our own winery there. It may not be on the same level as the Heart’s family wine, but it’s still worth trying.

Seeing me deep in thought while eating in silence, Shara chuckled.

[Fate-san must be really happy since you’ll be meeting Roxy-sama today.]

[Uh….cough, cough, cough]

Involuntarily, the bread that was already inside my mouth got stuck in my throat.

[Thank you for the meal]

Shara put down the dishes as she had finished eating.

I also hurriedly finished my bread and soup.

[What will you do today? The usual?]

[Yes, it is. I’ll be helping out on the orphanage.]

Even after becoming the maid of Barbatos family, Shara often visited the orphanage where she was raised. Although they weren’t blood related, she still took care the other orphans like they were her own siblings.

Personally, I wanted to move these kids to Barbatos territory. But unfortunately, this current environment isn’t suited for kids.

[In that case, I’ll take you there. The security around the capital has become better, but the same thing cannot be said with the slums.]

[Thank you very much]

I took my dishes and headed to the kitchen with Shara. After putting them into the sink, we washed them side by side.

The kitchen was very large, it’s almost as wide as the house I used to live in back then in the slums. Of course, the sink was built as such that it could be used by five people at the same time.

This place was too wide, as I feared that even me, Aaron, Shara, and Mimir combined couldn’t use the entirety of it.

Aaron laughed at me. At first it would indeed be like that, but as the family members and the number of servants increased, it’d eventually be difficult to fit everyone in.

I couldn’t even imagine that at the moment, but Aaron said that it’s something that I’d understand eventually.

After the dishes had been cleaned up, I headed back to my room to retrieve Greed.

[Sorry for the wait.]

『How long were you going to make me wait?』

[Don’t be like that. Today we’ll be surveying the hobgoblin forest. I’ll be able to fill up my stomach.]

『Is it Gluttony?』

[That’s right. Come on, Shara is waiting at the front door.]

My equipment was badly damaged from the battle against Rafal, but the crafter Jade Stratos who I met back at the Fortress city Babylon had repaired it for me. Since I had a personal contract with him, I was given priority regardless of the state of my equipment.

That Jade has become famous competitor among the craftsmen in Babylon. That’s par for the course. After all, I, who made an exclusive contract with him, actually defeated Tenryu.

As soon as it became known that I was wearing gears made by Jade, the warriors in Babylon quickly rushed to his shop.

Jade who had become famous remained humble as he continued crafting more and more armors.

He also didn’t slouch in his effort to better himself in term of craftsmanship. Although my equipment looked the same as it was before, it had actually been reinforced in many places. Its defensive power had been greatly amplified by metallic fibers with high magical conductivity called mythril that had been sewn into the jacket and the pants.

Since it had yet to be tested, I did not know how effective it’ll be. But since he wrote many good things about it in the letter that came with the equipment, I guess I could expect great things from it.

At the frontmost room which floor was covered with soft colored carpet, Shara was waiting.

[Sorry for the wait. Okay, shall we?]


And so the two of us left the mansion. Shara was carrying a rather big suitcase, but she declined when I offered to carry it for her.

[I’m but a servant, how can I allow my master Fate-san to carry my luggage?]

[If you go that far…well, just tell me if you are tired, okay?]

[I’ll do my best!]

Shara didn’t rely too much on either me or Aaron. Perhaps because she’s used to handling things on her own so far. Well, it hasn’t been long since she started living with us. It’ll take a while before she could ease down.

We arrived at the gate that separated the holy knight residential area with other districts as I watched Shara walk energetically. Our destination, the slum, was located in the residential district. But we have to go through commercial district to get there.

Normally, people would’ve to go through the soldiers guarding the gate. It’s an instant pass for me as I am the head of Barbatos family. As for Shara, since she passes through this gate almost daily, the gatekeepers already memorized her face.

[Good morning, Shara-chan!]

[Good morning]

Shara slightly bowed politely. Somehow…..the soldiers would gather around her with smile on their face. I even saw one of the older soldier gave her encouragement.

Shara is so popular. I felt a bit envious, but I’m a bit worried. What if it was rotten uncles who came to approach her?

Shara walked past the gate, throwing innocent smile to those soldiers.

[Fate-san, come on]

[Okay okay]

As we walked along the commercial district, I inquired to her about what happened at the gate just now.

[Just now, does it usually happen?]

[Yes. sometimes they gave me some sweets. It’s a good souvenir to bring for the kids at the orphanage so I’m grateful that they do.]

Seeing Shara didn’t really mind about it, I was reminded to what Aaron said before.

This child will become a mighty fine woman in the future…. Now I can see why he said so.

Shara passed the commercial district without even batting an eye. If it were me, I would at least stop by on one of the stalls. Looking around, there were streetside stalls selling cookies and sweets. Even me who don’t usually enjoy sweets smell to drift into my nose felt tempted to buy and eat it.

I remembered the little girl enjoyed eating cookies though.

[Do you, want it?]


When I asked, the little girl turned away her pretty face. She’s always busy with housework and helping out at the orphanage. It may be something unnecessary, but it’s alright once in a while.

I quickly ordered some of those big cookies from the storekeeper. I also asked to put some cookies into two small bags.

[Shara, this for you as a thanks for always working hard. You can share it with the kids at the orphanage.]

[Uaaaaaa, is it really alright to give this to me…..? Thank you very much]

I also felt happy for Shara. She had to act mature despite her young age. Sometimes I’m worried that she’d be overwhelmed eventually. Seeing her acting like a child that she’s supposed to be made me happy too.

The two of us walked along the commercial district while munching on the cookies. These cookies were as delicious as I expected it to be.

The sugary sweet taste, no, it must’ve come from honey. The natural sweetness melted inside the mouth, driving away the fatigue from daily activities. The butter used must’ve been fresh, as the texture was crispy, but gradually turned mellow and produced moist aftertaste in my mouth.

[It’s delicious, Fate-san!]

[Un. indeed it is. Let’s buy it again sometime]


While I was thinking about the children in the orphanage while munching on the cookies slowly, a familiar voice called out to me.

[Eating something delicious, aren’t you?]


[…..Roxy-sama, greetings]

Roxy approached us, looking alternately between me and Shara. I didn’t think that I’ve done anything wrong, but when being stared at like that, I felt like I did do something wrong.

[We are going to survey the Hobgoblin forest, Fai. Why are you still walking around leisurely while eating cookies?]

[Ermm, I’m just escorting Shara to the orphanage. In the meantime, I bought the cookies to be given to the kids. Ah, here is yours, Roxy.]

I handed over one of the bags which I had the storekeeper prepared beforehand. Then an unexpected thing happened! Roxy smiled like a blooming flower when she received the bag of cookies.

[Is it for me….thank you. Alright, let’s escort Shara to the orphanage together.]

[Ah…..thank you…..Roxy-sama]

Shara was escorted like a VIP. Flanked by two holy knights on each sides, she couldn’t help but the have a cold sweat as she watched how the passerby looked at us.

[I feel a little nervous.]

[There no need to make a big deal out of it.]

[It’s because Roxy-sama……Fate-san, some help, please?]

[Shara, just give it up. Roxy won’t budge regardless….]

[Alright, everyone! Let’s roll]


Led by the enthusiastic Roxy, we finally arrived at the orphanage. Since it’s in the slums, the building wasn’t exactly in a good shape.

The roof was damaged in several places. No doubt it’ll leak down when it’s raining.

I offered the sister to help support the orphanage, but was kindly declined. All of them wish to deal with it by their own hard work, and there was no getting around it.

Shara entered the orphanage and immediately went to meet the kids. Of course, bringing along the bag of cookies with her. Judging from the loud noises of children coming from the back room, the souvenir seemed to be a great success.

Me and Roxy had been talking with the old ister for a while now.

The content of the talk included the state of security in the slum recently, how well the children were doing, and the state of the orphanage itself.

Other than that, the sister was having problems regarding the lack of teachers that were willing to educate the kids. The teacher who used to do this had to return to his hometown recently.

Although the sister could teach simple reading and arithmetic, she couldn’t teach the kids other advanced subjects properly.

Roxy then said that she’s volunteering for the job, until the orphanage can find replacement. I wonder if it’d be just fine…..I’m a bit worried.

I didn’t mean that Roxy can’t teach, but for a person of her position, she’s usually very busy.

[Doesn’t your ladyship have duties at the castle already?]

[It won’t be a problem really. Recently, Eris-sama has divided the duty evenly among the holy knights. Therefore, I won’t be working as much as I used to…]

[I see… in that case, teacher Roxy, please do your best]

[Yes, count Fai in too.]

Eh, why do I have to teach too…. I’m incapable of doing that. On my part, I can only read and do simple arithmetic just like the sister does.

Roxy then gave the puzzled me a look.

[Don’t misunderstand yet. Fai will become the student here. I’ll be sure to properly teach you the appropriate knowledge befitting of a member of Barbatos family!]

[Eeee, please spare me from more studying, Roxy…]

[It’s teacher Roxy for you]

[Uaaaa, she’s on it already!]

What on earth I will be learning from Roxy? Frankly I was terrified since I’m not good at studying. But then, she whispered something to my ear.

If I’m not doing well, she won’t let me return to the mansion….. Apparently, I won’t get any rest unless I do my best…


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