Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 221: Myriad Diversion

Chapter 221: Myriad Diversion

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Cecilia walked lightly in front of me.

It’s because I was carrying her luggage. Thankfully the wind blowing through the grassland from time to time healed my weariness.

[How far longer are we going to walk?]

[We’re almost there.]

[You said that before already.]

[For real, we’re almost there.]

So suspicious. She must be lying.

I mean, she said the same thing an hour ago. So it’s hard to believe it this time.

[What? Why are you looking at me like that?]

[Next time you lie again, I’ll have you carry the luggage.]


Cecilia proudly replied. I could only frown beside her.

If I have to say, I got this feeling that she had no sense of direction.

However, looking at her cheerful face, I wondered if I should try to believe her just a little more.

After a while of silence, I heard Cecilia humming.

It's a unique pitch that I've never heard before. Her voice seemingly echoed through the grasslands with no obstruction.

I wonder if another monster like Fenrir will come…I involuntarily became wary.

Seeing me acting like that, Cecilia chuckled.

[Don’t worry. It’s safe now that we’ve come this far.]

[Here? We’re still in the grassland…]


I was at a loss for words. That's because the thing that poked its face out over the horizon was too huge.

You could even call it a cliff that separated the land.

[What in the world is that?]

[It’s very high and wide… the wall that separates society from monsters. The Great Wall]

[Is this wall even man-made?]

[Well, who knows. Apparently it’s been here since before I was born. Maybe God made it.]

Cecilia said jokingly.

I didn't think people could build a wall as high as a mountain like she said. Then, she might not be lying when she said that it’s built by God.

As I stared at the Great Wall,

[Hee~, you really don’t know anything after all.]


[Well, you dress differently. I expected that to be the case. Where the hell did Fate come from? Anyone would be able to tell you’re not from around here since you don’t even know about the Great Wall.]

[When I came to, I was already on this continent. That’s how…]

[You don’t know how to return home. And, you don’t even know how you got here in the first place. But where are you come from?]

[……I’m from Gallia.]

I still don’t know much about Cecilia yet. So I hid the fact about the kingdom and said that I hailed from Gallia instead.

I’ve been there quite a lot. I’m probably one of the most knowledgeable about the place, only second to Myne.

Cecilia's eyes widened for a moment at my words.

However, she immediately covered my mouth with her fingertips.

[You shouldn’t. No matter what, you must not tell anyone else that you are from the Holy Land Gallia. It is considered as a holy land that can never be reached for the elves. If anyone else hears that you’re from such a place, it may lead to a big problem.]

[But, why?]

[Let’s just say it won’t end well for you.]

Cecilia made a gesture of cutting her neck with her finger.

I see. Insulting the holy land is a crime worthy of decapitation. In other words, the elves seemed to cherish Gallia that much.

But that's good information. Elves consider Gallia as the holy land. Perhaps they knew the location.

I may have found a clue to return home.

Hope has come to me, and I felt like the heavy baggage I'm carrying had become lighter.

[What's wrong? Suddenly you smiled… Are you happy about the beheading?]

Cecilia lowered her ears and tried to keep her distance from me.

[No! Why would anyone be happy to have their head cut off!?]

[Then, why?]

[Because I think I may find a way to go home.]

I said while looking up at the Great Wall that was looming in front of us.

[Come again?]

Cecilia didn't seem to understand what I said.

Even if it’s a sacred place for the elves, there is a possibility that they know how to get there. That alone made me feel like I’m not wandering aimlessly anymore.

[Come on, let's go.]

[What's the matter all of a sudden? Don't go ahead of me! Wait up.]

"Great Wall." I thought it was a rock wall from the color, but it was cool to the touch.

It feels like metal. But it was as rough as a rock. It was a strange wall.

It's even more impressive when I looked up. High enough to reach the clouds. Birds flew overhead over and over again.

I thought it would be possible to climb because it was rough, but there was no unevenness to catch my hands and feet. It's a height that even birds struggle with.

An average monster wouldn’t even be able to climb it.

Even so, it’s still just a wall…

[Is there no entrance?]

[Ah, it seems that you’re an unwelcome guest.]

[What do you mean?]

[Like this.]


When Cecilia touched the Great Wall, a hole began to open.

While moving like a living creature, it created a path that one person could pass through.

[Why is it so weird!?]

[Hey, the Great Wall is a wall that protects our lives. How dare you call it names?]

I got scolded. I mean, all the wrigglings gave me goosebumps.

I called out to Cecilia who was about to enter the empty passage.

[No way… this isn't a living thing, is it?]

[Are you saying you don’t know?]

[You could’ve told me sooner.]

I followed her inside. It didn't seem like it would attack.

When I was relieved, I was laughed at.

[Hard to believe that you fought Fenrir so bravely after seeing how you acted just now.]

[I’m sorry, I’ll be careful next time.]

[I’m sorry. What we take for granted may not even apply to you. I imagine it’s all new for you.]

[You seem to enjoy it though.]

Is it because I was slow? Cecilia took my hand and pulled me towards the exit.


[If you don't hurry, it will close. I opened it. If you don't come out with me, you'll be trapped alive inside the Great Wall.]

[Don’t want any of that.]

[Then, let's go.]

As we proceeded through a long, pitch-black passage, I could see light at the end.

[That’s the exit. Feeling at ease now, aren’t you?]

[Yeah, it feels strange passing through the tunnel.]

[It’s a normal thing for us. And just knowing that you can't pass by yourself is a huge tell]

[What are you talking about?]

Cecilia, who went outside first, said while looking at me.

[You are definitely not an elf.]

[You didn’t believe me before?]

[I wasn’t sure before. But I was able to confirm it thanks to the Great Wall.]


It was foggy outside, and visibility was poor. It seemed that Cecilia and I were alone in this world.

After a while of silence, she looked somewhere in the distance,

[It appear that you are not chosen.]

[Chosen by who….?]

A ray of wind blew between us. The wind whipped up the grass and went over the Great Wall.

[By God. I said it already. God made the Great Wall. that’s why you couldn’t walk through it…]

[So, that’s why I’m not chosen?]

[Yeah, it's a pity…really.]

What… am I not allowed to know? What kind of expectations did Cecilia have of me?

Can you walk through the Great Wall alone? I think it's a little different.

But even the slightest resentment disappeared once the fog cleared.

[This is… amazing.]

[Right. It's a city we're proud of.]

What emerged from the other side of the fog was a city that was comparable to the royal capital of Seyfert.

What's more, there's races I'd never seen before. Some had animal ears, some had horns, and some even had tails.

From the looks of it, they’re obviously different from the elves.

[Welcome to Orphen, the Holy City of the East. At least I welcome you.]

Leaving behind meaningful words, Cecilia started walking.

My heart danced with the sight of a different civilization that spread out in front of me. If it's a city like this, it's possible to get information about the holy land.

At this moment, I was optimistic that the day I could go home was close.


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