Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 218 – Berserk of Gluttony

Chapter 218 – Berserk of Gluttony

The twin black swords Zeroth form. They were a little longer than the regular black sword. Each was a streamlined blade specialized for slashing.

The form was more sophisticated while still retaining the impression of a black sword. It was as if the days of battle that I and Greed had walked together were carved into it.

This mortal sin weapon was different from what we’ve seen so far. Even if Libra’s black cube was still operational, he wouldn’t be able to recreate the twin black swords.

It cannot be copied, since there can only be one Zeroth form in this world.

[I dare you to try to copy this.]

Libra took a distance while protecting his severed left arm. While glaring at my black twin swords, he emitted even more stench and bodily fluids.

Roxy was surprised at my defenselessness and raised her voice. However, there was no need to worry.

I smiled at her and turned around to face Libra. With that alone, everything he threw was repelled. In front of these black twin swords, that level of attack was child’s play.

In addition to that, I’m still receiving the assistance of the souls that filled this world. My status was pretty much inexhaustible right now.

However, there was a price to pay. It’s not me who will have to pay, it’s the souls who lend their strength to me.

Every time they helped me, their existence disappeared. In the end, maybe I’m no different from Libra. In exchange for something, we gain the power to fight.

[If you want to be with God so much.]

Even if I knew it, I had no choice but to borrow the power of the souls. That’s why it’s called the Mortal Sin skill… I remember what Myne said. It was indeed sinful.

The souls gave me the drive I needed. One can even say that they’re giving me their guidance. So, it might be rude to refrain any longer.

I put all the power I’ve gained into the black twin swords. The place where it usually transforms into an ominous figure is the complete opposite.

[Greed? This is…]

『It’s too bright for me』

[Yeah… Me too.]

In the end, there’s nothing pretty in a fight. Forcing each other’s claims on each other… It’s always like that.

That’s what I thought while looking at Libra as an ugly holy beast. He too was bound by the divine revelation of the stigmata.

By sacrificing my status, the black twin swords grew into a divine appearance. To the extent that Greed would be in trouble if he didn’t get used to it.

It’s similar to Mortal Sin skill――but the secret technique fed on the wishes of souls and people instead.

One can tell from its appearance. It’s so sublime. I wanted to believe so.

The name of the Zeroth form’s secret technique naturally appeared in my head.

Thus, I launched the 《Infinite Divide》at Libra.

It’s impossible to stop the black twin swords. None of Libra’s counterattacks could.

I can go anywhere I want while the secret technique is active. I can go anywhere instantaneously as if I were teleporting.

Unleashing sharp and heavy slashes endlessly. Each of the slashes were just as essential as the next.

Libra wasn’t even allowed to regenerate the slashed part. At the same time, with every cut, the Gluttony skill activated and devoured his power.

A storm of merciless attacks that dealt physical damage and lowered status at the same time.

[No matter how much you gain the power of other Sacred Beasts.]

[It’s pointless!]

In desperation, Libra grabbed the right side of the black twin swords and stopped them. There was no need to slash with the other black sword.

Now that we had reached the Zeroth form, new possibilities existed. …..I could feel it.

A black lightning bolt blew away Libra’s remaining hand.

The secret technique of the first form that I often relied upon――《Bloody Ptarmigan》. The secret technique was released from the sword that Libra grabbed, pushing him backward.

I used the power of souls again. What was lost now will never come back. …..sorry. Still, I can’t stop now.

『That’s it, Fate. Keep on going』

It was unreasonable.

The new Zeroth form was obtained by forcibly fusing the power of Gluttony and Greed――not even a body with indestructible attributes could withstand the black twin swords’ power.

The black sword that fired the Bloody Ptarmigan had a crack in it.

『This is the last one! Smash it to your heart’s content! 』


Stupid bastard… you’re trying to be cool… this Greed guy.

Libra wasn’t content with losing both hands. It attacked me while spawning countless other hands instead.

Roxy barraged Libra with her Sacred Cross, hindering Libra’s view.

In the meantime, I held my black twin swords wide and jumped into the opening. Find it, Libra’s weak point, the center of magical power…

The second form’s secret technique――《Deadly Inferno》struck twice, slashing into Libra’s vital point. Each of the slashes carried the curse of death that ate away at Libra, causing it to retreat further.

[Not yet!]

We’re approaching the huge sphere that shone like the sun. As if to deny me passage, Libra opened the ribs on his chest. It was filled with red cores.

It began to shine dazzlingly, emitting multiple layers of red flashes.

[Let me do this then.]

Give me power! More to me!

The third form’s secret technique――《Reflection Fortress》activated! It reflected back the red flash twin folds!

Once again, the black twin swords cracked. This time it was on the right side.

『Let’s wrap it up, we can do it. Believe me, and yourself! 』

Roxy also used her Sacred Cross to slow down Libra’s movements.

White flames shot out from the black twin swords. A flame that could heal any wound or disease. However, it burned as a white flame that purified the defiled body.

Perhaps, the fourth form’s secret technique――《Twilight Healing》was originally a power prepared to counter Libra.

[You will pay for your impurity.]


Even as it flares up, Libra wouldn’t stop. The sacred stigmata carved into his face turned red and resisted as if it would not allow it.

In the end… Libra may be the same as my father. Just like Snow did, he could not escape the revelation from God.

『Fate, next!』

The cracks in the black twin swords spread. We don’t have much time either.

Libra was wrapped in black thread with golden light from the tip of the sword.

A thread that can’t be cut no matter how violent it is. The 5th form’s secret technique――《Dimension Destruction》 bound Libra to a gigantic glowing sphere. Even the secret technique, which was supposed to bisect even space, could only do so much to hold back Libra.

Don’t tell me that he’s getting more powerful even now!?


Kuh… he tried to cut through《Dimension Destruction》by force. He didn’t care if his body fell apart. It’s as if the red glowing stigmata urged him to make it happen.

It’s the same for us, too. I don’t know whether the black twin swords can withstand the next secret technique. I also felt like my head was going crazy with the memories and emotions of the souls that flowed in. I felt like I am no longer who I was.

I――Fate’s happy memories, sad memories… Even casual memories slowly changed as if they were mixed with the things of other souls.

(…Father. Give me strength again!)

I couldn’t hear his voice anymore. Even so, I felt that my father was watching me from somewhere.

It’s okay…we can still fight.

[Let’s go, Greed!]

『Yeah, come on. It’s yours to decide』

A fusion of the Zeroth and 6th form secrets…our last strength.

The tattered black twin swords began to shine as if responding. It’s too bright and I couldn’t see the color. It was just enough light to paint over this sinking red world.

《Infinity Revolt Brionac》

The pair of black swords combined together, forming the shape of a single large sword and pierced the red core that protruded from Libra’s chest.

Not the power of annihilation, but the power of liberation into Libra.


[Kuaaaaaaaaaaaaa… That…won’t work for me.]

[Do you think so?]

A crack appeared in Libra’s stigmata. I could sense that the red glow weakened.

Unable to stop the momentum of the final secret technique, Libra plunged into a giant sphere that shone like the sun. Right after that, I felt like I heard Roxy calling my name from behind.

Even so, I couldn’t stop going onward.

It was a warm and comfortable place.

I felt like I wanted to forget about the fighting just now.

And then something happened to Libra’s stigmata. The crack was beginning to heal. Furthermore, even the damage received was beginning to recover.

[God still chose me… He chose me. You’re done for.]

The black twin swords were cracked all over, and even started chipping in places. However, 《Infinity Revolt Brionac》 was still activated.

[It’s not the end. What is ending…is you.]

There’s no way out. I pushed the black twin swords while activating the secret technique. There was a loud creaking sound coming from my beloved sword that had shared both of my joys and sorrows.

『It was fun while it last, partner』

[The feeling is mutual. It’s thanks to Greed that I’ve been able to come this far.]

『Do you want to finish this? Are you sure?』

[…as usual.]

I saw Roxy outside the glowing sphere. She was crying.

Perhaps she now understood what I was about to do. She’s kinder than anyone else…so I want her to survive and be happy.

Due to the battle between me and Libra, the freed souls enveloped Roxy. And――as if they understood my intention, took her to the exit, back to her original world.

The flow became so strong that it was unforgivable to go against it, pushing her away from me.

[Fei! Fei! Fei… I… I am…]

It’s a journey that began with the desire to save her. Before I knew it, I had come to a place like this. And yet, my goal remained the same.

My feelings for Roxy… in the end, I didn’t tell her, but that’s fine.


No, I’m an idiot. I should have told her properly. I looked again in the direction where Roxy was… but I couldn’t see her anymore.

I could do it till the end. Didn’t Greed always tell me…that I don’t understand a thing?

[I have some regrets, though.]

『That’s so much like you, which is fine』

[Yeah…perhaps it is.]

Shaking off even that, there was nothing left to regret.

I will release the original power of the Gluttony skill here!

I’ll eat you! The souls that have been accumulated over the countless thousands of years.

I’ll devour this failed god. If that’s the wish that birthed the Gluttony skill, then as the holder it’s my duty to fulfill the mission.

This was probably the same as the revelation of the Sacred Beastkin’s stigmata. You cannot escape from this fate.

Is it fate…my mother… I wonder what she meant by giving me the name Fate.

If only it’s possible, I would want to ask her.

My chest heated up and glowed crimson. Its brilliance engulfed the failed god.

I felt like I’m not myself anymore. It deviated too much from what an individual can do.

Make the impossible possible. Aaron told me to come back to the capital without fail. I want to respond to his feelings. May the people I meet continue to live with smiles on their faces.

Tremendous souls… statuses… skills… flowed in. It’s so overwhelming that I forgot how to breathe.

I couldn’t even close my mouth, as if I was being force fed. I had no choice but to eat it until it’s done.

So, I converted the acquired power into 《Infinity Revolt Brionac》.


Libra could not withstand the overwhelming stream of power and disappeared along with the stigmata. In the midst of that, the last expression he showed was somewhat peaceful.

I wonder if he was trapped by his stigmata much like Dad.

The black twin swords become a giant sword of light and cut through this world――the prison of souls. The flow of soul harvesting from outside stops, and everything began to return to the original world from here.

In the world that began to collapse, I lost my partner. Greed used up all of his power and returned to his original black sword form. The sword blade had snapped in the middle.

[Always the quick tempered… Hey, Greed. Thank you, for everything.]

『No biggy. I’m just a weapon after all』, I swore I heard a voice replying back to me.

I’ll try my best too. Like you did.

I haven’t finished eating everything yet. The failed god still remains.

Every time I eat it, I lose it. Memories that shouldn’t be forgotten about important things and important people…

Aaron… you’ve gone to great lengths to receive the title of Master Swordsman. Myne… I’m sorry I can’t be with you. Eris…you showed me your true self and opened your heart. Even though there are people in the Royal Capital and territories who believe in me and were waiting for me.

They disappeared one after another. Names, faces, memories…everything disappeared.

Roxy… I don’t want to erase this memory. Name, face, and all!

Actually… I…

[I don’t want to lose everything! Everything is important!]

I don’t want to be empty.

[Then call for help. You aren’t fighting alone.]

When I looked to the side toward the dignified and powerful voice, there was someone who shouldn’t be here――Roxy was close to me. Did she escape from the flow of those souls and come back? ?

[I will support Fei, too. I don’t want to be protected by that.]

[I can’t do it alone, but if it’s two people.]

I don’t know…it’s really calming. The flow of the souls who were suffering is changing.

The red light around my chest also changed. It turned into a gentle and warm color and supported me.

In order to make it easier for me to take it, the souls within the Gluttony skill were reaching out and trying to reduce the burden. The circle grows.

Kairos, Mikuriya, and Rafal were also in the circle…and my father. And even people whose faces we don’t know were helping us out.

[It’s okay. Fei is not alone.]

[I believe you, and everyone.]

Roxy and me, only the two of us were in the collapsing world. And we will witness the end of God’s world with those who lended me their strength.

A ray of light shone into the world dyed red like a sunset. The blue sky spreads out from there. Souls dance freely and travel to where they want to go. This is probably what it should look like.

《Gluttony Skill activated》

I heard the usual inorganic voice. However, the voice after that was different from usual.

I know this voice. It was the same thing I dreamed when I came to this world.

《You did a great, Fate》

《I will always support you》

…Mom…was it you? As it turns out, you’d been watching over me all this time.

Unknowingly, tears overflowed my eyes.

Seeing that, Roxy called out to me worriedly.

[I learned something important today. Thank you, Roxy.]

[What is wrong? Why the sudden change.]

[I love you, Roxy.]

[Wai…wha, at a time like this…in a place like this…this is very you after all.]

She flinched at the sudden confession and answered with a smile.

[I love Fei too.]

We kissed each other’s lips in the new shining world.

It was as if the colorful souls flying around were giving us their blessing.


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