Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 275 - 269, Arranging the Trade Caravan_l

Chapter 275: Chapter 269, Arranging the Trade Caravan_l

Translator: 549690339

Lorrey was wearing a simple bra top and shorts.

Her chest was slightly raised, looking small and rounded.

“Lorrey, come on, let’s see who can swim faster,” Anjia called out loudly from

the water.

“No, no, I’ll just sit here for a while,” Lorrey said quietly, stealing a glance at Fang Hao.

“What’s the point of sitting here? Let’s have a race,” said Anjia.

Lorrey still shook her head, like a student who had just transferred to a new school.

Fang Hao was sitting on the side, casting a helpless look at Anjia.

The reason he built three hot springs in his territory was to enjoy them alone, without the crowd.

Now, Anjia had brought her best friend to join them.

And she wanted to hold a swimming competition.

He could only hope that the number of Anjia’s friends wouldn’t continue to increase, otherwise this place would be more crowded than the public areas.

Fang Hao stood up and left the hot springs.

“You two have fun, be careful, the poolside is slippery, be careful not to trip and fall,” Fang Hao reminded them.

“Where are you two going, aren’t you going to join us?” asked Anjia.

“You two enjoy yourselves,” Fang Hao replied, leaving with Eira.

No sooner had he closed the door behind him than he heard the two of them laughing.

As well as discussing the rules for winning the swimming competition. “This is quite nice, it keeps the city from being so dull,” Eira said with a smile.

With Anjia, the lively treasure, the atmosphere in the territory had changed a lot.

It wasn’t so gloomy anymore.

“Yeah, youth is great,” Fang Hao murmured, leading Eira back to their room to rest.

The next day, early in the morning.

A gentle shake of his arm brought Fang Hao gradually awake from his dreams.

Opening his bleary eyes, he saw Eira already dressed, smiling at him.

“Eira, you’re up early,” said Fang Hao.

“Master, don’t we have important matters to attend to today?” Eira asked, frowning and massaging her slightly dry and sore throat.

Right, today was packed with arrangements.

Eira helped him dress after he sat up in bed.

After washing up, he walked straight out of the lord’s mansion.


The maids had already started their work, and Winnie sat on a long bench, watching the busy maids and the occasional undead passing by.

She even saw a maid instructing a towering undead to move goods.

The undead were more obedient than pets, absolutely compliant.

All of this left her a bit overwhelmed.

What was going on here?

How could the undead and the living have reached such a state of coexistence?

“Winnie, you look well,” Fang Hao remarked lightly on seeing her.

Calling her the innkeeper was no longer appropriate, using her name seemed more fitting.

Winnie looked much better than she did the day before.

Her face was rosy, her skin glowing.

And she was in great spirits, she must have rested well the night before. “Lord, I think it’s the effect of the hot spring, it’s very comforting,” Winnie replied.

Last night, the maids went to the hot spring together, having a chat.

She had followed them.

When she soaked in the hot spring, her entire body felt light as though floating, dispelling all the fatigue instantly. She had a good sleep when she returned to her room later.

Plus, the food here was also excellent. It made her start to envy the maids here.

The life here was even better than hers as the innkeeper.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for the large number of undead here, she wouldn’t want to leave.

“Yes, the hot spring can alleviate fatigue and enhance physical fitness. You can soak more when you have time,” Fang Hao said with a smile.

“Yes, Lord.”

At this moment, a maid driving a carriage approached.

“Master, are five carriages enough?” the maid asked softly.

“Enough, go and call some skeletons, go to the warehouse and load the opening equipment onto the carts.” Fang Hao continued to instruct.

“Yes, master.”

The maid then led the carriages to the warehouse.

His assignment for Winnie to go to Lyss City was not to open the shop directly. Cleaning up, renovating, and getting the signboards made all required some time.

Only when all these tasks are completed, will the shop be officially opened. “I’ve already bought the shop, you go and renovate it as soon as possible, 111 arrange manpower at that time.” Fang Hao instructed.

“Yes, sir, I’ve been to Lyss City as well, three days should suffice to renovate the shop.” Winnie replied, clearly familiar with this process.

“Alright, once preparations are made, you may begin your journey. There’s no need to worry about the road, I’ve already arranged for assistance along the way.” Fang Hao said.

“Oh, okay, sir.”

Soon, the carriages loaded with goods were ready to depart.

“Okay, set off as soon as possible and be careful on the road.” Fang Hao instructed.

Winnie nodded and directly climbed onto the carriage.

The maid would send Winnie to the southern fortress, where heavy swordsmen would escort her to Lyss City.

When Winnie left, Fang Hao returned to his room.

He had to notify Gray Bear to arrange for a meeting with Winnie.

Winnie’s convoy is different from Fang Hao’s. Due to the large amount of goods, they had to rest overnight on the way.

And Gray Bear1 s hideout became the transit point for their journey, the place to rest overnight.

Camping in the wild was too dangerous.

In addition to wandering bandits, the night was when wild animals were most active.

Lying in bed, he used the spell, God’s Presence.

Having established the Tower of the Fallen in Gray Bear’s camp, he could easily cast his spell over it.

The next second, Fang Hao’s consciousness arrived in the skeleton grey sparrow left to Gray Bear.

A ghostly blue flame rose up in the grey sparrow’s pupils.

This was a bedroom.

The room was simply decorated but clean.

It didn’t look like the room where a bandit leader would live.

And at the window of the room, Gray Bear supported herself on the ground, her naked body tensed, showing off her sturdy figure, counting as she moved up and down, “1274,1275,1276-”

Sweat dripped from her wheat-colored skin, each time she dropped down, the weight on the front of her chest hit the ground and was compressed and changed shape.

Fang Hao didn’t expect that Gray Bear would place the skeleton grey sparrow directly on the bedside. Was she treating it as a pet?

“Gray Bear!” Fang Hao called softly.

Deep in concentration doing her push-ups, Gray Bear furrowed her brow, glanced towards the direction of the door and finding nothing out of place, continued.

Cough cough!

Fang Hao coughed lightly, turning the gray sparrow’s body to the side, before speaking again, “Gray Bear, I have something to discuss with you.” By now, Gray Bear really listened, flipping her body over instantly, grabbing ahold of a large blade at her side, tightly gripping it in her hands.

“Who’s there.”

“It’s me Fang Hao. I’m currently using this skeleton grey sparrow to communicate with you, no need to stress.” Fang Hao immediately responded. Gray Bear frowned, looking at the grey sparrow on the bedside table.

She didn’t quite understand why the stupid undead grey sparrow was suddenly relaying Fang Hao’s voice.

However, since the grey sparrow was left by Fang Hao, it should be some kind of undead spell.

She casually wrapped a sheet around her body and said: “Mr. Fang Hao, what can I do for you?”

“A merchant caravan has departed from Pruell City, arrange for someone to meet them. The person in charge is called Winnie, make sure not to get it wrong.” Fang Hao, turning his attention back, began speaking.

“What else?” Gray Bear continued to inquire.

“Rest at your place for a night, and then escort them to Lyss City the next day.” “Okay, I understand.”


After Fang Hao finished speaking, the Soul Fire in the pupils of the skeleton grey sparrow went out.

The grey sparrow returned to its original state, standing dumbly on the bedside cabinet.

Gray Bear squinted her eyes, ensuring Fang Hao had left, then promptly placed the skeleton grey sparrow into a box after some thought.

Feeling it was inappropriate, she took it back out and returned it to its original position.


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