Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 253 - 247, Seventh Level Lord's Mansionl

Chapter 247, Seventh Level Lord’s Mansionl

Translator: 549690339 |

This piece of equipment is not bad.

It’s called a Coin Purse, in fact, it’s an enhancement item.

If you put 5 Gold Coins in it, you can increase your attack power by 5%.

Seeing Fang Hao staring at her coin purse, Anjia pitifully said: “I got it, and I’ve watched them work all day, it’s really hard.”

Her tone and expression were like a child who had been robbed of candy.

It’s rare to see such an expression on Anjia’s face.

Fang Hao took out five gold coins and put them directly into the coin purse, reminding her: “This is your New Year’s gift, don’t use it for gambling.”

Seeing Fang Hao giving her money, a smile instantly appeared on Anjia’s face.

“I stopped playing that a long time ago, I’m learning to play chess with Nelson now.” While eating, Anjia asked: “By the way, what does New Year’s gift mean?”

She always hears some strange words from Fang Hao.

“It means you can’t spend this money, it’s to ward off bad luck, and bring good fortune.” Fang Hao casually explained.

“Oh, then what should I do if I want to buy something?”

“Didn’t I give you pocket money?”

“Hehe!” Anjia chuckled and continued to eat.

The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Hao got up early, left his room and began to wash up.

Just as he stepped out of the Lord’s Mansion, maids flocked to greet him.

Speaking of maids, with the development of the territory and the increase in buildings.

And his later plans to open a shop in Lyss City, He was starting to run short of maids.

Whether they were rabbit maids or fox maids, Fang Hao was quite satisfied.

They were attractive and obedient.

Most importantly, they learned quickly. Whether it was learning to cook with Eira or helping at the tailor shop, they were able to learn quickly and apply it to their work.

Similarly, the maids also liked Fang Hao’s domain.

No more hunger, no more living in greasy cages.

Fang Hao had provided them with everything necessary for life, and he hadn’t turned out to be as terrifying as the human nobles in the rumors.

This place was better and more comfortable than any other place they had lived in.

Even, Fang Hao had become the ideal choice for all the maids.

They hoped that one day, they would be chosen by Fang Hao to become personal maids like Eira.

Fang Hao took a simple tour around the territory.

He started his daily aerobic exercises with running, push-ups, and practicing the combat techniques he had learned in the past few days.

After training from start to finish, he was starting to break a sweat.

After finishing his exercise, Eira was still preparing breakfast.

Standing in front of the Lord’s Mansion, Fang Hao noticed that the materials needed to upgrade the Lord’s Mansion were already gathered.

It was time to further upgrade the Lord’s Mansion.

[Level 7 Stone Tower: 5200 Hardwood, 7000 Stone Bricks, 700 Iron, 520 Metal Parts.]

The materials required for a level 7 Stone Tower are starting to be replaced with higher-level materials.


The Lord’s Stone Tower was engulfed in light, gradually increasing its size bit by bit.

After about twenty minutes, the light dissipated, and the upgrade was complete.

[Level 7 Lord’s Stone Tower]

[Owned by Lord: Fang Hao]

[Abilities: Production/Collection+3.5%, Troop Movement+3.5%, All


[Existing Buildings: Level 6 Underground Cemetery…, Level 6 Stable. ]

(Note: Core building of the territory.)

[Materials Required for Upgrade: 8500 Hardwood, 11000 Stone Bricks, 950 Iron, 750 Metal Parts,1200 Roof Tiles.]

The Great Hall of the Lord has expanded further based on the original design.

It’s starting to resemble a Western stone castle.

If I want to upgrade from level 7 to level 8, a new construction material called Roof Tiles is required.

He had seen roof tiles in his original world, but he had not encountered them in this world.

If he wanted to upgrade to level 8, acquiring roof tiles would be his next goal.

After upgrading the Lord’s Stone Tower, he continued to upgrade the other buildings in the territory to level 7.

The aim is to maximize the overall strength of his territory.

“Good morning, my Lord.” At this moment, Doujin came from behind and greeted politely.

“Good morning, Doujin.” Fang Hao greeted back with a smile.

Now, his territory had undead, orcs, lizardmen, and of course, humans like Fang Hao himself.

Everyone lived together in this city, which was unexpectedly harmonious.

As the Goblin Clerk once said, it was unheard of for these different races to coexist in one city peacefully.

“My Lord, I have an order that requires your assistance,” Doujin stated his purpose.

“Oh? What order?” Fang Hao asked curiously.

Doujin handed over the order in his hand.

[Specific Order]

[Requirements: 1000 Troll Heavy Armor, 1000 Troll Iron Helmets, 1000 Troll Combat Boots, 3000 Hatchets.]

[Trade Exchange: 510,000 Warfire Coins, +10 Troll Influence.]

It was an order from the Trolls.

The same order had been made before, sold to the Trolls once.

When the specific order came up again, it was certain that it was the same Troll Tribe that bought the equipment the last time.

“There isn’t enough equipment in the warehouse, do I need to make some?” Fang Hao asked.

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Okay, let’s go to the warehouse.”

The two went to the Trade Alliance building and accepted the order.

Then they went to the warehouse to make the equipment ordered by the Trolls.

After they were done making them, a skeleton merchant took the troll equipment to deliver.

After chatting with Doujin for a bit more and finding out there were no special matters, he left the Trade Alliance building.

“Master, Eira is calling you for breakfast.” A rabbit maid ran over, her ample bosom swaying significantly.

Fang Hao was worried that the inertia of the up-and-down movement would trip her over.

“What’s the rush? Don’t run and fall,” Fang Hao warned.

“Master, we’ve drank the potion. Eira advised us to exercise more and enhance our physical strength so that we can help you better,” the Rabbit Maid adjusted her breath as she explained.

So she was running to exercise and just happened to notify Fang Hao on the way.

“Did you drink the stamina potion?” Fang Hao asked curiously.

In recent times, the Trade Alliance had taken two orders from alchemists.

Some of the potions that were received were also gradually distributed to the maids.

Fang Hao had some impression of the rabbit maid in front of him.

She was a little over 1.5 meters tall. Even when she was a slave and poorly fed and clothed, she maintained a chubby face.

She had a baby face.

Her big ears were fluffy and white like those of a lop-eared rabbit.

“Yeah, how about that, Master? Can you see how much stronger I’ve become?” The maid brandished her fist at him.

Fang Hao didn’t see any noticeable difference.

But he knew that Soye had to make undergarments for the maids.

Just being bare like this, Fang Hao couldn’t help but worry about whether it would affect their normal development.

[Orc Warrior (Tier 3)].

Checking her attributes again, it turned out she had indeed reached Tier 3. In terms of rabbit maids, her progress was relatively fast.

Truly, appearances can be deceiving.

“Impressive, keep up the good work. Just don’t overdo it, and take care of yourself.” Fang Hao gently rubbed the rabbit maid’s head as he headed towards the Lord’s Mansion.


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