Global Fog Survival

Chapter 9: The “Gift” of the Survivor

【Foul Tainted Blood 4ml?】

【Moderately Rotten Flesh*1?】

【Decayed Bones*1?】

The battle ended within a minute.

Colin suddenly felt that these smaller mutants, less than 1.5 meters tall, with hardly any flesh on them and their bodies mostly exposed with blood-veined white bones, were the more typical mutants. They had no additional names beyond just “mutant.”

The “Penitent Priest” they encountered earlier must have been a named elite monster, likely a special one.

Though small mutants were easy to handle, their loot was meager. They were visibly poor.

“Now it really feels like a game,” Colin muttered.

They increased their pace again. The regular mutants were slow, and Colin had no intention of fighting them unless absolutely necessary.

Unless they bore the “Thorns of Suffering,” Colin wouldn’t stop and waste time on them.

After a few more minutes, Colin’s brow furrowed.

He saw blood. Human blood.

“So, other survivors have found a way to light their lamps.”

Colin slowed down.

He noticed traces indicating that other survivors had passed through. The footprints were messy and hurried, with blood droplets at each step. The blood was dark red and had not hardened much. It was still sticky to the touch.

Although Colin couldn’t visually distinguish human blood from animal blood…

The hints confirmed it was human blood. This indicated that the survivor passed here not long before Colin arrived.

Crucially, Colin noticed that both parties seemed to be heading in the same direction.

In less than ten minutes, they would reach Father Kaidish’s church, the mission site.


This guy got there first and brought peace (physically) to the children before Colin…

“That wouldn’t be good news.”

Colin quickened his pace.

The blood trail was long and had soaked into the soil. The bleeding was substantial.

“If all this blood came from one person, they’re probably dead by now.”

Just as Colin was wondering whether the person was dead or alive, he got his answer.

Not ten meters ahead, a figure lay against a dead tree, motionless.

A female corpse.

Her expression…

She had no expression. Her head was missing.

Blood flowed from the gaping neck wound onto the ground, soaking the soil in a bloody patch.

Her dull dress was stained red and torn in many places, making it unclear if it was from monsters or from her frantic escape, caught by branches and rocks.

“She gave up resisting and lay here waiting to die. She died about twenty minutes ago…”

After the initial shock, Colin quickly calmed down. Despite the smell of blood making him uncomfortable, his mind started working.

He bent down, covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve, and squatted by the body, examining every detail. Despite his discomfort, he had to be thorough for the sake of his own survival.

First, her blood was bright red, with no signs of poisoning, indicating she didn’t die from toxins. Second, her current state showed no signs of struggle, more like she gave up running and chose to wait for death.

If she had fought against the creature that killed her, it wouldn’t have left her lying neatly and with her clothes tidied.

Her leg wounds and swollen, twisted ankle were clear signs she couldn’t run anymore.

Colin speculated that she sat under the tree, tidied her ragged dress, and then…

She had her head ripped off like picking a mushroom.

Due to severe blood loss, her blood didn’t spurt far…

Colin’s gaze shifted to a footprint about two meters from the body.

The footprint was a meter long, half a meter wide, and human-like…

But no human has footprints that large.

The footprints were spaced a few meters apart, and luckily, the creature left with her head after killing her.

【The owner of the footprints is at least five meters tall. You can’t comprehend what kind of creature this is, but you know that provoking it is almost certain death.】

No kidding… Colin dismissed the hint from observing the footprint.

There were no signs of her servants, who had most likely been used to block her retreat and were now likely dead.

“What should we do now, Lord?”

Servant One whispered, obviously disturbed by the scene and the massive footprint.

Colin did not immediately respond.

A “Pick Up” option appeared in front of him.

It showed 43ml of Foul Tainted Blood, indicating she wasn’t killed by the gray mist and had stored most of her blood before dying.

This revealed her choice.

“If I get the chance, I’ll kill it for you!”

Colin whispered, then accepted her “gift.”

Dead people were gone; the living had to continue to live.

Seeing the blood-soaked corpse reminded Colin that this was a life-and-death game.

Those who couldn’t keep up would be abandoned, becoming nameless corpses in the wilderness, unmarked and forgotten.

Colin felt a complex mix of emotions.

After taking all her belongings, he handed her lantern and axe to Number Two.

The lantern couldn’t be stored in the inventory, and although the axe didn’t boost stats, it was better than a broken stick.

Colin stood up, saluted the woman, and said, “Let’s move on.

“The creature that killed her should have left, and the church is nearby.

“Since we’re here, it makes no sense not to try…”

The Suffering Church was close. He didn’t want to give up.

Soon, Colin could vaguely see the church built in the forest through the mist.


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