Global Fog Survival

Chapter 38: Mage, Save Me

Seeing Sanna rush into the light of one of the survivors like an unstoppable force, knocking them down with a single move, the “mage” felt dumbfounded.

He vaguely sensed that perhaps he had chosen the wrong opponent.

“What are you waiting for?! Attack! We have the numbers; we can definitely take them down!” The survivor, being overwhelmed by Sanna, panicked as he saw his servants being easily defeated one by one. He turned to see the others just standing there in a daze.

With his shout, the others snapped out of it and began to retaliate.

At this moment, there were four survivors attacking Sanna, along with their minions, totaling seventeen people. Within a few seconds of their hesitation, Sanna had already defeated one survivor and his servants, disrupting their attack rhythm.

“Finally got it.” Sanna grabbed the lantern in her hand. This item was very important to her; without it, she would have to stay within Colin’s light range, unable to fully unleash her combat power.

After kicking a few people into Colin’s light range, she launched another fierce attack on the remaining enemies!

With strength four times that of an ordinary person, Sanna’s power couldn’t be simply calculated by adding one plus one. If a normal person could punch with fifty kilograms of force, she could now easily punch with two hundred kilograms of force. If she didn’t hold back and targeted vital areas, a single punch could kill.

Even after casting protection on everyone and holding the lantern, she could still fight back effectively!

“Mage, save me!” A leader couldn’t hold on any longer. Seeing Sanna easily break through their defenses filled him with terror. His two level-one servants couldn’t last even a single move against her!

One of his servants even had a strength of 2.0, yet still wasn’t a match!

Is this really a healer?! This is a battle healer!

At this moment, everyone felt they had fallen into Colin’s trap. They were misled into thinking Sanna was the weakest, a soft target, only to find she was a tough opponent.

The survivor turned to the “mage” for help, but the next second, he collapsed along with his four servants. Sanna took his lantern and placed it on the ground.

Shana didn’t intend to kill him. She would let Lord Colin handle him later. She knew that lords could plunder from each other, and these “high-quality” servants were valuable spoils.

Then, Sanna turned to the “mage,” holding the lantern in one hand and the “Bible” with its iron spike in the other. She attached the chain on her wrist to the book to prevent it from slipping and charged forward.

“Useless fools!” The “mage” cursed under his breath. He couldn’t see the attributes of others’ subordinates, so he didn’t know Sanna’s current stats. But judging by her performance, her strength was likely close to 3 or even at 3!

Otherwise, she couldn’t have defeated them so easily.

A look of ferocity appeared in his eyes as he gritted his teeth and said, “You forced me!”

He growled, “Eat the mushrooms!”

His five servants shivered at the command, eyes filled with despair, but they followed the order without hesitation. Around their necks hung red mushrooms on strings.

[Blood Mushrooms: Mushrooms grown from twisted flesh. They can provide a massive strength boost to those with less than 2 strength, but reduce sanity, spirit, and intelligence by 95%. Under this effect, the servants cannot be knocked unconscious.]

[Description: A seemingly ordinary red mushroom.]

[Note: After half an hour, those with an initial constitution below 2 will die in extreme pain. Those above 2 will become “stupid” and “weak” for an hour, with the effect weakening as constitution increases.]

Clearly, these servants had an initial constitution below 2, meaning their only outcome from eating the mushrooms was death.

But they couldn’t disobey their lord’s command, even if they felt no loyalty.

The bitter, foul, and hard-to-swallow taste spread in their mouths. As they swallowed, they felt a fiery sensation in their stomachs. Their blood boiled, their eyes reddened, and their veins bulged, and they were filled with uncontrollable rage, ready to tear apart everything in sight.

A thin leash kept them in place, like beasts chained up, ready to be unleashed.

“You’re dead!” Sanna’s usually gentle voice was hoarse. She couldn’t see the mushrooms’ details, but she sensed these people couldn’t be saved.

At this moment, she thought of Colin, who treated even his servants with basic human respect, unlike this man who saw people as disposable tools…

“Kill her!” The “mage” shouted, fearing Sanna’s cold gaze.

With their boosted strength reaching up to 2.5, the “mage” believed they could now face Sanna. He had used these mushrooms to kill a mutated wizard before, trading many servants’ lives for victory.

Since the market opened, he has used this method to deal with powerful enemies, always being successful. As for the servants’ lives, they were easily replaced in the market.

This time, he expected the same outcome, though he regretted that the woman would be torn apart by his frenzied servants.

However, to his shock, the scene was still… a massacre. His berserk “army” fell like paper figures, with Sanna taking them down with ease. Unable to knock them out, she brutally broke their legs, rendering them immobile.

At this moment, he doubted if the mushrooms had expired.

“Damn it! Why is she so difficult?” The “mage” fumbled in his bag, trying to use a scroll to buy more servants from the market, employing his “swarm” tactic.

But as he opened the market, a hand grabbed his wrist.

Crack… “Ah!” With little resistance, his bones were snapped. As the grip loosened, he cried out, clutching his wrist and kneeling in pain.

A cold voice came from in front of him. “You can die now.” He looked up, about to beg for mercy.

But in a flash of white light, he saw blood spraying in the air, bone fragments, and… an eyeball?

The eyeball, a nerve attached to muscle, slowly flew through the air, reflecting the bloody explosion of a headless corpse.

Dressed in a tattered mage robe.

With a thud, the “mage” fell, twitching briefly before going still.


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