Global Fog Survival

Chapter 33: Cultural Export

A full box of standard black powder,1so, maybe it’s really powder last chapter lol over fifty kilograms, emitted a faint special smell.

These black powders were in powder form. Generally, if there were egg whites available, they could be added to bind the powder and grind it into granules the size of rice grains. This would create gaps in the granules, allowing the flame to pass through faster when ignited, making it even more powerful.

But Colin didn’t have such conditions at the moment, nor could he find a similar substitute, so he didn’t intend to further process it. Moreover, Colin knew that even in this powder form, it was sufficient.

[Hint: You have over fifty kilograms of standard black powder. You have never made such a thing before, but you feel that this box of black powder is enough to cause considerable damage to a lord-class mutant.]

“This won’t kill it? This monster is quite tough.”

Collin squeezed the black powder in his hand, feeling a hard-to-describe sense of harvest joy, his lips slightly curved, and his eyes shining brightly. “Then let’s make another hundred pounds!”

He didn’t say this out loud.

Sanna, standing beside him, looked at the powder in Colin’s hand, finding it hard to believe that this thing possessed the land-shaking power he claimed. She also found it hard to understand what this had to do with art.

Even the members of the Storm Church, known for their recklessness and violence, couldn’t create earth-shaking power without the level of a bishop.

In the midst of the group’s confusion, Colin synthesized a wooden barrel and poured about ninety pounds of black powder into it.

While pressing it down with his hands, he also poked some holes with a stick, making it look somewhat like a honeycomb briquette. Then he sealed it with a lid.

He also traded for a vine from the market and tied it around the barrel repeatedly, leaving only one hole at the bottom.

This was to enhance its explosive power.

The remaining black powder was used to make a fuse, as it wasn’t feasible to light it with a matchstick up close.

After completing all this, Colin looked around. This area, near the mine, was not suitable for experiments, as it might collapse the already shaky mine.

After some thought, he led the group away to a wide open space at a considerable distance and placed the explosive barrel there.

After further consideration, Collin placed a large flat stone on top of the barrel.

Then, he dragged a stick on the ground, drawing a line while spreading the powder along it.

After retreating about a hundred meters, Colin had no black powder left. Due to the fog, Colin could no longer see the explosive barrel, only the black line extending forward.

[You think that igniting this hundred-pound explosive barrel at this distance carries some risk. Fortunately, it doesn’t contain steel fragments or similar items, so you don’t need to worry too much about associated injuries.]

[However, since you placed a stone on top of the barrel, you think it’s best to retreat another fifty meters or find a suitable cover if possible.]

“Is the power of black powder really that great, even a hundred meters isn’t enough?”

Collin was stunned. Black powder was much less powerful than yellow powder, but he hadn’t expected that a hundred pounds would still be dangerous at a hundred meters.


The fuse was lit, quickly burning forward and emitting a white, pungent smell.

Collin suddenly felt his blood speed up, and his heartbeat quickened.


With a single command, everyone quickly followed him in retreat.

Only when the hint assured Collin that the distance was safe did they truly stop.

Following Collin’s lead, the group became somewhat tense. They held their breath, staring into the foggy distance, despite seeing nothing.

After a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen.

“Mr. Collin, is there something wrong?”

Sanna was about to ask when a massive red fireball exploded in front of her eyes, reflecting in her pupils.

The fireball disappeared quickly, so fast that before she could react, the sound and shockwave hit simultaneously!

A white ring flashed across the ground. Everyone felt as if they had been hit by an invisible wall, their chests feeling heavy and uncomfortable, like being punched.

The explosion was brief.

But the buzzing sound lingered in their minds, echoing in their ears for several seconds until they gradually recovered.

Compared to them, Colin had covered his ears just before the explosion, so his ears recovered faster.

Collin glanced around, feeling a sense of achievement from the shocked, fearful, excited, or mixed expressions on Sanna, Number Two, and the others.

Number Two slowly recovered from his shock. The residual violence in the air from the massive explosion left him feeling unsettled, wanting to say something but struggling to find the words.

Suddenly, his brain jolted, and almost without thinking, he blurted out a phrase the Lord occasionally used, though he didn’t know its exact meaning:

“Holy shit!”

As soon as he spoke, a dozen “holy shits” followed. Their vocabulary was quite limited.

“I… cough cough.”

Sanna covered her mouth, avoiding joining in with the coarse language she didn’t understand but felt was vulgar.

After silently repenting her “sin,” she glanced at Colin, and her eyes completely changed.

At this moment, she seemed to understand the meaning of what those people in the chat channel had said…

[Holy Light Priest Sanna Helaca’s loyalty to you has increased by 10%, now at 70%.]

Another increase. But knowing Sanna’s character, even with only fifty percent loyalty, or less, she would probably still fight to protect us…

Colin didn’t pay much attention to this hint, feeling that it wasn’t accurate. Human relationships couldn’t be measured so simply.

Instead of loyalty, Colin thought it would be better described as friendliness.

However, just as Colin was lost in thought, he saw Sanna pouncing towards him.

With little time to react, Colin was knocked down.

The main reason was that he didn’t believe she would harm him.

The next second, with a thud, an object fell from the sky, landing on the ground and rolling a couple of times before stopping.

It was a stone about the size of half a head. Even with just a small part remaining, Colin recognized it as the stone he had placed on the explosive barrel.

  • 1

    so, maybe it’s really powder last chapter lol


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