Global Fog Survival

Chapter 21: Swift as the Wind

Under the world shrouded in gray fog, everything was cold and silent. For millions of years, death and madness had been the only eternal themes here. The sudden emergence of new things had not brought any change.

Night had already fallen, and by tomorrow, this land would be marked by even more death and decay. But at this moment, something unexpected seemed to occur.

In a world that had been silent for an unknown length of time and would continue to be silent for an unknown length of time, some light points began to appear. From sparse to scattered, and then to as numerous as the stars in the sky, all this seemed to happen in less than a quarter of an hour.

Some lights were swallowed by the darkness shortly after they appeared, but more and more lights emerged from it. They were not dazzling, but they were definitely burning.

Colin, carrying the lantern filled with fresh blood, looked at his two servants after closing the parchment: “It’s time to upgrade you.”

There were two ways to upgrade servants: one was to upgrade their personal levels, and the other was to use materials to synthesize special characters. The former usually only consumed fog points and was quite easy, requiring just a click. However, this kind of upgrade wouldn’t grant any special skills, only a certain attribute boost. The latter required blueprints and corresponding items and materials, which could synthesize special characters like archers, warriors, cavalry, or even mages. This method was relatively troublesome, but Colin had a huge advantage in this aspect. As long as he knew what special characters others had synthesized, he could also create one if he wished.

At this moment, Colin was going to do the former, simply upgrading the servants’ personal levels. Upgrading one person once required about 5 fog points.

The two servants were about to express their gratitude when Colin stopped them and gestured towards the door, indicating silence. Then, Colin opened their personal panels and spent five fog points on each to upgrade them.

In the next second, Colin saw a noticeable change in his two small-framed servants, who were less than 1.6 meters tall. Their waist, abdomen, and limb muscles visibly bulged as if they had undergone a period of standard training. Their height also increased, clearly reaching 1.6 meters.

【Slave Two】

Identity: A slave solely belonging to Colin.

Status: “Excited,” “Mild Mental Damage,” “Exhilarated.”

Satiety: 37

Level: 1 (Max 5)

Strength: 1.5

Endurance: 1.4

Stamina: 1.3

Sanity: 0.9 …

Not bad… Colin nodded secretly. All attributes increased by 0.2; now each basic attribute was above 1.2. With the excited buffs, their key attributes were now around 1.5. Especially Servant One, whose strength, endurance, and stamina directly broke through 2.0, twice that of an average person. However, when they ran later, this attribute would be gone. After all, the wheels would be taken off.

“Good, get used to it. Our action time is approaching,” Colin said, suppressing his heartache, giving the two a nod of approval. According to the prompt, this upgrade could be achieved through normal training, but it would take one or two weeks. Colin was out of time and had no other choice.

“Yes, Lord,” the two subordinates said, beginning to stretch their bodies to feel their newfound strength. Colin withdrew his gaze from them, focused on the lantern in his hand, feeling its glow, and waited for things to unfold as he expected.

Each area had a thousand survivors. Colin didn’t know how large a region was, but it shouldn’t be too vast; otherwise, he wouldn’t have encountered another survivor so quickly.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes… ten minutes passed. There was no movement outside the door. Twenty minutes… no movement. Thirty minutes… still nothing.

“Is this plan too risky…” Colin felt anxious; even his breathing became difficult, and he fell into an indescribable unease. There were less than twenty-seven minutes until dark. This was the red line. Every second beyond this would greatly increase the difficulty of returning home.

“Wait one more minute, just one more minute…” Colin’s forehead unknowingly became covered with cold sweat, his body trembling slightly. The countdown in his mind felt like a death countdown, making him both calm and restless.

The crucial thing was that, after thirty minutes, there was still no movement outside…

At that moment, Colin felt a touch on his shoulder. His body tensed and then relaxed.

“Lord! That monster just left!” Servant One said excitedly.

“Good!” Colin replied, feeling a surge of strength and warmth on his cheeks. After a brief pause, he asked with excitement, “Which direction did it go?”

“In the opposite direction,” Servant Two replied, knowing what Colin wanted to ask, though they didn’t understand how their lord knew the monster would leave.

“Do we act now?”

“No,” Colin roughly calculated the monster’s speed, “we start in three minutes. Go lower the gate valve now.”

The two subordinates had no objections. Soon, three minutes passed. Almost at the first second of the third minute, the church door was immediately opened, just enough for a person to pass through. Three figures ran out in succession.

It was getting dark, and Colin noticed the visible distance outside the lantern light shrinking. He could feel that something bad was about to happen in this world.

Without much thought, Colin glanced at the path he took coming here, squinting slightly as the route became etched in his mind. Corresponding it with the hints, a rough “map” appeared in his mind. After a brief pause of less than three seconds, Colin, with an ax in his right hand and a lantern in his left, rushed toward the direction of the withered forest.

The two servants followed closely behind. Leaving the forest from the church took only about ten minutes. In a fast run, this time could be almost halved. Once out of the forest, Colin estimated it would take only ten minutes to return to the wooden house, given the smooth path. After all, he had walked here in the morning, not run.

However, just as Colin left the forest, he suddenly felt a slight tremor in the ground. The next second, he and his two servants sensed a chilling gaze from behind them! The monster was chasing them!

“Damn, it’s only been two minutes! How is it so fast?!” Colin cursed silently. The crucial point was that he didn’t know if the monster would chase them out of the forest.

“Keep up!” Colin shouted. At that moment, the two servants felt their lord’s aura change, becoming like a cold and ruthless predator. The next second, they saw Colin running as if he were flying! It was “Hunting Time”!


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