Global Evolution

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: 234

"Is this still alive?" The Third Elder walked forward and looked at the lower half of the amputated limb . Because the broken limb was torn, the wound at the fracture site was not so smooth, with uneven roots and flesh, and a small section of the tail vertebrae . The port was flowing with a large amount of blood, which made the old three frown .

"Well, I’ll take your corpse anyway . " With a sigh, the third one pulled up Liu Chang’s "lower body", not the lower body in the general sense, but the lower half of the body . The old three’s head is very small, because he is only three years old, so he can only hold Liu Chang’s two ankles, and then suddenly force, drag to the other side .

But to his surprise, at the moment of his exertion, the half of his body twitched violently, throwing him far away .

"Nerve reflex?" After the third was kicked away, he walked back again . It was not too surprised because many animals would still move after stimulating their limbs for a short time after death . So, the third old man who knew this point held Liu Chang’s ankle and pulled hard again . He pressed his legs, which were slightly twitching, and dragged him all the way to the opposite direction, that is, the direction of his head .

After walking for hundreds of meters, he finally found the upper part of Liu Chang’s body - his eyes closed, his chest collapsed and his internal organs left on the ground . It looked more miserable than his lower body .

"Alas . " With a sigh, the Third Elder couldn’t bear to see such a miserable picture, so he had to drag his scales to connect the two parts together, making him look like a complete person .

"The vitality is so strong!" Having done all this, the third elder went to Liu Chang and detected his breath - there was no breathing, but the activity of brain waves was still there - which indicated that the person was not dead - but if he did not breathe . No matter how powerful the brain loses oxygen, the death is a matter of minutes .

Therefore, without his lungs, Liu Chang is a dead man in the eyes of the third . He tries to enter Liu Chang’s brain by brain wave contact . Did you want to "hear" his last words? But it turned out that the other party was in a complete coma, so he didn’t even have time to say the last words .

Then the old three sighed completely, moved a complete brick in the rubble heap, and sat next to Liu Chang’s body - he was waiting for the boss .

The army should be close . They’re supposed to get here before the boss and the second - but the third decides to wait . He wanted to take Liu Chang’s body back - friendship is one aspect, research is another - this is Li Qingshui’s greatest work, naturally there are many mysteries waiting for the three people to discover . So, if the army discovers this place first, the third one decides to hypnotize them and let them leave .

Although he’s only a second brain mutation, and he’s still a kid . It’s hard to completely hypnotize a large population of people, but it’s easy to apply just one emotion .

Thinking of this, the old three spread his own brain waves, so that a small amount of radio waves spread to a radius of tens of meters . Let all people close to this area, will produce a feeling of boredom - this is to drive the soldiers to search, it is also a signal to the boss and the second .

But when he had just finished all this, less than three seconds after his brain wave, an old man’s voice suddenly sounded behind him .

"The utilization rate of brain is very high, and the technology of brain wave extravasation is also very skilled . It is indeed a clone of Li Qingshui At the first appearance of the sound, the old three jumped up from the bricks . He turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound source . I found a tall old man standing there .

Tall .

This is the first feeling of the old man when he saw the old man . His height is absolutely the best among human beings . According to his precise visual inspection, the old man’s height is at least 2 . 08 meters, which is definitely the height of a basketball player in his previous life . Or at least the height of a small forward . So, a man of this size is standing there . It’s very conspicuous .

"Who are you?" Seeing the old man, the third frowned, "how can you know me?"

He asked two questions in a row, simple, but straight to the subject - because he felt it was weird, and he had judged that the other person was a brain mutant - because it was impossible for him to get close to him without being discovered by him .

There are different bioelectricity in people’s brain . The third brother releases his own brain wave . In this range, he can feel the existence of any approaching pedestrian . However, the old man can stand here and not be found by himself . That does not mean that he has no brain wave movement - but deliberately hides it .

And then the third question comes from Beijing

"Yes, Beijing people . " The old man laughed . "You should have guessed where I came from . "

"Institute?" The third asked, "how do you know my name and Li Qingshui?"

"There are innumerable nodes in the future . Like a river woven by silk, people can’t know where they will go . Therefore, there has never been anyone who knows the future . But the node of fate is destined to be only one . Ordinary people can’t see through the future, but can guess the past! " The old man still smiles . "So, I guess . ""Guess?" Hearing the old man’s words, the third old man’s face looked pale . He knew what the so-called "guess" means . What he guessed was to calculate . Take a look at you . According to all the characteristics of you, your companions and the surrounding environment, you can contact everything in the whole world and get the exact origin through precise calculation .

This is very mysterious, but it is nothing more than analysis and calculation .

If you look at an ordinary person’s clothes and behavior, you can guess his personality; if you look at your relatives and friends, you can guess his growth environment; if you look at your expression, you can guess his mood today

In fact, the human brain is guessing every day, and many diviners make a living by guessing .

Ordinary people arrive here today and see the surrounding situation, they can guess a lot - the surrounding ruins, that is, just after a fierce fierce battle - there are not many bodies of soldiers and residents around, only a white and a red two incomplete monsters and a undamaged child, that is, the fierce fighting between the Monsters just now - and the children are waiting for the red skin monster at this time In front of things, it shows that they are related

Wait, wait, wait .

These ordinary people can guess, nothing more than analysis and calculation . But this is the guess of ordinary people, not the guess of brain mutators - not even the guess of five brain variants . (to be continued)


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