Global Evolution

Chapter 224

Chapter 224: 224

"What happened to you just now?" Qingyin saw her look up and asked in a hurry .

"Something’s wrong!" He Zhizhi looked up at Qingyin and said, "amphibians have been here just now! I know their smell

"Really?" Hearing he Zhizhi’s words, Qingyin stood up from the ground, "where?"

"Just step out of our head . Forget it . There’s no time to explain to you . " He Zhizhi quickly stood up from the ground and called out: "I’ll inform Liu Chang . You go upstairs and inform others to pack up . We’ll leave quickly . If we don’t go, it will be too late . I think the amphibian just now is exploring the way . He’s going back to call people . Hurry up!"

"Good!" Hearing he Zhizhi’s words, Qingyin ran up the stairs without saying a word . He also called out: "pack up the things quickly, the enemy is coming, the enemy is coming . . . "

Listening to her voice, he Zhizhi called to the upstairs and quickly left here: "I went to the factory to inform Liu Chang of them . We will gather at the gate of the factory for a moment . "

"Good!" Qingyin called out to the downstairs and quickly stepped up the stairs .

All the way out of the corridor, he Zhizhi stares at the wind and snow all over the sky and runs to the factory with his fastest speed

In her terminal direction, at the end of the factory, Liu Chang had already arrived in the workshop, and then looked at the 17th generation bomb produced by No . 2 with the boss .

"This arc, the law of mechanical transmission, yes, second, is the feeling . " The old man patted the second on the shoulder and handed the bullet to Liu Chang, "come on . Try a shot

"Good . " After picking up the shredded meat placed at the back of the workshop, Liu Chang loaded the 17th generation ammunition into the gun chamber, and then walked all the way to the basement and aimed at the metal steel plate with a thickness of more than one meter . Under one shot, it was suddenly torn!

The sound of gunfire reverberated, and with a loud bang, the bullet came out of the gun and ran into the thick steel plate . Then, along with the strong impact and tearing force, a hole of the size of the initial caliber basin is opened on it .

The hole is like a deep crater of a meteorite hitting the ground . The initial diameter is huge, and the more it gets narrower, Liu Chang looks up and finds that the bullet powder is stuck in the deepest groove of the steel plate, which is as thin as a human finger .

"Shit . Success Standing on the side with headphones, the boss saw the effect of the bullet and was surprised to clap his thigh . Then he stepped forward and inserted his small body less than one meter into the huge steel flood cave, and looked closely at the ballistic debris inside .

Then, Liu Chang heard from inside . With the dull sound of steel echoes .

"Yes, the trajectory has not deviated in the slightest, and the burst of the bullet happens to be just when the momentum is used up, and the power of the gun itself will no longer be affected . This bullet does not need to be changed any more . " The boss said something . From the huge hole drilled out, said to Liu Chang: "the next thing, you need to secrete poison on it . Your venom is good . It is a mixture of neurotoxin and blood toxin . It has both suffocating effect and hallucinogenic effect . It’s a very good poison . And you won’t hurt yourself in the process of using it . It’s just that the secretion is a little bit small every day . "

"There are many . How many grams of venom can a snake secrete a day? I take a big bite a day, and I’ve had a lot of it! " Liu Chang said .

"But it’s less refined . " The boss patted Liu Chang’s thigh and motioned him to go upstairs with him . "We have refined the things you secreted a few days ago, so that the toxin per unit area has a stronger toxic effect . So . We have produced less than 70 ml of venom from the pot you vomited this month . "

"Come on, follow me . I’ll show you . " The eldest brother led Liu Chang and his second son out of the basement, and then went through the workshop to a small laboratory . There were many test tube reagents in the laboratory . Among them, one tube containing orange yellow liquid was sealed most perfectly, and the liquid inside was also the brightest .

"Well, this is the pipe . If you let me drink it, I think it will poison him . Ha ha . . . " The boss held the test tube and laughed obscenely, and continued: "and the next thing for us is to add this thing to your bullet, and then, they become the biggest capital for you to put down that huge monster!"

The eldest brother took the test tube and shook it, so that the bright yellow inside flowed evenly in the tube, turning out the luster of death .

Then he added Liu Chang and the second three people, looking at this dangerous thing, his eyes also showed hope for the first time . Then a big two small three faces, at the same time showed a smile .

But it was at this time - they were so happy and sad .

Hope is always accompanied by despair . When they just saw the dawn of victory, the smell of a woman drifted into Liu Chang’s nose - and then he could smell who the woman was - and at the same time, he could smell the panic of the other party because of the sweat and sour gas from excessive exercise .

When people are in different emotions, they will emit different flavors - and when they are afraid and nervous, they will taste sour and bitter - which has been proved by science and Liu Chang’s practice .

So, when he smelled the sour and bitter breath, he restrained all the smiles on his face . "What happened?" Liu Chang’s smile changed into doubt, and then turned away from the laboratory to meet the direction of the odor source .

All the way out of the factory, Liu Chang received he Zhizhi, who was running in a panic at the intersection, and then directly heard her panting terror words .

"Liu, Liu’s people are here!"

"Yes?" Liu Chang heard this sentence, the brain buzzing for a moment, "then how do you run out, other people are OK?"

"It’s OK!" He Zhizhi took a breath and adjusted the rhythm of his next breath and said: "it should be a small amphibian . He didn’t know that my nose is very useful, so he went to our room door to have a look, and then left . But I think that his speed is so fast, he will inform the flow as soon as he leaves! So, I asked Qingyin to inform others to come here and tell you the news first . "

"You’re right . You don’t want the house first . People just need to be OK . " Liu Chang said, smelling the direction of the congratulatory branches running, after confirming that no one was there, he took her back to the factory .

As soon as they entered the factory gate, they ran into two other children who had just come out of the factory . They were not as fast as Liu Chang and didn’t know what had happened at the beginning, so they were a lot late .

"What’s the matter?" The boss looked at the face of Liu Chang and he Zhizhi, and then guessed the general result of the matter, "is it flowing? Don’t talk about it for a moment . Go in and talk about it! "

Two people in the boss led, into the workshop, and three or two steps, Liu Chang also briefly said the next thing about the general process .

"I can’t believe it’s early . " The boss rubbed his hands . "I wanted to make everything go smoothly . I was fully prepared to fight again . Now things are a little tricky!"

"Yes, the production process of bullets is not easy, especially this kind of bullets . We have to carve them by hand, proofread them, and then check their arcs . After all, there is no such precise machine tool here . " The second also rubs his head in frustration, "what can I do? If I find it and there is no bullet, what should I do to the guy?"

"How many bullets can you produce in a day?" Liu Chang saw the annoyed look of the two children and knew that this kind of bullet was not easy to produce .

"One person can proofread one in ten hours . " The boss looked at Liu Chang and said, "after all, the impact force of shredded meat is too big, so it is a test of mechanical rules to add anything into it . "

"Only one in ten hours?" Although Liu Chang thought that it was not easy to produce bullets, he still didn’t expect that the difficulties would reach such a level, "what should we do? What if it happens? "

"Second, how many samples have you made The boss did not answer Liu Chang’s question, but turned his head and looked at another child beside him .

"Two, made two . " The second one called out and ran to the other end of the workshop and took out the final sample . "Originally, one sample of a generation of bullets could be used, but I think this one should work . Last night, there was nothing wrong, so I made two . "

"Well done . " The eldest brother answered, took Liu Chang and the second by the hand and took them into the laboratory . Then he took out the venom extracted from the tube again and took out a special needle to suck out some of the venom inside . Then the needle was inserted into the side of the sample bomb .

"There’s a hole that’s going to close itself, and the inside of the bullet is a spider like space that can hold about two milliliters of venom . " The old man said, he injected the extracted venom into the interior of the bullet . "This cobweb space is the space most in line with the trajectory and the pressure of the bullet after exerting force . Originally, I could make you at least 30 rounds of poison ammunition with 70 ml of venom, but now it seems that there is no such time . "

The eldest brother said, after injecting poison into the bullet, he checked the sealed bullet again and handed it to Liu Chang after confirming it was correct .

"Take it and put it in the first place of the cartridge case you need it . " After the boss handed over the things, he turned to look at the second, "let’s hurry up and make sure that we can produce as much as we can, and the rough work must also ensure the output . Liu Chang, you can go outside to watch and meet the companions who may arrive . . . "

"Or the enemy . "

With this sentence, the boss trotted out of the lab with the second .

And Liu Chang in situ pad heavy poison bombs, carrying their own big knife, began to prepare their own full armed .

The wind and rain finally came (to be continued)


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