Global Evolution

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: 176

So, the fourth bullet, of course, will appear in the best movement path of his head .

So, this bullet is inevitable .

So, this bullet successfully hit the head of Liu .

So, there are flowers of blood .

Therefore, Liu Chang’s pupil because of this series of things happened, surprise suddenly retracted for a while, and then violently evacuated .

It was his last hope to beat the stream or survive, and all his willpower was there - he had no other chance .

So his eyes were so focused, so attentive, so exhausting - like a thirsty tough man who saw a girl’s underpants, he was absorbed and had a wonderful look .

But the next moment, he was disappointed!

Or, in other words, despair .

The bullet did hit the upper part of Liu’s head, but he cleverly sidestepped his face to let the bullet that could have broken his cheek and penetrated into the back of his head . Along his turning face, it pierced his cheek and got stuck in the middle of his teeth . Then, there was a brainwave like sound from No . 17: "this gun is more powerful, I’m afraid not Are you going to kill me? "

There is no malice in the sound of ridicule .

But Liu Chang heard it so harsh .

The result is that he is more depressed than the tough guy who looks at the girl’s underpants and suddenly finds that there are other protuberances hidden in the pants .

But even if he was desperate, he didn’t want to give up . In a hurry, he pulled out his magazine . But as he expected, the flow would not give him this time .

The time of four bullets gazing at each other is very long . In fact, it is only within seconds, that is, the speed of bullets flying more than ten meters . So this time is negligible . But the time to change the cartridge clip can’t be ignored - no matter how fast Liu Chang’s hand is, it takes a second to change a cartridge clip . However, the speed of a bullet flying more than ten meters is only 0 . 01 seconds . 0 . 01 seconds can’t do anything, but one second is OK .

0 . 01 seconds, even if it’s a stream, it can’t do anything big - but if you give him one second, he can rush to Liu Chang and tear him apart .

Therefore, Liu Chang was in fact at the moment of the fourth bullet . It’s time to change the clips . And just after he took out his clip, the sound of No . 17, which ignored the space distance, reached his brain half a second later, and the flow came .

With a loud noise, the life-threatening flow explosion sent out a more powerful destructive force than just now, with both hands in one fell swoop . The whole floor was overturned, and then people jumped out, from the cracks in the first and second floors to the third floor where Liu Chang was . With a huge hand with a roar, he directly grasped Liu Chang .

So, in the face of this devastating monster . Liu Chang didn’t have time to change the clip at all . The whole ground he was on was overturned . The sound of collapse of various load-bearing walls made the whole office building creak unbearably . Dust and mud were constantly falling from the upper space, and the eyes were covered with sand . Therefore, there was no problem of sight distance and dynamic vision . Sand in the eyes, but also useless .

I closed my eyes when I was stimulated by sand and stone . Liu Chang was rushed out by the powerful impact force under his feet . However, in the crisis, he still stepped on a stone in the air and slipped through the fingers of the stream according to his memory and calculation ability . However, he was still carried away by the strong impact force . As soon as his right arm was sent, the gun also flew out because of the strong impact .

But after he flew out, his feet were not on the ground, so he was so smart that he would not give him a second chance to turn over . From the bottom up, he grabbed the other arm to him again .

From his chest to the bottom of his chest, he felt a huge force rolling from his chest to the air .

"It’s over Squeezing his eyes, let the sand in his eyes flow out of his eyes . Liu Chang opens his eyes and sees the huge face flowing .

Angry faces .

After all, it’s hard for anyone to get shot in the face, and it almost runs through the back of the head .

"Do you have any last words to account for?" Liu’s palms kept clenching, gradually increasing the upper strength, only Liu Chang’s visceral tumbling, almost spit out from the throat system .

Therefore, Liu’s last words - he did not explain - because as soon as he opened his mouth, the air in the alveoli was directly squeezed out by the powerful force of the other party, and turned into a mass of air, which nearly doubled the size between his chest and abdomen .

Behind the intense pain is the threat of death, and under the threat of death, Liu Chang suddenly thought of some things .

He suddenly thought of those little lizards that had been poisoned by himself . He suddenly felt something coming out of his mouth . Then he suddenly saw the mouth size of the bowl, which was shot by the broken meat on his arm .

Then, very naturally, he spit out his mouth size wound .

Then the stream screamed - for the first time since the battle . Reptiles, there are many very poisonous creatures, such as poisonous lizards, such as poisonous snakes .

In Liu Chang’s tired knowledge, there are many snakes that can kill several people with one gram of venom .

King cobra, black mamba These are nothing . They are fierce big flat snakes . Sea snakes are the best among them It is said that a gram of the venom of these snakes can kill thousands of mice It is said that among these toxins are blood toxoid and neurotoxoid

Blood toxoid can suffocate

Psychotoxoid can be very painful

No one can bear the pain of burning nerves directly .

Therefore, even if he is powerful, he still can’t help but scream . At the same time, his eyes are also confused . It is obvious that the hallucinogenic effect of neurotoxoid makes him see strange things and bring different feelings to his spiritual world .

Therefore, at this moment, he released Liu Chang, his eyes sometimes blurred and sometimes sober . Obviously, his powerful brain domain function is fighting with the powerful hallucinogenic function of neurotoxoid - like a drunk strong man who wants to keep his head clear, he is fighting with his numb mind .

However, Liu Chang could not give up when he got this breathing space . He didn’t believe that his venom could poison the other creature whose life strength reached 300 . He didn’t even believe how long his venom could make the other party confused . Therefore, as soon as he landed on the ground from each other’s hands and feet, he immediately rushed into the ruins on the other side .

He’s looking for a gun!

Among reptiles, there is a share of the venom in the poison sac, so much at a time . At the moment, Liu Chang felt empty in his mouth, and his bones were broken like pain . In such a moment, he knew that he could not get rid of this monster which could not be broken through by his fists and feet .

So the only thing that could help him now was the missing gun in the ruins on the other side - the only guy who could help himself to blow the head of the behemoth with one shot .

Of course, if one shot doesn’t explode, more shots will be fired . Liu Chang’s biggest wish now is to find the gun quickly and load it with bullets . As a result, all of this has happened .

It’s not so easy to find a gun in the environment where the whole building is about to turn into ruins . It’s not so easy to find a gun . Liu Chang finds his own gun and cartridge clip after three minutes of searching in the sand and stone with both hands . But when he just installed the clip, he felt a little wrong .


On the other side .

In the sky of Zhengzhou, layers of clouds suddenly rose .

On the ground of Zhengzhou, in the world of flowers blooming everywhere, the big willow tree, which has been silent for a long time, squirmed again .

This time he didn’t move much . The main thing was the flowers all over the city - and the brain in it .

In the middle of each flower, there is a blood red vein, which connects with the blood vessels of the human brain, and constantly transports nutrients to it . But today, at this moment, the nutrients here suddenly surge up .

That is like the blood of the tree sap, the flow suddenly doubled, this sudden increase if replaced by ordinary human brain, will surely die of cerebral hemorrhage - because the brain is so fragile .

But today, under the intense nutrient supply and peristalsis, because of the protection of willow trees, the veins connecting the blood vessels did not burst, and the speed of feeding did not increase .

One minute later, the rate of support doubled

Two minutes later, the rate of support has doubled

Three minutes later, the speed of willow feeding the brain has doubled That is to say, within three minutes, the willow’s feeding speed to the brain has accelerated by a full eight times .

In this way, until ten minutes later, when the sound of strong nutrient transportation was heard all over the city, strange things happened -

each brain sent out a weak current, which is usually hard to see with the naked eye - because this is the brain wave that human beings send out when they think It is very weak, not to mention invisible to the naked eye . Even with the most sophisticated instruments, it is difficult to present it .

But today, there is a spark . This is the spark of human thought - the spark of wisdom!

Crackling, in the middle of the flowers in each brain region on the willow body, there are strong electric currents visible to the naked eye . These electric currents are emitted from the brain, shining out millions of times, and then slowly diffuse into the air .

Thousands of sparks of wisdom filled the air

Tens of thousands of sparks of wisdom gathered together

the most brilliant wisdom of hundreds of thousands of people slowly reorganized in the air .

The sparks of wisdom of millions of people finally interweave into a river of wisdom in the sky


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