Global Awakening: I Got A SSS-level Library System

Chapter 14: Isabella Sets a New Record at Santania School

Chapter 14: Isabella Sets a New Record at Santania School

"This secret passage could hardly be narrower..." As four hours had passed, leaving just one hour before the secret realm closed, most students were already hurrying towards its various exits.

Wendy, however, found herself struggling through an extremely tight space, reminiscent of crawling through a ventilation duct.

Wendy had initially intended to head back, especially since her score had soared to 400 points, eclipsing Isabella Roberts's tally from the previous year by 20 points. This was an achievement beyond her most ambitious dreams.

But, when seeking an exit on the map, she discovered the same message penned by Alex beside every exit route: "Ensure you visit chamber B7 before departing. I have prepared a big surprise for you there."

Having benefited immensely from Alex's guidance before, Wendy couldn't just overlook his advice.

Amid her cautious advance, Wendy suddenly caught snippets of conversation, halting her movement and holding her breath in fear of making any noise.

"Why would there be other people here? Does someone else know about this secret passage?" It took her a moment to realize that the voices weren't emanating from within the passage, but from outside.

A tiny crevice lay ahead in the passage, with voices seeping through it. Creeping closer and peering through the crack, Wendy was surprised to see Isabella below.

It turned out the secret passage was situated at the very top of the area, just above the cave's ceiling. Below, Isabella was embroiled in an intense battle with several beasts, alongside two students from Warrior Class A.

While each of the other students was just managing to hold off a single beast, Isabella was valiantly combating three beasts on her own.

Though Wendy viewed herself as a beginner, she immediately recognized the beasts: Cyclops Wolves, level 25, formidable creatures known for their pack behavior. Not only were these beasts powerful, but they also executed coordinated attacks with elementary tactics, making them particularly challenging adversaries.

Given Wendy's current level of strength, spotting a Cyclops Wolf meant it was time to flee for her life.

Hence, seeing Isabella courageously take on three Cyclops Wolves single-handedly evoked a deep sense of admiration in Wendy for her formidable skills.

Isabella lifted her rapier deliberately, her left hand casting a spell into the air. In an instant, she darted forward with such speed that a series of afterimages trailed behind her. "Windthorn Sword, sweep!" she declared.

In that moment, although surrounded by three beasts, it was as if she was the one ensnaring them. The three Cyclops Wolves, despite their attempts to break free, were unable to escape the domain of Isabella's swordplay.

Far from landing a blow on her, they instead accumulated more injuries. Before long, the trio of beasts fell.

Isabella didn't immediately collect her spoils of war but instead turned to aid the other two students from Warrior Class A. With her intervention, the battle was swiftly concluded.

"Isabella, you should take these trophies. We didn't contribute much, after all," the two freshmen said, a touch sheepishly.

Isabella, however, waved off the suggestion, "We're all classmates here; there's no need for such formality. I'll only take the eyes of the Cyclops Wolves I personally defeated. You two were more involved with the other two beasts, so the loot from them is yours. Besides, I've already secured around 450 points, which should be more than enough for a solid result. Let's gather our loot and exit the secret realm."

The two junior students looked on with envy at her score; they had managed only just over a hundred points each, largely thanks to an encounter with Isabella. Yet, Isabella herself had amassed such an impressive score on her own. "Looks like Isabella will definitely claim the top spot this year."

Within the secret passage, Wendy Queen was jolted back to her senses upon hearing Isabella announce her score. This wasn't the time to be a spectator. She pressed on, slightly quickening her pace.

Wendy had believed her score of 400 points would be enough for first place, yet here was Isabella already at 450 points.

Previously, Wendy wouldn't have even dreamed of competing for the top spot, but now, she felt a stubborn determination. After all, there was a bet between the Omni-Class and Warrior Class A, and she was intent on making every effort to achieve the best possible outcome.

Twenty minutes later, Wendy reached the chamber door and, following Alex's guidance, opened it.

As the door opened, her heart seemed to skip a beat. The room was filled with countless pairs of blood-red eyes staring at her. It was a den of fierce beasts! Was this Mr. Watson's idea of a "big surprise"? If so, the gift was overwhelmingly "generous"!

Outside the Chaotic Stone Secret Realm, students from all the classes began to exit one by one. Although the exits within the realm were dispersed randomly, the moment they stepped through, they were teleported back to their initial entry point, which was conveniently arranged.

As students emerged, their respective class teachers approached to inspect their hauls and check for any injuries. Given the entry-level difficulty of the Chaotic Stone Secret Realm, most injuries were minor and could be treated immediately on the spot.

Time passed swiftly, and soon, most of the students had regrouped with their classes. After getting a sense of everyone's achievements, those with good scores were clearly elated, whereas those with lesser scores displayed resignation.

Yet, excitement was the prevailing emotion; the chance to enter the secret realm was rare and highly anticipated.

With thirty minutes left until the closure, Isabella and her two companions exited the realm. Oscar quickly approached them. "How did it go? How many points did you get?" Oscar's impatience made Isabella somewhat uncomfortable.

Typically, the first concern of teachers when their students emerged was their well-being, inquiring about any injuries that might require attention.

However, her teacher seemed only interested in the scores. Isabella could only reassure herself, thinking perhaps it was Oscar's confidence in her abilities.

Isabella met Oscar's eager gaze and quietly revealed her score: "455 points."

The announcement caused a stir among the onlookers and even earned an admiring glance from the dean. Her score had indeed broken the previous record at Santania School!

Oscar glanced provocatively at Alex, but Alex was distracted, not paying him any mind. His focus was elsewhere, as his thoughts were bombarded with notifications:

「Wendy Queen gains 100 experience points. You received a bonus reward of 100 experience points!」

「Wendy Queen gains 100 experience points. You received a bonus reward of 100 experience points!」

「Wendy Queen gains 100 experience points. You received a bonus reward of 100 experience points!」

「Level Up!」


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