Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

With "idiocy exceeding that of humans", he continued to try to overcome death, tossing aside the pride, authority and power of the king, not knowing a purpose for doing it or someone to do it for.

His fear of death was one of the reasons for his actions, but he also loathed death because he couldn't forgive himself for abandoning his role of looking into the future.

He finally reached the realm of the dead and discovered, upon meeting Utnapishtim, that his form of immortality was not at all special.

Utnapishtim gained longevity by joining the ranks of the gods, becoming a plant in the process.

Gilgamesh rejected such immortality because it had to be immortal with a human's desires still intact, rather than simply living eternally in a body without appetite.

He had simply planned to leave the Underworld and return to Uruk to complete his vault, but Utnapishtim, having been doubtful of having his mode of existence rejected or possibly wanting to condemn someone who had denied the immortality of the gods to the same existence, told Gilgamesh a secret.

He told Gilgamesh a method of becoming immortal without seeking the mercy of the gods, the root of an herb that grew in the depths.

Although he himself did not consume it, as it would become just a plant, he collected it as a rare treasure to decorate his vault. Stopping in the depths, he shook the grass and came back above ground.

Unable to put words to his mood at the time, there was a part of him that was hopeful, even though he declared that there was no need for immortality modeled on the gods. He smiled with his realization as he returned to the surface, believing he could defeat death and avenge his friend.

With the ability to overcome the "death" that had led to Enkidu, the voices and cheers of the people of Uruk would have reached an unprecedented level upon returning with immortality.

Describing himself as being in the 'recklessness of youth', vanity soon followed and he was troubled by his irregular state, which he had not spared a single thought until that time.

He wanted to purify himself before returning to Uruk to test the fruits of his labor in perfect condition, so he rested the next spring to recover from the fatigue accumulated over decades of searching.

He experienced a certain feeling in that moment that he believed was his first real feeling of joy.

As the water healed him, he felt a tranquility as if releasing a lingering malaise in body and mind.

It was the first time he was so ecstatic with any of his achievements because the act of gathering treasures is like an instinct like breathing that brings him no joy.

The act of obtaining immortality was the first time he had given thanks for being born into the world, because, despite claiming to have the perspective of humans, he believed he was not human until that moment. He felt free of everything, no doubts, fears, fixations or duties.

Overwhelmed by the feeling of omnipotence, he describes feeling as elan vital, the reward of his own desire and the belief that he could do whatever he wanted with that joy for all eternity.

It was then that his carelessness caused her to be ripped from him, torn down by desires, the simple appetite of "hunger", of a snake that crawled in the jungle.

The snake on an empty stomach was attracted by the smell of grass, and though a panicked Gilgamesh emerged from the spring, it was too late.

The snake gained the property of shedding, having been the restoration of youth rather than immortality, and all that was left was her shed skin. He was then struck by the laughter at the event, the absurdity of the conclusion on everything he hoped to win and everything he prided himself on being "nothing". He laughed at his own foolishness until his sides ached.

Although he was not unable to obtain anything, he understood that his only reward was that nothing would be left for him.

The satisfaction in life and joy he first gained instantly disappeared, making him realize that it was the nature of the human world.

Realizing that immortality was unnecessary to his duty, he was born a human at that time and died a human after learning joy. Although he was "complete from birth", he also had his inexperienced times.

Taking almost his entire life to complete his development, he reached physical maturity at the time with Enkidu and mental maturity at that time, marking the end of his youth.

Having laughed at the theft, the sun had risen and smiling at the fleeting moment of human joy, he returned to Uruk.

Marking the end of his adventures, he ruled Uruk as the ruler of heroes and completed him. Later, he also returned to the depths to retrieve the herb once more, simply to complete his collection and, by chance, he would be in a situation he could only tolerate as a child.

Though still severe, he ruled Uruk in silence, entrusting him to the next king before going to eternal rest without telling the herb's whereabouts. He became mankind's oldest hero and the illustrious king who was the first in this world to "become a story".

*With MC after waking up.*

Truly the Greatest King in the World.

Someone who started well, got lost and later found himself.

I never in my life imagined seeing and experiencing this.

In my life before that I was someone common, a Brazilian named Diogo, someone who had his own ups and downs, but nothing worthy of note.

To think that someone lived and experienced it all.

The world is really big.

Just like the one I live in now.

It's not a normal world anymore.

In this world there are gods and beings with the power to destroy it.

I must strengthen myself to prepare myself for this world.

After all I want to prevent a lot of things from happening.

In this world several beings are plotting for evil, things I want to avoid.

Like for example.

Has Rizevim already allied with the Vampires to free Trihexa?

Is Hades already planning the extermination of the users of [Longinus] and the leaders of each mythology?

Does Nyx already plan to use Ingvild Leviathan to control Great Red and Ophis?

There are several things to happen in this world that I want to avoid.

After all, the Goddesses brought me here to change history.

And with my powers and my future adventures I will change the world.

After all, this is my New Life.


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