Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

*With Enkidu.*

After separating from the main group, Enkidu entered Tepes Castle, not surprised to see most of its inhabitants no longer around.

Descending the castle cellar, Enkidu stopped when he heard the voices of the guards standing beside the girl's cell.

"Hey, is it just me or are we the only ones in this castle?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Everyone's asleep while we're on our guard because of that damn Marius."

Enkidu smiled before summoning his chains and tearing the Vampires apart.

He then emerged from the shadows, appearing in front of the girl she was, however before he showed himself he saw a vampire trying to hit the girl, he quickly summoned his chains and destroyed the vampire.

The girl is dressed in some kind of red dress that shimmers just above her ankles, the bodice curled around her figure and highlighting her modest but shapely breasts, red eyes watching me warily despite exhaustion, her thin, covered hands wearing gloves while her long blond hair is a tangled mess.

"Hello, my name is Enkidu" said the Weapon of the Gods with a gentle smile.

"Ah, nice to meet you Lord Enkidu," said the girl in a low tone.

"I came here to rescue you, to take you to a safe place so you can see Gasper again." said Weapon of the Gods.

The girl's eyes filled with a glow.

"Swear? I can see him again" said the Girl to which Enkidu waved.

She didn't know, but something told her she could trust the man in front of her.

She then took his hand before they disappeared.

*With Gilgamesh.*

Gilgamesh was in a bit of a sticky situation, at first he decided to release some shock waves to get the attention of the Vampires.

And now he was surrounded by Vampires everywhere.

Gilgamesh stared at them as he tightened his grip on Regulus.

Narrowing his eyes, he looked once more at the vampires. All the vampires hesitated and looked at each other until one of them stepped forward and threw a dagger at Gilgamesh's back.

Without even looking in their direction, Gilgamesh caught the blade just before he reached it and threw it at another vampire on the other side, who was getting ready to leap towards him, the dagger piercing through his heart.

The adrenaline and the smell of blood were the boost everyone else seemed to be waiting for, and not a second later one of them lunged towards Gilgamesh, sword in hand, intending to stab the blonde in the heart, but Gilgamesh gave it to him. He stepped to the side and grabbed the sword hand, then guided the rapier across the chest and shoved him toward another vampire, making the blade pierce as well.

Two more vampires attacked Gilgamesh, from both sides, this time with nothing but their fangs. However, as in the previous one, their attempt was also unsuccessful, and the two ended up colliding, thanks to Gilgamesh jumping a few meters up. Unlike his jump, his landing wasn't as graceful as he landed with each foot on top of one of their heads, which was crushed and shattered along with the ground beneath them.

Behind him, another vampire with a long, thick rope seemed to want to test his luck and threw the chain towards Gilgamesh, wrapping it around his left arm.

Looking at the vampire trying to pull him back, Gilgamesh grabbed the chain and yanked it, sending the vampire holding the other end straight into the cold, hard wall of the castle as he began to wind it loosely like a rope.

"Flank him! Take him down!'' A vampire ordered, but the others around him didn't seem as sure as he did,

"What are you waiting for now?" He attacked and several other young vampires followed, the older and healthier among them choosing to stand back and watch.

Casually stepping to the side first, Gilgamesh hit him on the back of the head with the coiled chain, spun and hit someone else's face with the chain, then he released it and threw it towards the other, the end gleaming in red for the fraction of a second and piercing his heart and killing him, pulling him and sending the tip through another one coming from behind.

Before they could take another step, I hurled a single sword of light at them, killing one of the vampires instantly. The other guard was so shocked that he stopped moving completely, I could easily kill him during those few seconds but I didn't. I needed this to alert the vampires of this castle and get to my position.

The other vampires looked in my direction and probably recognized my use of the Holy Light if their petrified face with fear and panic was any indication. He fumbled with something in his hands, probably a magical communication device to alert others. I let him cry in panic at my presence and instantly moved in front of him and decapitated him with my ax bathed in sacred energy, leaving only ash behind, before he could tell about my use of the Holy Light. I then destroyed the communication device that required a situation report, crushing it under my foot and waiting.

He waited for the fangs to finally arrive.

And it didn't take long, as dozens of vampires were approaching my position and were already gearing up for combat, but I didn't even let them speak or take the first step. I wanted to do as much damage as possible to their faction, so I needed to be extremely cruel in my dealings with them.

"[Light Magic: Light Swords of Conviction]" Dozens of beams of light pierced the weak bodies of lower-class vampires, killing them effortlessly. Several of them tried to fight back, sending their shadows at me, but it was useless as my aura of light was literally burning away the darkness. Some tried to use magic to hurt me, but I repelled all their spells as more and more beams of light decimated them.

And for all that, I didn't move from my position. I was watching impassively as the bodies of bloodsuckers littered the castle floor. I could feel more vampires coming, but they died just the same in my light.

I could see a handful of vampires literally transforming into a reptile or insect form and approaching me with anger and anger in their eyes.

"So that's the shapeshifting ability of vampires," I thought to myself.

"Yes. Probably they think it will give more resistance against their light" said Regulus in my mind.

Vampires would have no chance of defeating me, they are even weaker to holy light than devils, so my [Light Magic] would be enough to finish them off.

I slashed at the vampires with my axe, releasing a wave made of Holy Light and cutting the high-class vampires in two.

I looked at the incoming forces that stopped moving and chose to stare at me in shock and horror, some began to flee in fear. The vampires I killed must have been important Lords of Tepes.

However, I didn't let them look at me and took this moment to finish them off.

I point my ax at them, some already stepping back towards my disturbing blank mask, eyeing them coldly, a sphere of light formed at the tip of the axe. The sphere was growing as the vampires realized that the situation was hopeless and decided to foolishly decide to turn their backs on me in order to flee.


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