Gifted Bride of the Sinned Prince

Chapter 594 - 594 You airhead! [Bonus chapter]

594 You airhead! [Bonus chapter]

Lin Jiao sat on the chair, her leg hanging down the left armrest while her gaze was on the ceiling. “He made me his servant,” she murmured and tilted her head to look at the shelves which she cleaned.

“Miss Lin should sit straight,” Mingquan said as he entered the office room with a document in his hand.

“This is my way of sitting,” Lin Jiao stated.

Mingquan settled on the chair in front of her. He placed the document on the table and clasped his fingers together. “Miss Lin’s leg is visible,” Mingquan said.

Lin Jiao looked at her leg which was hanging down the armrest. She immediately sat straight and cleared her throat.

“I did my work. I cleaned all the shelves, and stacked the bamboo slips as the Fourth Prince asked me to. I made His Highness’s work easier,” Lin Jiao said with a proud smile.

“Hmm. I think with this Miss Lin’s hangover has gone,” Mingquan stated and asked her to leave. He focused his attention on the document on the table.

“The Fourth Prince should at least thank me for my work,” Lin Jiao demanded.

“Why should I?” Mingquan asked while keeping his eyes on the document. “Miss Lin should not waste my time and leave for her home,” he stated.


That remark sounded rude to Lin Jiao and it angered her. She leaned forward and took the document in her hand. Mingquan gazed at her and frowned.

“Miss Lin, don’t play a child’s game. Return the document,” Mingquan said with a stern tone and forwarded his hand.

“First, the Prince should thank me,” Lin Jiao asserted. Mingquan got up from the chair and so did Lin Jiao.

“Miss Lin, that document is important. Return it to me,” Mingquan said and walked to her. She walked backward and shook her head.

“The Fourth Prince should step back from the marriage first. I don’t want to marry him,” Lin Jiao demanded.

Mingquan’s expression darkened and he said, “Don’t make me angry. Give me the document.” Lin Jiao shook her head when Mingquan approached her with long strides.

She ran behind the second shelf and loudly said, “The Fourth Prince has to tell my father that he doesn’t want to marry me. I will return this document to him.” It was a good way to blackmail Mingquan in her eyes.

However, she had no idea that she might get severely punished for this kind of act. She saw Mingquan coming from the left and quickly went behind the third shelf.

Mingquan was annoyed with her behavior. Finally, he caught her as they were behind the last shelf. Lin Jiao found her trapped. Her one hand was on the shelf, which wasn’t fully stacked.

“Give me the document,” Mingquan stated.

Lin Jiao gulped and she slowly brought her hand to the front. She handed it to him, who took it from her and then grasped her arm tightly.

“Ahh!” Lin Jiao let out a scream and asked Mingquan to let go of her arm.

“Do you even have any idea what this document carries?” Mingquan shouted at her. This was his first time scolding a woman. He never liked it, but Lin Jiao was a different case in his eyes. Without any scolding and punishment, she would not stop behaving like a child.

“I returned it to the Fourth P-Prince,” she muttered and pushed him away with her other hand when Mingquan again grabbed her wrist.

He pinned her to the shelf and she again let out a scream when her back hit it. She frowned and then gulped to see Mingquan’s facial expressions.

The shelf was shaking as its one side was weak, but they didn’t realize it.

“Why does the Fourth Prince want to marry me?” Lin Jiao finally questioned.

“I bet there is no man who would like to have you as his wife. I am one of them. People grow at a certain age, but you are a kid, who needs the attention of her family, especially your mother. At least be a grown-up for the sake of your mother. She doesn’t know her daughter annoys other people. She should keep you at home. I want peace in my life, not a disaster,” Mingquan remarked.

Lin Jiao chuckled and pushed him away with her full strength.

“You will stay in the Lin Residence for a week. That’s your punishment,” he stated.

Lin Jiao’s eyebrows furrowed. “I won’t listen to you. And I don’t have a mother,” she said. Her eyes turned misty and she turned to leave when the shelf tilted down in their direction.

Before Lin Jiao could have gotten hurt, Mingquan caught her arm, drew her close and they twirled. The shelf hit Mingquan’s back while Lin Jiao’s back hit the wall behind her.

Mingquan’s left hand rested on the wall beside her head. Their noses almost touched and their eyes got locked with each other.

Mingquan frowned as his back got hurt by that weight. Lin Jiao tried to push him away when he asked to stay quiet.

But Lin Jiao didn’t listen to him. She wanted to run away from his sight. Her mood was terrible at that time.

Mingquan was already pushed down by the heavyweight of the shelf, could not balance himself and his lips landed above hers. Their eyes widened and he immediately withdrew.

Lin Jiao covered her mouth with her hand.

“You airhead! I told you to stay still!” Mingquan’s jaw clenched and he again turned furious at her.

“Why are you scolding me? It is you, who stole my kiss,” Lin Jiao angrily said. “And I am not an airhead!” She stated.

Mingquan called for help, ignoring her, but no one came inside for a while. Lin Jiao also shouted for help along with him.

“Why is no one coming?” Mingquan got irked and he looked at Lin Jiao, who slowly lowered her hand from her mouth.

“You have a way to make people fall in danger,” Mingquan said. “You have to pay for it,” he added.

“But I did nothing,” Lin Jiao said.

“My back is hurting,” Mingquan said. “I can’t lift its weight any longer. You should also bear its weight,” he affirmed.

“What? No! Just stay like this. You are such a strong man. You have been carrying loads of weight—” she stopped speaking when Mingquan asked her to.

“Just shut your mouth. You aren’t helping me at all,” Mingquan asserted.

Lin Jiao saw the beads of sweat on his temples. She lifted her arm and wiped the sweat from her long sleeve.

Mingquan gazed into her eyes and decided to apologize to her for his earlier remark.


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