Ghost in the City

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

‘Musashi’ Daisuke Smith

“Where the fuck did she go!?” He yelled out as he raced back into the walls of the dojo.

Fucking dammit. This was supposed to happen outside the dojo! Sensei wouldn’t interfere, but there would be trouble after if they caused trouble here!

“She jumped on the roof! Misaki is fucked!” One of his chooms called out in Japanese, looking over Misaski was indeed fucked. The girl looked like her face was punched in.

Fuck. Moritaka was not going to be pleased about his Netrunner getting hurt.

“Find the bitch! Block the entrance, keep an eye on the walls. There is no way out except through here! Watch her car!” He called out and the men all nodded.

Musashi wasn’t the highest ranked member in the TC, but his Grandfather was well respected, and that carried a lot of weight.

It was why he could take on the name Musashi and no one argued against it. He would live up to it regardless. Fuck all those fools that mocked him for his choice.

He would show the Tyger Claws his worth.

But first he needed to beat this girl black and blue… Maybe take one of her legs. She had already lost both arms, so what was one more limb?

If that Bitch hadn’t tricked him and beaten him in the match in front of everyone, then maybe he wouldn’t need to cut her to make sure she understood. He had only lost because they were fighting with stupid Shinai and not live steel!

Fucking Sensei. That old man didn’t understand that a true Samurai needed live steel to show his true talent!

And fuck that little whore for mocking him! Him! She was nothing! A fucking street rat that was only allowed around because her brother was a weapon for the Kamikaze.

“Find her!” He yelled and his men ran off. A few were helping each other to climb onto the roof to find her.

He stomped around. Already he could see Sensei coming out to the front of the Dojo but with a look the older man took in what was happening and he stopped. He didn’t interfere but his eyes went yellow as he made a call.


They needed to find her. Now, before Fujimura-sama was informed, and that fucking trash Oni showed up.

Moritaka-Sama would not be pleased if his desire to have leverage failed. Moritaka-Sama’s son, Kisaru, had nearly been killed by some trash wannabe, and he was not pleased. The Oni had known, knew the assassin in question. Now Moritaka-Sama had plans to force Fujimura-Sama into something,, but it would all fail if they didn’t have the girl!

What the fuck was she made of? Who just leapt over ten foot walls without trouble!?

Of course she had chrome, her brother was the Oni, but this was too much!

“Where is she!?” He yelled again but received no response. Only confused looks from his chooms as they hadn’t found anything. “She’s not a fucking ghost find her!”

*Is that what you think?* He stilled, nearly jumping at the voice in his ear. He glanced around in shock before calming realizing what had happened. A call had gone through his agent without even ringing, and the girl was talking to him!

*Give up, when we find you I will ensure you will not escape again. Surrender now and perhaps it will not be permanent.*

*That’s cute coming from some nobody.*

*You dare! I am-*

*A dead man.*

“Fuck! Musashi! Brian is dead!”

“What!?” He cut the call and rushed over around the corner in the alley was Brian. Brian who was stupid, but good muscle. Musashi kept him around because the boy had no ambition. He just liked hurting people and that was good enough for him.

He was dead. Throat cut open and left in the middle of the alley.

“The basement! She went into the Dojo!” He yelled out, noticing some blood stains on the door.

“Can-should we even go in?” One of his men asked, and he scoffed.

“Let me handle the thinking, get the girl!” The boys rushed in to find her, and Musashi grimaced. This was already becoming an issue.

*You won’t find me in there.* The call hadn’t ended. He had ended the call, and yet it was still connected.

*You’re a netrunner.* It clicked and he grimaced. That was bad.

*Oh? You didn’t know that? No… No, I refused to believe you morons didn’t do any research into your target before you tried to kidnap me. Maelstrom did more research when they tried it, are you stupider than a bunch of Maelstrom goons?*

*You’re a nobody. You may have some talents, but they don’t matter. You won’t escape.*

*Escape? Oh you poor fool. I’m not running.*

“Musashi! Carter! He’s fucked! S-stabbed through!”

“What?” He looked towards his men, the idea of Carter dying… That was impossible. He followed towards the other side of the dojo and there was Carter. His own Katana stabbed through his heart. “How is this happening?”

“Musashi. This isn’t right. Something’s wrong!”

“Shut up! I know that!” This was falling apart, and he had no idea how!

*You should call for help. You’ll need more men at this rate.*

*Fuck you! I’ll cut off one of your limbs for every one of my chooms you’ve killed!*

*Unfortunately for you, I don’t have that many limbs left. So I guess there is no point in me stopping.* He blinked at her tone. The amusement was obvious.

This fucking whore. He was going to-

“Musashi!” A voice called out and he looked away. And he already knew what he was about to be told.

*You’re trying to distract me. Keep me from focusing you down!*

*Is that what you think? You really don’t understand what kind of situation you’re in.*

*Fuck off!* He forced the call to end and focused.

“Stay together! She is picking us off one by one! Move in groups! No one gets left alone!” He roared and then despite himself he did something she had suggested.

*Moritaka-Sama Forgive me for the impudence. We have a problem.* He began once the ringing ended, and the call went through.

*Explain. Now.* Moritaka growled and Musashi felt his status plummet.

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*She’s dangerous. She’s killed some of my men, I need more people here to make sure she can’t slip away… She’s a netrunner, and already knocked out Misaki before we could react. My apologies.*

*Foolish. I should have sent someone competent, if this is the result. I am sending Komorebi. Hold her until he gets there if you can do at least that.*

*That won’t be a problem, I have no intention of going anywhere.* A voice cut in and Musashi stilled. The girl. She was on the line!

*Who is this? Musashi?* Musashi tried to speak, but instantly he realized his line was cut off his voice wasn’t going through his own agent!

*This is Motoko. Musashi is still here, but I hacked into his agent forever ago. So you’re the one that wanted to kidnap me huh?*

Moritaka scoffed before responding. *You are being ordered to appear before me.*

*You could have just called, instead you sent a hit squad my way. I’ve already killed a few of them. Why should I not continue?* She asked, still sounding mocking.

*Killing a few pathetic boys that can’t even complete a task isn’t my concern. You will come one way or another.*

*Once this Komorebi gets here you mean? I don’t like threats. You wanted to play it this way, so I’m treating it like that. I’m going to kill all the boys you send here. Then, once you stop sending them, I’m going to come for you.*

The call went quiet for a while and Musashi eventually tried to continue.

*Is it working?*

*I hear you Musashi. Find her. Collect her be as brutal as you like.*

*Yes Sir.* Musashi agreed, and the call ended.

Fuck, she had just challenged Moritaka-Sama. She was going to die now.


“Just find her already! Moritaka-Sama says not to be gentle! Collect her! Are you a Tyger or not!” He roared out and his men got back to it. He started looking as well, but as he searched, he only found dead bodies, and the cowering fools that Sensei had gathered into the dojo.

“Have you seen her?” He demanded loudly and no one spoke. Not even Sensei who just looked on with a firm look. Derision evident.

“Speak! Moritaka-Sama has given these orders!” he yelled out to the group, but no response came. Just the students who were cowering in fear at the death surrounding them, and those that were calmly sitting seiza waiting, for they had protection, or had felt danger before.

It kept growing quieter. He looked around, checking the room but found no one. Only Carlos, who had stuck to his side when he ordered everyone to go in pairs.

He charged out, but as he went from room to room he realized with horror.

Josh was dead neck cut hanging over the railing for the stairs.

Mitchell, his partner, had his brains blown out over the wall.

Everywhere he went he found his chooms dead, not a single one of them seemed to have been alive long enough to call for help.

Musashi felt fear, and he realized that there was almost no one left. “Follow!” He demanded and Carlos did. The half Mexican boy was quick on his feet, and he had long put away the blades he had handed out for the reassuring weight of a Unity.

Musashi raced through the dojo for the front, ignoring the look Sensei had left him. The man's heavy gaze didn’t matter to Musashi. He had outgrown this place!

He raced out and then through the gate to find…

He stilled, as the loud ringing noise of metal on metal rang out.

The girl was here, back to him, and the ringing noise was her cleaning the blade of blood, by placing it into the crook of her elbow and sliding it through. Chrome on blade had left the noise loud enough that no one could have missed it.

Carlos beside him pointed his gun.

But a moment later she was there, a Sandevistan!? She had moved so fast, Carlos had fired twice and missed and then he was dead.

The blade she held cut his head off in a single move as she blurred past him practically brushing him without actually touching him.

He jerked around, almost happy to look away. His chooms that had been left behind to watch her car were dead. She had been cleaning their blood off her blade when he arrived.

He only had his sword and he drew it as he spun preparing for an attack, but it didn’t come.

She was standing there a few feet from him. Far enough to give Musashi a moment, but close enough to be dangerous.

Her eyes, her face, her body language all spoke of how calm she was. Despite blood splashing across her cheek giving her a sinister edge, she didn’t seem bothered, her breathing was even and relaxed, and the blade she held at her side didn’t waver.

He shivered, was it cold here?

He felt cold. A chill. Was this Sakki? The air of murder? He knew some of the true samurai in the Tyger Claws spoke of it at times.

But… To feel it from this girl? She was just a kid! This was… Insufferable!

“I’ll kill you for this.” He hissed rage, taking away the fear. He aimed his blade knowing the girl was at least honorable enough for this. Trash that she was.

“Hmm. You know? I haven’t actually had a real sword fight before? I wonder… Are you enough to test my limits?” She asked, as calm as ever and completely unbothered by the death surrounding her.

“Say that again when I have your limbless body on the ground.” He growled out, but unlike any normal fool that heard his words she just smirked, seemingly amused more than threatened.

Musashi breathed. He had subtle chrome, things that a good swordsman needed. He could do this, he simply needed to surprise her. That shouldn’t be hard. He hadn’t used his best moves on her during their one spar.

He wouldn’t waste such things on trash. Not when he wanted to aim for the top. To defeat Sensei. To defeat Norio-Sama. To defeat them all, and become Musashi.

“Are you going to stare at me? Or are we-Oh there we go.” She muttered as Musashi charged at her taunting. He would silence her!

His blade flashed, calm swipes, gently scraping along her blade, neither of them unskilled enough to have the actual edge of their blades touch, The sides of their swords used to deflect and adjust cuts, keeping the killing blade fresh.

Again and again he swiped in, pushing, trying to use his strength and fury to intimidate to dominate.

Yet it failed. She was like water. Sweeping his blade aside without struggle. And already Musashi knew to his fury that she was actually winning on technicalities.

But this wasn’t a spar!

He locked the blade with her own trying to catch her off guard and pushed. He was bigger than her, stronger! He forced her back, and ran with her. While the street behind her was long, there were obstacles, and of course the Dojo wall that he planned on bashing her against.

He almost felt victory but just as she was about to be pushed into the wall his charge was stopped.

“That’s bullshit.” He growled into her mocking smile. She had stretched out, right as she should have been pushed into the wall, and extended her right leg against the wall and his charge had stopped cold as her chrome arms were more than enough to hold his blade from pushing her back any further.

He had her on mass, but braced against the wall she stopped his push cold.

“Losers always call bullshit when they are losing.”

“Losing? You are pinned. Die.” He growled, throwing a forearm against the other side of his blade to push even harder, as he used his now freed left hand to dig into his jacket.

She would die from a gun as easily as a blade!

Before he could grab it, she scoffed and suddenly she moved.

Kicking off from her leg on the floor she spun, causing his blade to arc through where she had been, but earning her freedom despite his wild swipe.

If his other hand had been on the blade she’d be dead.

Instead her blade flashed.

“Aaah!” He shrieked as flesh parted under the blade. He flinched away forgetting his pistol for a moment as he swiped blindly to force her back as she stumbled away.

She cut his cheek.

No. No no! “No!” He screamed as his face bled. This was impossible! He couldn’t be cut by some no name punk!

“Oh no, I think I broke his little fantasy.” She muttered to herself and then sighed. “What’s wrong? Did you just realize that things aren’t going the way you expected?”

“Fuck you.” He hissed once more reaching for the gun, but a moment later she was there. His arm pinned down and blade against his throat.

No. No! Her Sandevistan! She had moved too fast!

“Now now. You’re only keeping yourself alive because I’ enjoying something new.” She offered as she slowly reached into his jacket and pulled free his pistol tossing it up over his head over the wall. Then she backed away, adjusting the blade so it was at his throat until it was the very tip and then he swiped it away, earning space from her.

He was breathing heavily. His hands were shaking… He was afraid. This girl. This tiny miserable slip of a girl was going to kill him.

He could see it. His arrogance had been cut from him. He was going to die.

He was going to die.

He was going to die!

“Oh?” She muttered her head cocking to the side slightly seemingly amused as she watched him with those unblinking red eyes. “Did you realize what sort of situation you are in now?” She asked almost mockingly, as if his realization of the danger was funny.

But before it could get worse. Before she could finish him, he heard it. Motorcycles! He knew those engines, he just had to keep her distracted for a bit longer!

“Y-you know what’s going to happen to you for this? I’m a Shatei! You struck me! Killed my men, you’ll be punished, and so will your brother! Unless you surrender now kowtow thrice! I’ll grant you forgiveness if you do!” He taunted, knowing she would respond. C’mon just don’t kill him act like the superior bitch you’ve been acting up until now!

“Shatei? Some bullshit title or something? Whatever, just sounds like I have more people to kill after this.” She replied drily and took a step forward, he stepped back, but his back hit the wall.

“Do you-”

“Listen if you are just buying time until they show up, I don’t mind. I’ll wait if you like, just shut up. You’re voice makes me want to kill myself.” She replied back, cutting him off and Musashi just felt his jaw drop. Was this girl a moron?

He kept his blade up, and his mouth shut and then it happened. The sounds of bikes finally reached them. From around the corner a small squad of Tyger Claw killers came around. Engines rumbling as they drove up and parked.

“Ko-Komorebi-Senpai! Please! She’s-”

“Silence.” The man barked out cutting Musashi off completely. He looked around, his face covered by his Menpo, a sinister grin hid most of his emotion away as he looked from the dead bodies, to the girl, to him.

“You fucked this one up.”

“She’s! She’s!” He didn’t have the words. How could he describe a girl that murdered all of his people? That had proven his… Superior with a blade?

“I said silence. You girl. Kusasngi’s sister. You will come with us. Moritaka-Sama wants words with you.”

“And I already told your boss that I would kill this sniveling trash, and any men he sends after me before hunting him down.” She answered as calm as a summer shower. No hint of fear despite four real Tyger Claw killers here.

Despite Komorebi-Senpai. The killing flash standing against her.

“Heh. You got a mouth on you. Your brother isn’t here to save you, nor will he. He’s in enough trouble. Put the blade away and let’s go. I have more important things to do, than rescue a fuck up from his failures.”

“Senpai.” Musashi muttered weakly, but no one looked at him, only the blade still pointed at him kept him still.

“Make me.” She replied back just as calmly. “Frankly, I was having a nice day until some dumbasses with more balls than brains decided to threaten me. I don’t react well to threats. So unless someone starts giving me nice apologies the only thing that is going to happen is me getting in some more fun sword fights.”

Komorebi looked between Musashi and the girl before nodding.

“You were in a match. Very well. Go ahead and finish it.”

“Wha-Senpai! You can’t-”

“For the last time! Silence! You fucked up! You even got yourself into a true battle and you beg for help! Either succeed and get the girl like you were supposed to, or die.”

“Harsh.” The girl offered, but then to his horror she turned her full attention to him.

“You can’t! I’m still a-”

“That’s true.” Komorebi-Senpai spoke, cutting him off. “If you kill him it’ll be trouble. His grandfather has-”

Then Musashi blinked as there was a flash, a cold bite of something and he blinked as the world around him spun around a few times.


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