Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 68 The Group Meeting

Chapter 68  The Group Meeting

The next morning, Silas was woken up by LUNAR.

[Sir, it's almost time for the meeting.]

Hearing this, Silas stood up and took off the Gear, before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

After he was done, he changed into a new set of clothes and took his seat on a sofa in the living room, with the laptop placed in front of him.

It didn't take long for the meeting to start after Silas got seated.

The laptop's screen got divided into multiple sections, showing different unknown faces, Mr Andrés' included.

Silas could already guess that the unknown faces belong to the other members of Mr Andrés group that wants to overthrow the current government.

"Mr Silas, nice of you to respond to our message. We really appreciate it," Mr Andrés, who seems to be the group's spokesperson said.

Silas didn't know if Mr Andrés is actually their leader or he's the one leading the conversation on the group's side because he was the one who met with Silas.

"Mr Andrés, I think it's high time you lay out your plan and let me know what you actually need assistance with," Silas said.

Silas doesn't want to beat around the bush, neither does he want to give these old coots the chance to do anything funny.

The conference call went silent for a moment, as the group members looked at each other faces on the screen for a moment.

Mr Andrés was the first to break the silence as he cleared his throat and start talking.

"Mr Silas, just as we have told you. We want to replace the current government and we need your purchasing power to help us get many things done." n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Hearing what Mr Andrés said, Silas nodded with a smile.

Of course, Silas knew that this is the only way Mr Andrés and his group can go about their ambition.

There are two ways to replace the current president and government, especially one that refuses to leave power, either by military coup or by assassinating the president.

Though, the method which Mr group wants to use is unclear but Silas can already guess what they are trying to do, when they said they want his purchasing power.

One would have asked why Mr Andrés didn't accept the $500 million buying price Silas offered for the island, and use it to fund their endeavors.

The reason is because they won't want anything that can implicate them to be traced back to them.

'They want to put me in the forefront and use me as a shield. Not a bad idea but you chose the wrong person.'

Though Silas knew this, he knew that he has nothing to worry about as he has already made plans.

"Mr Andrés, are you planning on using the country's military or hired contractors," Silas asked. He could already guess his response but he just wanted it from Mr Andrés himself, words fo words.

"Mr Silas, we intend to use mercenaries as using the country's military is impossible, since it's under the complete control of the president."

Silas smiled when he heard this.

"Mr Andrés, what to you think will happen if the president loses control of the military?," Silas asked with a smile and Mr Andrés and his group members faces stiffened.

"Mr Silas, it will be very impossible for take the control of the military away from the president. The generals and every significant military personnel are under his control. How do you intend to make them change their allegiance?," Mr Andrés asked.

He knew that Silas had already caught on to their plan to use him as a shield and drop him if things goes sideways.

Mr Andrés couldn't but feel that Silas might really have a way to take away the control of the military from the president.

"What if I successfully take control of the military from the president?," Silas finally asked the question they wanted to him to ask.

"Mr Silas, is it really possible?," Mr Andrés couldn't help but ask.

Silas didn't respond but asked a question instead, "Mr Andrés, if you do intend to use mercenaries, how do you intend to smuggle them and weapons into the country without being found out by the military."

"How do you really intend to take out the president without alerting him beforehand? How sure are you that your actions lately has caught his attention? Do you think he trust everyone of you so much that he feels he can be careless around you and taking necessary precautionary measures?," Silas continued slamming questions after questions, and some of their faces couldn't help but pale.

Of course, Silas didn't ask those questions without reason. Immediately, after the meeting started, LUNAR has started doing an extensive background check on everyone and she found something interesting.

Unsurprisingly, the president had already caught wind of their movement right even before it started. The reason why? Because of Mr Andrés himself.

Yes, Mr Andrés is actually on the president's side. He has been for a very long time.

This was an information he got from LUNAR, the first time they met at the island.

It's unknown for how long it has been going on, but Mr Andrés has been the one inciting the group to rebel on the command of the president.

This was actually the reason why it seems like his second meeting with him went too well.

Why was their previous negotiations with other individuals and organizations unsuccessful? Because Mr Andrés never really intend to seek their help in the first place.

The reason why he decided to accept Silas' condition was because he knew that it would be impossible for the group to actually succeed. How can they do so when he's the one leading the charge.

Mr Andrés is secretly working for the president but that doesn't mean he also doesn't have his own ambitions. He has the country's ultimate seat of power in his eye.

Yes, he wants to be president and he wants to use the group and Silas to achieve his aim.

Unfortunately for the other members, they have been played but Silas doesn't intend to reveal it, but that doesn't mean that he will let the old snake that intends to use him go without giving him a scare at least.

With a smile that sends deathly chills down one spine, Silas looked at Mr Andrés section and asked, "Is he?"


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