Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 11


Lennok, having made his way back to the hotel, took a seat in the center of the bed. In solitude, he took a drag from his cigarette and focused on the task at hand.

Recalling the words of the old man, it was apparent that inhaling the drug offered less potency than administering it through injection. Indeed, there was no more efficient method of delivering the substance than via direct entry into the bloodstream.

Yet, carrying around disposable syringes proved to be a cumbersome task. Fortunately, a cigarette was an inconspicuous item to have in one's possession.

Moreover, the sensation of inhaling the smoke was not as unpleasant as he had initially anticipated.

"It's definitely… different."

In the event that the previous cigarette he had filched from the factory had a dulling impact on his physical being, causing throbbing at the nape of his neck, the new one he had procured had a powerful effect of invigorating his entire body without any hint of exhaustion.

For Lennok, who needed to overcome his physical weaknesses more than he craved mental pleasure, this newfound vigor was an indispensable effect.

He felt significantly more energized and robust than before. Even though it was only a forced stimulation of his system, he believed that it wouldn't be challenging to remain active while the drug continued to be effective.

Lennok was well aware that he had achieved a reasonably competent wizard level. However, engaging in actual combat situations was a completely different ball game.

He couldn't afford to be held back by his frail body and stamina, particularly if he were to suddenly confront gunfire, as he did when he captured Taylor Evans.

Having satisfied himself with the drug's effectiveness to some degree, Lennok stretched out on the bed and pondered his next moves, exhaling smoke intermittently.

"Oh, I need to replenish my bullets."

Even though he had no grievances with the firearm he had appropriated from the supervisor, Lennok was down to only four rounds of ammunition.

Ever since his magical ability had surfaced, Lennok never doubted his own mystical prowess. However, he also recognized that he should not disregard the importance of physical weaponry.

Despite his formidable talent, his body was alarmingly delicate, liable to snap with even the slightest pressure.

It was inevitable for him to take up work in District 49 to earn a living, but it was equally important to prepare himself for any and all eventualities.

"After earning some money, I should think about making a fake ID. I can't live as a nameless person forever…"

Lennok gazed remorsefully at the cigarette in his hand, his fingers trembling as he crushed it against the ashtray with a palpable effort.

At a cost of 70,000 cells per stick, the price of a single cigarette was even more expensive than his hotel room. He longed to gnaw on the filter as well, but for now, he had to resign himself to closing his eyes.

Lennok reached for the sleeping pills resting on the nightstand with practiced ease and settled down to rest.

Come to think of it, he had already depleted his stock of sleeping pills during the week he had dedicated to his research on magic.

The remaining 700,000 cells were already earmarked for other necessities.

Before long, Lennok succumbed to a restless slumber.

Insomnia plagued him relentlessly, and his body was perpetually weary.

He knew that eventually, he would build up a tolerance to the sleeping pills and cigarettes he consumed daily, forcing him to seek out drugs with even stronger effects.

But, at least for the moment, his features remained placid.

Another day had passed like so many before it.

It was the day that marked Lennok's first foray into earning a living in the colossal metropolis of Vulcan.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

The passage of time was swift.

After confirming that the side effects of the newly purchased cigarette were significantly milder than the previous one, Lennok took a few days off to rest.

During this time, he had plenty of activities to engage in. Since he could manipulate magic, he could study it while reclining on his bed. His growing aptitude gave him ample time to concentrate on honing his abilities.

As he delved deeper into the world of magic, the time it took him to cast spells reduced, and he could apply a greater number of spells. By combining various lightning magic spells, he created a new one.

Lennok was deeply engrossed in the joy of crafting new spells, something he had never been able to do in the previous WORLD game. He studied magic uninterrupted, and his body stabilized.

Once he felt that he had regained some vigor, he would cease resting and return to work. He would head to Jenny's bar, select a wanted criminal, and apprehend them.

Though he wasn't entirely sure why she had chosen this method to test his abilities, it was a decent way for Lennok to earn some money since he was low on cash.

With the help of the bloodstains left by the fugitive, tracking them down wasn't overly difficult, and subduing them was even simpler.

While the rewards for most jobs weren't as lucrative as his first, where he captured Taylor Evans, they still paid a substantial sum for a day's work.

From the third criminal he caught, Jenny appeared to be subtly trying to assign him other tasks, but Lennok remained fixated on chasing after bounties.

Before starting a job, he would smoke a cigarette, capture the criminal, and then deliver them to Jordan.

After receiving the reward and returning to his hotel room, he would collapse into a deep sleep.

After resting for about three days and conducting more research on magic, he would return to work once his body stabilized.

He continued repeating this cycle, and before he knew it, Lennok had accumulated almost ten million cells.

He unintentionally became known as "Van, the bounty hunter" in various circles, but as long as he wasn't directly involved, it was of no consequence.

Lennok reckoned that it wouldn't be a bad thing to be recognized as a proficient bounty hunter.

A month had passed since Lennok began his research into magic and started earning a living. As he opened his eyes, basking in the sun's rays that filtered through the window, he clutched his throbbing head and sat up.

The two cigarettes he had smoked one after the other while pursuing a fugitive the previous day still tormented him.

After hydrating himself with water from the dispenser and drinking an entire bottle, the sweat-drenched Lennok took a shower before emerging. He was so used to this way of life that he could locate the towel on the rack with his eyes closed.

As he stepped out of the shower, Lennok's gaze was drawn to the corner of his hotel room. There, stacked neatly, was the ten million cell bounty he had earned from capturing fugitives. The stack consisted of hundreds of bills ranging from 10,000 cells to 100,000 cells.

While it may not be a significant sum of money, it wasn't appropriate to leave it lying around the room and request housekeeping.

Due to this, Lennok had been unable to change his bed sheets for over a week, which was somewhat uncomfortable, but still preferable to flaunting ten million cells in plain sight to anyone who might enter the room.

"I should open a bank account," Lennok muttered to himself. However, as he had no proper identification, it was ridiculous for him to approach a regular bank.

There was an anonymous bank for individuals in circumstances akin to Lennok's in District 49, but the high fees made it impossible for him to consider.

In the end, there was only one option available to Lennok – purchasing a new identity with his money. This involved acquiring the identity of a missing person and altering all of the information entirely.

The cost of doing business with an identity dealer who sells forged identification cards was 20 million cells, and if it hadn't been for Jenny's recommendation, Lennok would have likely paid even more. As a result, he incurred significant debt to her.

Particularly since he had recently realized how inconvenient it was to lack an ID, Lennok planned to acquire a new identity as soon as he had the funds to do so.

After lying in bed for half a day, struggling with the drug's side effects, Lennok mustered the strength to put on his clothes and step outside.

He didn't even touch a cigarette, but his trembling steps alone were enough to make him feel like he was wasting money and exhausting his body, even on days when he wasn't working.

Regardless of how minimal the drug's side effects were, they still took a toll on Lennok's frail body. Basking in the sunlight for too long caused him to break out in a cold sweat, and if he walked too far, he would experience headaches and a temperature rise.

Lennok couldn't fathom how he had managed to survive for three days in the factory and escape with such a weak body.

After struggling along, he found himself in a small market near a residential area, bustling with people selling a variety of fresh ingredients despite the intense noon heat.

He chose to frequent this neighborhood market rather than purchase items from a supermarket or store primarily because of the cost. Although the freshness and storage conditions may not be as ideal, most of the products were procured or produced directly by the sellers themselves.

Moreover, the prices were relatively lower than those of stores that went through distribution companies, making it perfect for Lennok.

Initially, Lennok was oblivious and would spend tens of thousands of cells on the hotel breakfast and be swindled at costly restaurants without even realizing it. However, things are different now.

After comprehending that the civilization of this world was a slightly more advanced version of Earth's, Lennok substantially curtailed wasteful expenditures like that.

He sometimes purchased disposable boxed lunches at convenience stores and opted for cheap fast food. However, recently, Lennok has been focusing on going to the market and purchasing ingredients to prepare his meals.

His body was completely different from before.

While taking drugs to work was unavoidable, Lennok could adequately manage basic nutrition and diminish the side effects.

It was crucial to prioritize one's health within the constraints possible.

Yesterday, Lennok scraped together enough money to order a comprehensive set of nutritional supplements on the internet for the first time.

"Madam, could you please give me two onions, five scallions, and six bell peppers?" Lennok, who had frequented the market several times, adroitly selected the ingredients he desired and requested them from the store's attendant.

Although the ingredients were noticeably distinct in appearance and name from those on Earth, it was astonishing that Lennok could remember their names.

"That will be 34,000 cells," the attendant said in a composed tone, which was entirely unlike the store owner he remembered.

Lennok looked up in surprise, caught off guard by the change in voice.

A woman with short hair gave Lennok a subtle glance.

"Who are you?" Lennok asked.

"I'm the proprietor of this store," she responded.

Could this makeshift tent, situated near the market, be considered a store?

"And the previous lady?" Lennok inquired.

"She's an employee of mine."

"Then, what about all these vegetables?"

"I cultivate them as a hobby."

Were these vegetables, piled up on one side of the counter, the product of a hobby?

It was too vast in size to classify it merely as a hobby.

Finally, Lennok scrutinized the woman he was conversing with.

Her composed gaze and expressionless countenance. She was a beauty with a small yet striking nose and red lips.

Despite donning a loose-fitting aviation jumper and jeans and hunching over, her distinct calm aura was impressive.

Certainly, she seemed out of place amidst the people who bought and sold fruits and vegetables in the market.

"With so many items grown as a hobby, you must be quite affluent," Lennok remarked.

"Yeah, I make a good amount of money," the woman replied.

Lennok paid her 34,000 cells without a word and clutched the bag in his hand.

He couldn't determine if her words were truthful or not.

However, if everything she did was solely for her hobby, she must be incredibly wealthy.

Lennok had no intention of displaying any further interest in her beyond that. Until she addressed him once more before he headed back to the hotel.

"You possess an unusual mana."

"…What?" Lennok queried.

"Why is a wizard like you here?"

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"If the pattern is that precise, I'll remember it in my memory. You haven't been in Vulcan for long, have you?"

Upon hearing her emotionless words, Lennok experienced a momentary chill run down his spine.


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