Genius Girl

Chapter 105 - 105: The photo

Chapter 105 - 105: The photo

A black sedan driving along the road in high speed was stopped by the police car behind.

The passenger inside which was a judge on the way to the court looked back and found the police signaling him to stop by the side road.

Turning to look at his driver, the judge ordered "stop and let's find out what kind of law we flouted."

And at his order, the driver stopped at the side road.

Two policewomen got down from the car, one of them walked towards the right side and halted by the door of the driver.

Irene knocked on the windshield while her eyes watched Daniella as she stopped on the other side of the car and just like her, knocked on the windshield.

In rhythm, the driver and the judge lowered the windows of the car.

"Please come out for a moment sir" Irene said coldly to the driver.

The driver obediently followed Irene's order. He tailed her back to the police car while Daniella opened the door of the backseat and sat down casually.

"Hi, I am a daisy " Daniella said stretching a hand towards the judge.

Eyebrows creasing with confusion, the judge looked at Daniella.

"What's happening here?" his voice sounded firm masking his anxiety though deep inside fear started to occy his heart and refused to accept her hand.

A smile curved on her lips, she tossed the file of Ken's Chu's father murder to his lap and crossed her arms over her stomach.

"The juror will give you a non-guilty verdict so I will need you to alter that decision."

With confusion evident on the judge's face, he opened the doc.u.ment and as soon as his eyes read the name written on it, his face immediately went pale.

"I am sorry but" fumbling with his words , the judge gulped repeatedly.

"I know, I know!" she rolled her eyes as she flashed a devilish smile "You have been paid to agree to the jury and that you are just doing your job but judge" she turned and placed a hand seductively on his chest.

"The man might not have killed Roy Chu but still he got paid for getting the blame" she withdrew her hand and stared into his eyes "so he's partially at fault and should be in jail, don't you think so?"

With quivering lips, the judge moved backward to put more space between him and Daniella, "how did you know about this?" he said with his voice trembling in anxiety.

Daniella shrugged "I just know " giving him a lopsided grin, she continued "just like how I know that there's a corpse of a missing model buried at the back of your house " she paused and mischievously waggled her eyebrows on him once "have you not learned anything from the movies? , 'murder 101' don't ever bury your victim's body at your backyard" she patted his shoulder and watched as his face paled in fright "have a good day at work judge " she winked at him once and left the car, leaving the judge with fear and anxiety hovering in his eyes.


The serious expression on Evan's face was a perfect definition of the grave, so gloomy with the shadow underneath his eyes. The board members have been arguing on how the stock fluctuated after the scandal with the president causing some of their VIP clients to withdraw from their contract despite the cancellation fee.

He made a steeple of his finger with his elbows on the armchair of his swivel chair, soon the door opened and Glen Hei, the company lawyer entered.

"Hey, sorry I am late" he said in between his heavy breathing and sat next to Evan "what did I miss?"

Evan shrugged, "just the usually blabbering of those useless fools" he took a deep breath and turned to look at Glen "where have you been?"

Evan's question made Glen's body stiffen "I met the woman that my son kept talking about."


Glen nodded "ah-huh, it turns out she has a boyfriend."

Evan scoffed while shaking his head "so? It's just a boyfriend, they are not married yet" he adjusted his tie after feeling a slight pain in his head "talk to the guy and pay him off, it shouldn't be hard."

Glen squinted his eyes at Evan who was now busy looking at the papers he gave while the other people in the conference room continued arguing.

"If he doesn't leave, call Ken to scare him off. If he finds out that you like this, what's her name again?" Evan asked eyes were still looking at the paper.

"Daniella Chen."

"Yeah, for sure he'll help-"

As the name registered in his mind, Evan dropped the papers on the table and lay his arm on top of the papers, his face turned to look at Glen.

His eyes squinted, he knew that Daniella Chen was a typical name in the country, but seeing the apathy on Glen's face has made him realize that they were talking about the same woman.

"That Daniella Chen, would she happen to be five feet tall with round dimples and really pretty eyes?"

Glen nodded without looking at him "yes and she has a boyfriend named Evan Su " he took out the checkbook from his suitcase and grabbed the pen next to Evan's arm on the table "so, how much Evan?" without waiting for his reply, Glen unlocked his phone and showed the screen to Evan with Ken's number on it "or would you prefer me to call Ken?"

Instead of answering Evan ignored Glen and took out his phone. A message icon on his phone caused his brows to crease , he opened it when he found out that it was from Daniella.

Staring at the attachment in the message, Evan's eyes swelled he blinked repeatedly to see if he was seeing things right but he recognized the scar on the photo and the hickey he left next to it.

He instantly dialed Daniella's number while resting his back on the chair, remembering the photo made his body hot.

"Yes babe?" the soft purr of sweetness in Daniella's voice ignited his arousal, he cleared his throat and tried to remove the l.u.s.tful thoughts in his mind, after all it wasn't the right place to be thinking about Daniella's body given that he was surrounded by men.

"What's with the photo?" he sniffed while his fingers tapping on the table trying to ease his arousal "you have never done this."

"What photo?" Daniella's voice sounded confused.

"The photo you sent " Evan replied.

"What kind of photo? , I did not send you any photo."

Evan squeezed his eyes shut "never mind."

"ok, bye" Evan had more to say but Daniella had ended the call.

With his nose wrinkling indifferently, Evan lowered the phone to the table and turned to Glen.

"Where did you see her?" he asked, he picked up the pen that Glen took from him and hovered it on top of the paper on the table.

"Her building apartment, she was wearing a police uniform."

"Police?" Evan's brows creased; head tilted like a confused person. Then he picked up his phone and dialed Daniella's number once again.

"Yes babe?"

"You have met Glen."

There was a long silence on the other line "yeah, well Irene and I have to handle something and-"

But Evan didn't care about her excuse, he was more interested in the uniform, "why were you wearing a police uniform?"

Another deafening silence came in between them "I just ahm-" he could hear how she struggled to find the word.

"Forget that I asked " Evan cleared out his throat and moved his chair far from the table "but I want that uniform in my room tonight " his voice was hoarse and rough as he spoke.

The tinkling sound of Daniella's laughter churred on the other line "aren't you a naughty boss?" and her sensuous voice brought an incredible shiver on Evan's skin.

"Why don't you come here after you're done with your business. I have a king-size bed and well-soundproofed room in my office " he whispered, not minding the people in the conference room still arguing though this time Glen had joined them.

"I can't promise but I'll try."

Evan wanted to protest and convince her more but she had ended the call just like earlier.

He groaned in disappointment and slapped both palms on the table "Everyone sit down!" he said in a firm tone which made everyone in the room to quiet down and focuse on him.

"If those client wants to leave, let them leave. Instead of begging them to come back, we should focus on getting more clients " he relaxed on his chair and turned to Kirby who was sitting opposite Glen "Lumax Corp is planning to have a co-operation with one of the outsourcing companies here. If we get them to use our bank the other companies will switch to us " he took the files his secretary had prepared and handed it to Kirby.

"That should fix the company's image so set me up an appointment with the CEO."

Kirby opened the folder, quickly read the content and replied, "this is only a rumor Evan."

Evan just gave him a half shrug, "yeah but you know the saying when there's smoke, there's a fire?" his eyes squinted looking coldly at Kirby.

Kirby nodded.

"Great get me a meeting with the CEO" Evan stated and pump a fist on the table.

"I am afraid that would be impossible " Glen suddenly said which caused Evan to look at him.

"No one knows who the CEO of the Lumax is aside from the COO which is Jenna Marcus" Glen stated as he unlocked his phone and pulled the article he read some days ago and showed it to Evan "not even the employee or Jenna's assistant knows about the real owner but all of the business transactions are being handled by Ms. Marcus so if you want them, you should meet up with Ms. Marcus "

Evan stared momentarily at the photo in the article and later blew out a sharp sigh "Jenna Marcus will do " he turned once again to Kirby "call Ms. Marcus and set up a meeting with her."


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