Genius Club

Chapter 381: Children’s Day Gift


The elevator doors opened with a soft chime.

Zhao Ying Jun stepped inside her apartment, her heels making soft clicking sounds on the floor. She set a grocery bag down and said, “Sorry, sorry. The company kept me busy today, so I’m late getting home. You two must be starving, right?”

She placed her handbag on the entryway table and hung her coat on the rack. “I’ll whip something up for you right away.”

Before there were kids in the house, coming home late wasn’t a big deal. VV ate a lot anyway, so feeding him a bit late wasn’t a problem. But now, even before her workday ended, she would think about what to make for Qiao Qiao for dinner. If she had to stay late, she’d feel terribly guilty.

“Qiao Qiao, what do you want to eat—” Zhao Ying Jun turned around and stopped mid-sentence when she saw the scene before her.

VV’s dog bowl was filled with food, and its water bowl was topped up. Clearly, Qiao Qiao had fed the dog today. VV was munching away happily, its belly already round—maybe even on its second helping.

But that wasn’t what surprised Zhao Ying Jun.

On the dining table, there was an empty plate, scraped clean. Judging by the bits left behind, it looked like someone had eaten rice with instant curry.

She sniffed the air.

Only then did she notice the warm aroma of curry lingering in the house, drifting from the kitchen. She looked over, and sure enough, the kitchen lights were on. The rice cooker was keeping warm, and a pot of curry was simmering on the stove, steam rising from it.

Zhao Ying Jun’s eyes widened as she looked at Yan Qiao Qiao, who was brushing VV’s fur by the shoe rack. “Did you make this?”

“Yeah,” Qiao Qiao nodded, scratching VV’s neck, making the dog let out a happy growl. “I watched you do it the other day, so I learned.”

Zhao Ying Jun was genuinely surprised.

Even though instant curry is easy to make—just add some soup base from the fridge, throw in some vegetables, and let it simmer—it was still impressive.

Most people could pick it up after watching it once, but this was Qiao Qiao, who had lost her memory and whose cognitive skills weren’t fully back yet!

Had her ability to learn improved this much already?

Zhao Ying Jun switched to her slippers and walked to the kitchen. She gazed at the pot of curry, rich and bubbling with potatoes, onions, beef, carrots, and more. It smelled wonderful and looked perfectly cooked.

She noticed the cutting board nearby. There were some leftover vegetable pieces that hadn’t been cleaned up yet—traces of Qiao Qiao’s work.

Not only had she learned how to use a kitchen knife, but she had also cut the carrots and potatoes into neat little cubes, all perfectly shaped as if in a training exercise.

Is this what they call talent? A natural-born cooking genius?

She stepped out of the kitchen and looked at Qiao Qiao, who was playing with the dog in the living room. “How did you use a knife on your own? What if you cut yourself? Even normal fourteen-year-olds don’t use knives much. How did you manage to cut the potatoes and carrots so well?”

“I don’t know,” Qiao Qiao shrugged. “I saw you cut like that the other day, so I just tried to copy it.”

Zhao Ying Jun raised an eyebrow, a bit skeptical. “Are your thin arms steady enough to hold a knife?”

“Not bad,” Qiao Qiao tilted her head, opening and closing her right hand, “It feels pretty natural.”

Hearing this, Zhao Ying Jun chuckled softly.

She went back to the kitchen and opened the rice cooker. There was still enough rice left for two bowls, steaming hot.

And the curry in the pot was still bubbling away.

No doubt about it…

Qiao Qiao had saved this just for her.

For a moment, Zhao Ying Jun felt a mix of emotions.

All these years, from studying abroad in her teens to starting her own business in Donghai, she had never come home to a warm, freshly cooked meal.

There was no one to cook for her. If she wanted to eat, she’d have to cook herself, and if she didn’t feel like it, she’d order takeout or eat out. Her kitchen was rarely used, and the fridge was stocked with only emergency supplies.

It was only recently, after bringing Qiao Qiao home, that she started learning how to cook. She realized she couldn’t keep feeding the kid unhealthy takeout all the time.

But she hadn’t mastered many dishes yet.

Qiao Qiao had watched her cook once and learned it completely!

This kid’s mind is too sharp!


To be fair…

Zhao Ying Jun turned around and leaned against the doorway, watching VV gobble up food and Qiao Qiao sitting quietly nearby.

Qiao Qiao had been improving rapidly over the past few days. It was almost like she had transformed overnight.

When Zhao Ying Jun had left for the capital, Qiao Qiao still seemed a bit dazed, speaking slowly, almost haltingly. But when she came back to Donghai just three days later, Qiao Qiao seemed much more mature, calmer, and more fluent in her speech.

If the old Qiao Qiao felt like a child with some learning challenges, the new Qiao Qiao seemed like a smart, composed teenager.

Her looks, body, and age were the same, but her mind had clearly matured. She had grown up. She understood things better now.

While Zhao Ying Jun felt proud of her progress, she also felt a bit lost and uncertain.

It was a strange feeling.

As a guardian, you always hope the child grows up quickly, understands things, and becomes independent sooner. But…

Growing up and understanding things also means they don’t need you as much. It means they’re going to move on.

Just like Qiao Qiao now.

Only ten days ago, she was the kind of kid who would grab food with her hands, run barefoot on the couch, and point at people with chopsticks—completely lacking in manners.

But now?

She was polite, independent, did chores on her own, and even cooked for the adults when they came home from work.


Zhao Ying Jun couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

She actually missed the wild and unruly Qiao Qiao from before.

Kids… aren’t they supposed to be like that?

Now that Qiao Qiao had become so well-behaved, Zhao Ying Jun couldn’t help but feel a bit heartbroken.

She finally understood what Brother Wang had said: “The really interesting time for raising kids is those first few years. Once they grow up and have their own thoughts, they slowly drift away. Sometimes, they won’t even say a word to you for a whole week.”

She had thought Brother Wang was exaggerating. But now, it seemed every word was true. You can’t really understand what it feels like to raise a child until you’ve been through it yourself.

The problem is Qiao Qiao growing up too fast!

Zhao Ying Jun hadn’t even had time to adjust. In the blink of an eye, the kid had grown up.

She walked over and squatted beside Qiao Qiao, who was patting the dog’s belly after it finished another bowl of dog food. “Qiao Qiao, thank you for making dinner for me. But you don’t need to do that in the future. If you’re hungry, you can have some snacks. I’ll take you to the supermarket to buy more. Just eat when you’re hungry to hold you over until dinner.”

“Cooking is still a bit too much for you right now. There’s no need to take on this responsibility so early. And using fire and knives… I don’t feel safe with you doing that.”

“Helping me feed VV is already a big help. You’ve grown a lot recently, becoming more sensible and smarter. I feel like I can’t keep up with how fast you’re changing.”

“But, you know, it’s okay to be a little playful sometimes. We’re all family; you don’t have to be so restrained and polite. And… if there’s anything I’m not doing well or something you don’t like, you can tell me.”

Qiao Qiao looked up at her. “Got it.”

Zhao Ying Jun smiled softly and patted her head. “I bought some fruit. Let me peel an apple for you. You’re growing, so getting vitamins is important.”

She stood up, took a bright red apple from the supermarket bag by the door, washed it in the kitchen, and then sat on the sofa with a paring knife. She pulled a trash bin closer with her foot and started peeling. “Work has been really busy lately. I haven’t had time to take you out. Just wait until I get through this busy period.”


VV the Pomeranian had just finished another bowl of dog food. A burp almost brought all the food back up.

Qiao Qiao picked it up and rubbed its belly. Then she turned to Zhao Ying Jun and said, “If you’re busy, you can send me to Brother Lin Xian. He can take me out.”

“That’s not gonna happen,” Zhao Ying Jun said while peeling the apple. “Lin Xian is also very busy. He doesn’t have time to take you out.”

“No,” Qiao Qiao and VV shook their heads together. “He’s got plenty of free time.”

Zhao Ying Jun chuckled, looking at the girl and the dog. “What does Lin Xian do when he’s not taking you out? What is he busy with?”

Qiao Qiao thought about the day she saw Lin Xian and Liu Feng in the lab together, recalling the scene. “Dating.”


The apple slipped from Zhao Ying Jun’s hand and fell straight into the trash can.

Red Fuji, gone.

“Hehe,” Zhao Ying Jun chuckled, shaking her head. “Did you learn that word from TV? Do you even know what dating means?”

Qiao Qiao thought again about Liu Feng’s explanation. “It means being in love, holding hands, hugging waists, looking into each other’s eyes up close, full of affection.”

Zhao Ying Jun squinted her eyes. “You saw that?”

Qiao Qiao nodded. “Saw it clearly. I was in the room with VV.”

She pointed to the Pomeranian in her arms.

The Pomeranian, however, had its face flushed red, as if choking.

But in this tense moment, Zhao Ying Jun was too focused to notice.

“In the room?” Zhao Ying Jun couldn’t stay seated anymore. She stood up from the sofa. “What kind of room? Lin Xian let you two watch this?”

Qiao Qiao thought back to the lab, trying to describe it with the few words she knew. “A big, dark room with a fridge, an alarm clock, and lots of strange tools.”

Zhao Ying Jun took a deep breath.

A fridge and an alarm clock sounded like a house or a hotel room. Who would normally have a fridge just lying around?

Strange tools… Better not dig into that.

She crossed her arms and looked at Qiao Qiao. “Lin Xian was in the room, dating? Holding hands, hugging waists, looking at each other lovingly?”


“How long were you there?” Zhao Ying Jun gripped the fruit knife a bit tighter.

“A long time. They kept changing positions.”

“What?” Zhao Ying Jun couldn’t hold back anymore. “He really let you watch this?”

“Yeah.” Qiao Qiao pointed again at VV, now red-faced and struggling to breathe. “We wanted to play with them, but Brother Liu Feng said no, that I was too young.”

“Brother?!” Zhao Ying Jun’s voice went up. “It was a man?”

Wait a minute.

The name Liu Feng… She had heard it from Lin Xian a long time ago.

It was around the time Rhine Company was just starting out. Lin Xian wanted to set up a joint lab at Donghai University, and there were some issues with negotiations on their end. She and Chu Shan He had to step in to help Lin Xian sort it out.

Back then, Lin Xian had mentioned this name—Liu Feng, an out-of-town scientist.

Zhao Ying Jun vaguely remember it so she quickly pieced it together. While Qiao Qiao’s words weren’t complete nonsense, they didn’t entirely match up with reality either.

She never doubted Lin Xian’s character. He would never involve a child in anything inappropriate. And with the “strange tools” Qiao Qiao mentioned, it was most likely something in a lab setting.

“Was it a lab at Donghai University?” Zhao Ying Jun asked directly.

“I don’t know.” Qiao Qiao shook her head. “What’s a lab?”

After getting more info, Zhao Ying Jun felt sure of her guess.

At this point, VV, who was nearly choking from Qiao Qiao’s grip, finally managed to breathe again and escaped a near-death experience.


Zhao Ying Jun scoffed softly.

She grabbed another apple, washed it, and sat on the sofa to peel it again. “You really scared me, Qiao Qiao… Talking isn’t just about stringing keywords together; you have to make it clear. Subject, verb, and object—all need to be there. Otherwise, it could mean something entirely different or even the opposite. Got it?”

“Got it,” Qiao Qiao nodded, then said, “Brother Lin Xian, in the lab, with Brother Liu Feng, holding hands and hugging.”

“Alright, alright…” Zhao Ying Jun suddenly felt like the old, clueless Qiao Qiao was back.

It seems the road to learning is long.

Learning too fast often comes with mistakes. Rushing things doesn’t work; it’s better for Qiao Qiao to get out and interact more with people, practice speaking like a regular person. And she needs to catch up on basic knowledge.

Right now, 70% of Qiao Qiao’s knowledge comes from TV, and 30% from hearsay. Who knows what random words she picks up and learns instantly?

No, this kind of education method will lead to problems sooner or later.

“Qiao Qiao, your idea of ‘dating’ is wrong. How could Lin Xian and Liu Feng be dating? I’ve never met Liu Feng, but I can check out the lab at Donghai University. Still, I’m sure Lin Xian isn’t like that.”

“Usually, dating involves a man and a woman. Do you know what real dating looks like?”

Qiao Qiao shook her head, her curious eyes fixed on Zhao Ying Jun. “What does it look like?”

Zhao Ying Jun smiled and straightened up. “Real dating is…”

Her smile faded, and her hands stopped peeling the apple. “It’s like… dating means… it’s…”

Her mind raced, but she couldn’t find the right words—no adjectives, descriptive scenes, or experiences to draw from.

A complete blank.

Though she hadn’t experienced love herself, she’d seen it enough times. But asking someone who’s never been in a relationship to describe what it’s like… It’s hard to find the right words.

She glanced at the calendar nearby. Today was May 17th. In a few days, it would be May 20th and 21st.

These two days had become like Valentine’s Days for internet users in this country, based on how the dates sound like “I love you.”

A lot of MX Company’s recent work was for promotions, gift boxes, and ads for these two days.


She cleared her throat and continued peeling the apple. “Seeing is believing. In a few days, it’ll be May 20th and 21st, the so-called new Valentine’s Days. The streets will be full of couples. I’ll take you out then. You’ll see for yourself what dating is.”

Qiao Qiao nodded.

She made a mental note of “seeing is believing” and looked at Zhao Ying Jun. “Have you ever dated?”


The apple she was peeling slipped and rolled to the floor.

VV’s eyes lit up.

It jumped from Qiao Qiao’s lap and darted toward the apple on the floor.

If it’s on the floor, it’s mine!

Zhao Ying Jun looked at her now empty left hand. “…”

She glanced at Qiao Qiao with a helpless expression. “Do you still want an apple?”

“Yes,” Qiao Qiao said simply.

“Then stay quiet until I finish peeling it!”

Finally, Qiao Qiao got her apple and started munching, watching Zhao Ying Jun. “So, May 20th, Valentine’s Day—is it your day?”

Zhao Ying Jun wiped the knife clean and placed it back in the fruit bowl, giving Qiao Qiao a mildly annoyed look. “Qiao Qiao, why are you being so annoying today?”

She hadn’t expected this.

Brother Wang had mentioned that kids around this age go through a “troublesome phase,” but it seemed to be starting earlier than she thought.

“Just worry about your own holidays. Why are you asking about other people’s?”

“My own holiday?” Qiao Qiao took another bite of her apple, tilting her head. “What holiday do I have?”

“Children’s Day,” Zhao Ying Jun leaned back on the sofa. “June 1st, International Children’s Day. It’s a day for all children on Earth. Technically, only kids under 14 are considered children, but legally, anyone under 18 is.”

“Though, on the internet… Children’s Day is turning into another Valentine’s Day. But don’t worry about that. At your age, you can celebrate Children’s Day proudly.”

She smiled at Qiao Qiao. “Speaking of which, since it’s almost Children’s Day, your holiday, I should prepare a gift for you. What would you like for Children’s Day?”

“A gift?” Qiao Qiao thought for a moment. “A carnation?”

“Yeah, something like a carnation,” Zhao Ying Jun said patiently. “But carnations are gifts for mothers. You’re a child, so you get a Children’s Day gift. Think about what you want, and I’ll get it for you.”

“If there’s nothing specific you want, you can also think of a ‘wish’ or something you want to do. On June 1st, Children’s Day, I’ll take the day off and spend it with you. Whatever wish you have, I’ll make it come true.”

“A wish is… something you want to achieve or something you really want to have.”

Listening to Zhao Ying Jun’s detailed explanation, Qiao Qiao nodded, understanding.

“I do have a wish.”

She nodded again. “I’ve had it for a long time. I even asked Grandma and Grandpa, but they said it couldn’t come true.”

Zhao Ying Jun crossed her legs. “What wish? Tell me. If they can’t make it happen, maybe I can.”

Qiao Qiao’s eyes were clear and full of hope. “I want to go to Disneyland with Mom and Dad.”

The room fell silent.

Even VV, who was busy munching on its apple, sensed the change in the atmosphere and stopped, turning its head quietly.

It saw Zhao Ying Jun and Qiao Qiao looking at each other, neither saying a word.


You could even hear both of them breathing because VV was too scared to make a sound.

Finally, Zhao Ying Jun took a deep breath, uncrossed her legs, leaned forward, picked up the apple peel from the floor, and threw it in the trash bin. “Do you know where your mom and dad are?”

“No,” Qiao Qiao shook her head.

“If you don’t know where they are, how can you go to Disneyland with them?” Zhao Ying Jun asked softly.

“If you want to go to Disneyland, I can take you.”

“But I want to go with my mom and dad.”


“Because… other kids go with their parents.”

Qiao Qiao finished her apple and looked up, her eyes innocent and matter-of-fact. “Isn’t Disneyland a place to go with your parents?”

No, it’s not.

Zhao Ying Jun knew it wasn’t.

But looking at Qiao Qiao’s eyes, so clear and convinced, she couldn’t bring herself to deny it.

Again, it was the same issue.

Qiao Qiao’s understanding of the world is limited—70% from TV and 30% from what she’s heard from others.

She probably learned about Disneyland from the “friends” she made in her grandparents’ villa community.

Think about it.

Kids who live in high-end neighborhoods like that—who hasn’t been to Disneyland?

They were probably all taken by their parents, maybe even more than once.

So, in Qiao Qiao’s simple way of thinking, she concluded that all kids go to Disneyland with their parents. Naturally, she wanted to go with hers too.

A child’s world is that simple. Just a bit of reasoning and you can understand how they think.

Actually… Qiao Qiao always seemed tough on the outside.

But deep down, she still longed for her parents.

That day in the park gazebo, when she said, “Every day… I miss mom.” Even now, thinking back to it made Zhao Ying Jun’s nose sting with emotion.

“Alright.” Zhao Ying Jun agreed instantly. She got up, walked over, and ruffled Qiao Qiao’s hair. “I’ll see what I can do.”

At the same time, in the Fifth Dream world, outside a small warehouse in Queen’s Town…

Lin Xian and CC were getting ready to head to Rhine Village to find Zheng Xiang Yue when he turned to Old Man Wei Sheng Jin. “Mr. Wei, are you coming with us, or would you like to rest here? Where we’re going is quite far. Even if we hurry, it’ll take about two hours.”

Old Man Wei Sheng Jin had calmed down from his earlier emotions. He looked content but tired, like someone who felt fulfilled but needed a break.

He smiled and shook his head. “I won’t go with you two. This old body of mine can’t handle much more today. Thanks to you, Lin Xian and CC, I got my safe open so quickly, and I’m very grateful.”

“The Earth-Mars interplanetary shuttle only comes every two years, which means I’ll be stuck on Earth for another year and nine months before I can catch the shuttle back to Mars. So, I want to use this time to do something meaningful for Earth.”

He turned to Angelica, who was standing nearby. “I’ve already discussed the matter. For the next year and nine months, I’ll stay in Queen’s Town and teach people here how to make simple chemical batteries. This way, they can produce electric bulbs and small appliances. Hopefully, every household and the nearby villages will have electric lights.”

“Simple chemical batteries?” Lin Xian was puzzled. “Is that possible? With Earth’s current level of industry and material science… can it really be done?”

Old Man Wei Sheng Jin smiled confidently. “Lin Xian, going from 0 to 1 and going from 100 to 1 are completely different challenges. It took humanity many years to go from discovering electricity to using electric light bulbs.”

“But the technology on Mars is so advanced now that it’s not about standing on the shoulders of giants but jumping off from them. That makes it a lot easier. Besides, I studied battery energy on Mars, so this kind of work is second nature to me.”

Lin Xian realized he had never asked what Old Man Wei Sheng Jin taught at the university on Mars. It clearly wasn’t something in the humanities but a technical science subject.

“Mr. Wei,” Lin Xian asked, curious, “what subject do you teach at the university?”

“Principles and Applications of Micro Nuclear Batteries.”

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.

You really can’t judge a book by its cover!

“Mr. Wei, you’re amazing! Teaching such advanced knowledge.”

“Ah, it’s not that advanced…” Old Man Wei Sheng Jin waved off the compliment. “This is basic stuff. Humans mastered this technology over a hundred years ago. Micro nuclear batteries don’t compare to controlled nuclear fusion in energy conversion, but they’re perfect for miniaturization!”

“On Mars, micro nuclear batteries are everywhere—in phones, cars, small home appliances, electric vehicles, aircraft, robots, and more. They’re safe, durable, and can store energy for hundreds of years without degrading. Their energy density is far higher than conventional batteries. For example, a phone might use less than 5% of its battery life before it’s replaced.”

“And the micro nuclear battery in a phone is no bigger than a fingernail.”

Lin Xian was fascinated by this advanced technology.

He had talked about Mars’s technology with Old Man Wei Sheng Jin during his first trip to the Fifth Dream world. They concluded that Mars’s tech level was like New Donghai City’s in the Second Dream world.

Lin Xian knew that New Donghai City in the Second Dream world also used these micro nuclear batteries, which were seen as a step away from controlled nuclear fusion.

But sometimes, that one step… could take hundreds of years.

He had already taken cold fusion technology from the dream world and shared it with the National Academy of Sciences in the real world.

Yet, in the Fifth Dream world, neither Earth from 2400 years ago nor Mars in 2624 had cracked this technology.

Lin Xian wasn’t sure why; maybe there was some sort of interference.

“Is it hard?” Lin Xian asked, intrigued. “Is it hard to learn or make?”

“No difficulty at all!” Old Man Wei Sheng Jin said cheerfully. “Humans detonated the atomic bomb in 1945 and mastered nuclear energy; in the following decades, they built nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors, and other applications.”

“In theory, it shouldn’t have taken long to make micro nuclear batteries. There aren’t any real bottlenecks in terms of raw materials or technology. It’s just that… humanity’s theoretical development went off track, leading to a deviation in nuclear energy research.”

“Do you get what I mean? Choosing the right direction in scientific development is crucial. Picking the right path can save decades or even a century. Picking the wrong one might mean never finding the way back.”

“I personally think that if humanity’s research on nuclear energy hadn’t been disrupted and veered off course, the technology for micro nuclear batteries should have been cracked and put into use around 2030.”

“But in reality, it was delayed until humans were living on Mars. Only then did we achieve the breakthrough. As for whether it’s hard… what’s so hard about it? I’ve been teaching this subject at a regular university for decades. Any student who wants to learn can learn it!”


Lin Xian stepped forward and grabbed Old Man Wei Sheng Jin’s hands. “Mr. Wei, you’re truly a treasure!”

“You’re like Ultraman Tiga! A light shining on Earth!”

“Oh, come on,” Old Man Wei Sheng Jin blushed a bit at the praise. “You’re exaggerating.”

“This is just basic, well-established theory and technology. It might sound advanced on Earth, but on Mars, it’s nothing special. You can buy micro nuclear batteries at any roadside shop.”

“Do you want to learn? I can teach you if you want!”

Lin Xian’s eyes lit up. This was exactly what he had been hoping for!

This is a great, unexpected gain from the Fifth Dream world…

Even though his time here has been short, the gains have been huge.

Not only did he bring back the principles of the time-space shuttle, but now, the theoretical technology of micro nuclear batteries is also within reach, ready to be transferred.

Lin Xian had been clueless about how to make big money with Rhine Company to secure enough financial resources for himself.

Now he had a clue, didn’t he?

According to Old Man Wei Sheng Jin, with the technology available on Earth in 2024, it’s completely possible to create micro nuclear batteries. The problem was that human research into nuclear physics applications had gone down the wrong path.

Well, sorry.

I’m planning to do something good.

Let Rhine Company bring this misguided path back on track—and apply for a patent while they’re at it.

Two birds with one stone!

Lin Xian couldn’t help but exclaim, “If micro nuclear batteries could really appear on Earth in 2024, the future world would look completely different! Would humanity still need to go to Mars?”

“Humans would still have to go to Mars,” Old Man Wei Sheng Jin explained. “The great disaster of 2400 is an unavoidable natural event. No matter how many nuclear batteries there are, they won’t help; Earth’s ecosystem is no longer fit for habitation. Humans would still have to migrate to Mars.”

“But I will say this: if humans had mastered micro nuclear battery technology by 2030, Earth certainly wouldn’t look like it does now.”

He scuffed the ground with his foot, kicking out a small hole. He pointed to it and explained, “If humans started making micro nuclear batteries in 2030, there would be a massive number of these batteries accumulated over the centuries. After the great disaster of 2400, most of these micro nuclear batteries, still full of unused energy, would be buried underground.”

“And then… what do you think would happen, Lin Xian? The survivors on Earth would dig up loads of usable micro nuclear batteries from the ground. Since these batteries are made with aluminum alloy casings, they’re incredibly durable, strong, safe, and don’t lose energy for hundreds of years. Once unearthed, they could be used immediately.”

“So, would Earthlings still need to start developing from the Stone Age? By using the vast underground resources of micro nuclear batteries, they could jump straight into an era of endless electricity. If that were the case… who knows what Earth would look like today.”

Old Man Wei Sheng Jin rubbed his hands together, smiling as he imagined. “It’s really fascinating to think about… With the intelligence and resilience of Earth’s people, if they had endless micro nuclear batteries as a starting resource, where would they be in 200 years?”

“Exactly,” Lin Xian said, looking around at Queen’s Town, where every household was asleep, dreaming of a post-apocalyptic Earth that starts with micro nuclear batteries.

“I’m looking forward to it, too.”


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