Genius Club

Chapter 248: Lin Xians Secret

Lin Xian didn’t react at first. He just lifted his head and stared at the stunning Hollywood actress in front of him.


Lin Xian, a movie enthusiast, had known of her long before his encounter with the Seven Deadly Sins organization. She started as a child star in her teens and dominated Hollywood for over a decade, showcasing explosive acting skills and a versatile style. She easily mastered any role, earning the nickname “The Shape-Shifting Witch” from her fans.

Recently, she won the Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in “Broken Bridge,” completing her career’s grand slam at just twenty-six—a testament to her extraordinary talent.

Her unique Middle Eastern features were also a crucial factor in her success. Hollywood had many white, black, and Asian actresses, but Angelica’s sharp, chiseled look was rare and distinct, giving her a sculptural beauty that no other ethnicity possessed.

Lin Xian loved to use the term “sculptural” to describe the people in New Donghai City of his second dream and Rhine Sky City of his third dream. The men and women there had genetically modified themselves to look like sculptures, the epitome of beauty.

VV once said her looks were average in Rhine Sky City, but Lin Xian believed Angelica’s angelic face would easily rank above average there. Her natural beauty outshone genetic modifications, making her truly blessed by nature.

However, no one expected that this “Shape-Shifting Witch” had another secret identity—one of the Seven Deadly Sins members, Lust, in Ji Xin Shui’s crime organization.

After being tricked by Lin Xian’s fake invitation to the Genius Club, Ji Xin Shui confessed all her crimes, revealing Angelica’s identity as Lust. Despite Ji Xin Shui’s confession, she did not expose Ji Lin and Angelica’s crimes, either out of conscience or because Angelica truly had no part in them.

Now, as the only surviving member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Angelica’s life and career remained untouched by her criminal associations.

But Lin Xian was skeptical. He believed Ji Xin Shui lied. Even if Angelica didn’t partake in the murders, she must have been involved in other tasks for Ji Xin Shui. Otherwise, why include her in the Seven Deadly Sins? She could have continued her Hollywood career without involvement.

Given Ji Xin Shui’s obsession with joining the Genius Club and Angelica’s ability to infiltrate high society and gather intelligence, Lin Xian speculated that Angelica’s role was espionage. Her beauty and charm could easily manipulate powerful men, turning them into willing informants.

Despite his suspicions, Lin Xian remained wary. This remnant of the Seven Deadly Sins appearing right after his commendation ceremony was unsettling. Although legally justified in Ji Xin Shui and Ji Lin’s punishment, from Angelica’s perspective, Lin Xian was indirectly responsible for her father and brother’s deaths.

Facing Angelica, Lin Xian stood firm, ignoring her outstretched hand. “I don’t think we have anything to discuss.”

“Relax, Lin Xian,” Angelica said, withdrawing her hand and stuffing it into her coat pocket. “I’m not here for revenge. If I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already.”

Lin Xian chuckled, “This isn’t Hollywood, Ms. Angelica. It’s not your stage, and there aren’t any actors here to play along with your script. I’m surprised you dared come to this country alone. Just because there’s no evidence doesn’t mean you’re innocent.”

Angelica shrugged, smiling. “I have nothing to hide. I brought Ji Lin and the old man’s ashes back to Brooklyn. I’ve visited this country twice in the past two months. If I were guilty, I wouldn’t have dared.”

Lin Xian remained silent, unable to read Angelica’s intentions. She seemed too composed for someone seeking revenge. Ji Xin Shui and Ji Lin deserved their fate for their crimes, so what right did Angelica have to avenge them?

Seeing Lin Xian’s hesitation, Angelica pointed to an open door on a nearby Alphard van. “We’re old acquaintances now, aren’t we? Won’t you invite me in?”

Lin Xian shook his head. “I still think we have nothing to discuss. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be going.”

As he turned to leave, Angelica casually mentioned, “You might regret it.” She pulled out a white envelope from her coat. “Ji Lin left you a gift.”

“I don’t want it,” Lin Xian said, half his body already inside the van. Previously, a lawyer had tried transferring all of Ji Lin’s assets to him, but he refused. The only thing he accepted was a $12 million check to buy a spaceship ticket to the moon for Zheng Xiang Yue, compensating for her brother’s death.

Settling into the van’s seat, Lin Xian signaled the driver to close the door. Angelica’s voice cut through just as the door was about to close, “Genius Club.”


The door shut with a thud.

Angelica took a seat nearby, crossing her legs. “Take me to the Peninsula Hotel,” she instructed the driver, who looked to Lin Xian for confirmation. Lin Xian nodded slightly.

The van started, heading towards HP District in Donghai City. As the soundproof partition closed, Angelica broke the silence. “So, everything Ji Xin Shui and Ji Lin were obsessed with revolves around this Genius Club?”

“I knew they were involved in dangerous activities, but they never told me the details,” she admitted.

“Why not?” Lin Xian asked.

Angelica smirked. “Ji Xin Shui said I wasn’t reliable, too impulsive. He wanted me to focus on mingling with high society. Ji Lin said he didn’t want me, someone he saved from death, to get involved in bloodshed. But I think they were just hiding things from me.”

“How did you learn about the Genius Club?” Lin Xian pressed. It seemed unlikely Angelica would know about it, given Ji Xin Shui’s willingness to kill Professor Xu Yun for membership.

“Two weeks ago, a lawyer delivered a letter from Ji Lin,” Angelica explained. “Ji Lin arranged for it to be sent if Lin Xian refused to inherit his assets two months after his death. The letter said to deliver a gift to you personally, and if you refused, to mention Genius Club. He knew you’d be interested.”

She smiled, showing perfect teeth. “And he was right. He was always so confident and smart, the most brilliant person I’ve ever known. He never failed at anything.”

Angelica continued, “It’s funny how the police said Ji Lin was killed by Zhou Duan Yun. Ji Lin saw through people like Zhou Duan Yun easily. It’s absurd.”

“That’s why I came to you, Lin Xian,” she said, handing him the white envelope. “Tell me the truth about Ji Lin’s death and what the Genius Club is.”

Lin Xian reached for the envelope, but Angelica teasingly pulled it away. “Answer my questions first.”

Lin Xian laughed, “You still don’t get it, Angelica. This was left for me by Ji Lin. It has nothing to do with you. You’re just a messenger. I won’t answer your questions. You should stick to acting.”

Angelica pulled out a lighter and ignited it, bringing the flame close to the envelope. “You have ten seconds to decide, Lin Xian.”

“Go ahead and burn it,” Lin Xian said coolly. “I don’t care what Ji Lin left. You’re quite the actress, but there’s no Oscar here for you.”

Despite his words, Lin Xian was slightly taken aback by her decisiveness. As the envelope began to burn, Angelica’s calm smile remained. The burning envelope’s remnants finally revealed a small metallic key.

“New Jersey, Princeton City, Marshall Street, 112,” she said, tossing the key to Lin Xian. “Do you know whose house that is?”

“Ji Lin’s?” Lin Xian guessed.

“Now it is, but it’s famous in the U.S. It’s a historic house, once home to the world’s greatest physicist… Albert Einstein.”


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