Genius Club

Chapter 19: The Invitation

Genius Club…

The moment Lin Xian read those words, everything around him seemed to fade away. The bustling hall around him vanished, replaced by an endless ringing in his ears. His breathing grew heavy, as if he were a dolphin diving deeper into the icy depths of the sea, burdened by weights.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

“What’s up? Why are you just standing there?”

Snapped back to reality by a familiar voice, Lin Xian turned to find Zhao Ying Jun standing behind him. She was clad in a sleek black coat, her diamond earrings glinting under the light.

“Rhine Cat? Is it finished?”

Zhao Ying Jun took the Rhine Cat plush from Lin Xian’s hands, inspecting it closely. “Not bad. It’s even cuter than I imagined. The craftsmanship is impressive. We might consider a long-term partnership with this factory.” She playfully flicked the little tail attached to the plush.

Noticing Lin Xian’s distracted demeanor, Zhao Ying Jun pointed to the dark red card he held. “Is this for me too?”

“Huh? Oh, yes…” Lin Xian, momentarily disoriented, handed her the card reflexively. She examined it thoroughly before heading towards the elevator, Rhine Cat plush in tow.

“President Zhao looks stunning today!”

“Yeah, and she never wears the same outfit twice! Always so stylish!”

“Her elegance is natural, something we can only dream of.”

“And above all, she’s incredibly talented and capable! She’s just perfect!”

After Zhao Ying Jun disappeared into the elevator, the receptionists at the desk whispered among themselves, their tones a mix of admiration and envy. Lin Xian stared at his empty hands, the texture of the dark red card still lingering in his memory.

“What if it’s not an invitation?” He tried to reassure himself. “Maybe it’s just an advertisement? Or a wedding invitation?”

Later, in the office, Lin Xian gathered the latest design drafts and went to report to Zhao Ying Jun. Standing before the formidable security door on the 22nd floor, he paused for a moment.

“Come in.”

As the door unlocked, he entered the familiar, sterile office. It seemed Zhao Ying Jun rarely used the sofa or any personal touches; the only sign of occupancy was the desk cluttered with documents.

“Good, keep moving forward with these.” Zhao Ying Jun quickly reviewed the materials, showing trust in Lin Xian’s work as she handed them back.

“By the way,” she said as Lin Xian took the folder, “did you find out about Professor Xu Yun?”

“I did some digging.” Lin Xian had spent his subway ride that morning calling his former advisor to learn about Professor Xu Yun.

“I contacted my advisor and some grad students at the university,” he continued. “Professor Xu Yun is so committed to the hibernation pod project because of his paralyzed daughter.”

“Professor Xu Yun’s only child was left paralyzed from the neck down and in a coma after a tragic accident at an amusement park. She’s been in that state for nearly ten years at Donghai University Hospital, with no hope of recovery, according to both domestic and international experts.”

Lin Xian swallowed, his voice heavy. “Many have advised Professor Xu Yun to move on, but he’s determined to keep researching the hibernation pod, hoping future technology might heal his daughter.”

Zhao Ying Jun listened intently, then sighed. “It reminds me of ‘The Three-Body Problem,’ a sci-fi novel about a character who waits in hibernation for a cure for their incurable disease. It’s tragic that real life has struck Professor Xu Yun so harshly.”

“But scientific advancement is incremental. Without a solid foundation, how can we expect sudden breakthroughs? Professor Xu’s hopes are more fiction than science. He’s blinded by his love,” she commented, returning to her documents.

“Lin Xian, buy some gifts and visit Professor Xu’s daughter in the hospital when you can.”

“Okay.” Lin Xian turned to leave, but he had another motive for this meeting. The design drafts were just a pretext; he needed to understand the true purpose of the “Genius Club” card. Was it an invitation, an advertisement, or a mere prank?

“Oh, President Zhao, one more thing,” Lin Xian said, feigning a sudden recall.

“This morning, you left in a hurry, and I forgot to mention…”

“What is it?” Zhao Ying Jun looked up from her writing.

“That red card you took with the Rhine Cat plush,” Lin Xian explained, “wasn’t mailed; a woman delivered it in person.”

“Oh, that.” Zhao Ying Jun resumed her writing without much concern.

“Is it… an invitation?” Lin Xian asked tentatively.

“It’s an invitation,” she replied nonchalantly, then continued signing documents.

“Anything else?”

“No, nothing.”

With a bang, the heavy security door closed behind him.

Outside, Lin Xian’s heart raced with excitement. It was indeed an invitation! Just as he had dreamt the previous night, it had come to pass. What could this mean for him?


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