Genius Club

Chapter 10: The Suit

“Have you ever watched the movie Inception?” Gao Yang asked, pouring himself a drink.

“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites,” Lin Xian replied, curious about the sudden reference.

“A person’s dreams are controlled by their subconscious. You know what the subconscious is, right? It’s that part of your mind you’re not actively aware of, but it still influences your actions, feelings, and dreams.”

Lin Xian nodded. “So, our subconscious impacts our dreams without us realizing?”

“Exactly. People can deceive their hearts, even their minds, but—” Gao Yang paused dramatically, “—they can never deceive their subconscious!”

Gao Yang glanced at the big screen behind him, then back at Lin Xian. “Does that make sense?”

“Sure, I get the concept,” Lin Xian affirmed. He understood Inception well, but he wondered how it related to his own dreams.

“Here’s the thing—your subconscious has evolved!” Gao Yang exclaimed, finishing his beer. “Tell me, what would you name this cat now, in your subconscious?”

“Rhine Cat,” Lin Xian responded after a thoughtful pause.

“Right! If your subconscious aligns with that, then the dream version must update too!”

“Is it that straightforward?” Lin Xian asked skeptically.

“Just that simple,” Gao Yang confirmed.

Still unsure, Lin Xian queried, “Can we really rely on movie logic for this?”

Gao Yang laughed, showing his phone. “It’s not just movie stuff. This client of mine, a well-known psychologist from Donghai, shares insights on social media. I’ve learned a lot from her posts.”

Lin Xian glanced at the psychologist’s social media page, filled with professional insights.

“Really, you might be overthinking it,” Gao Yang said nonchalantly. “It’s common for real-life elements to blend into dreams. It’d be more concerning if it were the other way around!”

With that, Gao Yang left to catch the game’s continuation. The bar erupted as Argentina scored once more.

Left alone, Lin Xian pondered Gao Yang’s words. His beer warmed in his hand, reflecting his slowly changing thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, he was making too much out of a simple dream detail.

Eventually, Argentina clinched the victory. As the bar cleared out amidst celebration, Gao Yang beamed with joy.

“That was fantastic! I hope Argentina takes the championship!” he exclaimed, energized by the win and the brisk night air. “Oh right, I heard about your promotion.”

“Just to team leader, but it’s a direct report, equivalent to a department head.”

“Big time, brother!” Gao Yang clapped him on the back. “Make sure you rake it in! And buy your next car from me!”

“I will, next time.”

The following day at MX Company, everything was ready for Lin Xian. His new office was set up with a large desk, a top-spec Apple computer, and his own bookshelf—perfect for a department head.

Energized, Lin Xian headed to the 22nd floor with his latest Rhine Cat design draft to meet Zhao Ying Jun, whose office required a double password for entry.

“Come in,” Zhao Ying Jun buzzed him through the secure door.

Her office was as pristine as the rumors suggested: minimalist and orderly, with a large window and adjacent restrooms.

Today, she looked different—her usually tied-up hair was softly curled, framing her face, making her appear more accessible.

“Very good,” she nodded after reviewing the draft. “Send it to production. We’ll promote it with our main Rhine brand products.”

“And bring me a sample of the toy; I’m quite fond of this Rhine Cat.”

“Will do,” Lin Xian replied, turning to leave.

“Wait, Lin Xian,” Zhao Ying Jun called him back. “You graduated from Donghai University, right?”

“Yes, Miss Zhao.”

“Do you own a suit?”

“Just one for interviews.”

“Go next door to the Brioni store and pick out a new one,” she instructed, rifling through some papers. “There’s a science fundraising dinner tonight. You’re accompanying me. I’ll text you the details.”

Stunned, Lin Xian found himself outside her office with the door closing sharply behind him.

Why was he chosen to accompany her? Whatever the reason, it seemed to be part of his new leadership role.

In his office, Lin Xian quickly delegated tasks to his team before heading to the upscale mall Zhao had mentioned. Inside the Brioni store, he was greeted by an elegant saleswoman who informed him of the brand’s prestigious history.

Lin Xian chose a sleek black suit, marveling at the quality compared to his interview attire.

“How much is this one?”

“Ninety-six thousand yuan,” the saleswoman replied.

Lin Xian almost gasped. The price was staggering.

Just then, a senior manager approached, apologizing for any confusion. “Miss Zhao has arranged everything. Please, follow me to see our premium selection.”

Relieved yet overwhelmed, Lin Xian followed, stepping further into the world of the elite.


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