Genius Archer's Streaming

Chapter 29: War (3)

Chapter 29: War (3)

Acorn Jelly once mentioned that video game streamers didn’t often receive donations. Therefore, each donation counted, especially the missions. Not only did mission donations offer financial support, but they also helped to streamline the broadcast as well.

[ShyNapoleon has donated 10,000 won.]

[Mission: Every kill = 10,000 won.]

Hence, Almond felt lucky when the mission donation came in.

‘10,000 won for every kill?’

The enemies scattered around him now looked like cash instead of threats.

‘10 kills would be 100,000 won?’?With that thought, Sang-Hyeon checked how many arrows he had.

He started with 80 arrows by default and he’d earn close to 1 million won if he managed to land all of them.

Not only that, but the game would also become much more entertaining. He would slowly chip away at their army rather than finishing off their general in one hit.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Almond crawled beneath the grass and slowly infiltrated the other side.

— You’re going alone?

— Aren’t you going to fight together?

— Is he ditching the mission?

— He said he was going to do it earlier.

Everyone questioned why Almond acted by himself.

Almond slowly got up without a word.


The bowstring stretched as far back as Almond’s confidence.


The arrow flew and pierced a soldier’s head before the viewers could say anything.


The soldier fell after a crisp sound through the air.

“It’s coming from the left!!!”


The enemies panicked as arrows flew towards them from the side. However, they only faced one opponent and possessed the advantage in numbers.

Sang-Hyeon could easily stay hidden with just himself. That’s why he went alone.


The enemies became confused as Almond went into hiding again. They looked around like broken toys with stiff heads. Shortly afterward, they marched forward again.

They couldn’t just focus on the arrows flying from the side because of the war in front of them.

Another soldier fell.


The corpse had an arrow sticking out from its head, which came from the left again.


Just as the person who looked like their captain prepared to speak…


Something ripped through the air once more and pierced his head before the sound even reached his ears.



The captain that led a hundred soldiers simply fell like that.

“What the?!”


The enemies fell into an even greater panic. They fell one by one with an arrow each and couldn’t locate where the arrows came from.

Normally, they would calculate the trajectory of multiple arrows and find the source. However, the arrows only came from one source that kept moving around and killing several of them. They couldn’t track down the source like that.


Another arrow echoed out and they knew someone was doomed to fall.


As expected, one more of their comrades fell. However, they managed to learn something.

“He’s on the left!”

“The southwest position!”

They discovered Almond’s position by observing the movement of the bushes.

“Twenty soldiers, go and guard the left side! The archers have invaded!”

They thought an army of archers had invaded and not just Almond alone, so they sent twenty men.

— Wow, attracting 20 alone.

— The perfect bait.

— Now you run, right?

— I think you’ll get caught.

Almond also heard that they sent twenty soldiers, but didn’t run away. He grabbed twenty arrows from his quiver and placed them on the ground.

“I’ll get twenty arrows ready since it’s twenty people.”

Right after Almond said this…

[Consecutive Shooting Skill, Activated!]


His eyes glowed for a second as the skill activated.


He instantly drew his bowstring taut as an instrument and rapidly fired the arrows.



The arrows struck the heads of the soldiers slowly marching toward him.

“He only aims for the head! Watch your heads… Keugh!”


An arrow pierced that enemy’s neck before he could give out a command.

Pang! Paaaang!

A one-sided massacre by Almond soon followed. He consecutively fired all twenty arrows he placed on the ground earlier without taking a single step.

Almond seemed like a tower powered by artificial intelligence. He made quick, precise, and perfect movements.



The enemies knew they didn’t stand a chance and began to retreat. All twenty soldiers ran in different directions, but the single archer still decimated all of them.




The sound of screams and falling bodies echoed throughout the field.

“230,000 won, right?” Almond said with a smile as he finished killing all the soldiers who approached him.

He killed three earlier plus the twenty now, which meant he had earned 230,000 won so far.

— Wooooow.

— Damn, what a guy!

— Mom, I’m going to be Almond when I grow up! Mom, I’m going to be Almond when I grow up!

— Almond! Almond! Almond!

— 230,000 won just like that.

— Shudder shudder…?

— Insane. Killing twenty with consecutive shots?

— Exactly twenty…

His audience rejoiced at the incredible feat they just witnessed. It wasn’t simply due to his gameplay skills anymore.

Almond had shot a perfect shot even while riding a horse. Simply shooting arrows while standing still wouldn’t excite the viewers.

— That was satisfying as hell.

— Calling his kills before he shoots is insane.

Their excitement and sense of euphoria came from Almond’s confidence. This element and trait of his excited them the most.

One would be unlikely to perform up to 100% of their capabilities in a tight situation like this even if one possessed the skills. It was even more unlikely that someone would feel confident enough to perform at 100% of their abilities.

However, Almond was different. He placed exactly?twenty arrows on the ground, which showed his own confidence in his skills. And he proved it once more with his actions.

He belonged to the class of geniuses. Such individuals didn’t doubt themselves. It didn’t just stem from confidence. It almost functioned like an inevitable mathematical result. Geniuses never made mistakes and always displayed perfection.

Such geniuses excited people, especially in a new scene where no one knew them yet.

The viewers passionately cheered him on.

[InsaneAlmond! has donated 1,000 won.]

[Boss, I pissed my pants.]

[IsThisReal? has donated 1,000 won.]

[I’m confused as to what just happened…]

[Omae has donated 10,000 won.]

[Okay! Just take my money!]

[LeftoverGum has donated 20,000 won.]

[The mission guy instantly lost 230,000 won LOL]

[JinTae has donated 10,000 won.]

[Taking out exactly 20 arrows. That’s crazy.]

The cheers and praise continued pouring in along with donations.

Almond responded with a proud look, “InsaneAlmond, IsThisReal, Omae, LeftoverGum, and JinTae, thank you for the donations.”

He showed composure even during the middle of a war. Most likely because he had no enemies to be concerned about.

— This counts as assassinating too…

— There are no witnesses, so it’s an assassination LOL

— Hahahaha

— No one knows lol

— Yeah haha.

No enemy could report the loss because Almond killed all of them. He confidently readied his bow and began firing at the enemies again.


His mission reward went up by 10,000 won whenever such a sound was heard. Almond used up half of his arrows without encountering any difficulties.

“Is it 400,000 won so far?” he whispered to himself while checking his quiver.

The viewer who gave him the mission cried out in the chat.

[ShyNapoleon has donated 1,000 won.]

[Boss… stop… just kill me…]

The viewers laughed at ShyNapoleon, who confidently gave the high-stake mission. Now, he begged for his life with only 1,000 won.

— LOL teach him a lesson.

— Kill me LOL

— Do you want him to stop or to kill you?

— Who knew he’d instantly reach 400,000 won?

They felt satisfied after ShyNapoleon dared to challenge Almond with a kill mission.

— Legend says that from today on, Almond never received a kill mission again…

— Today is the last mission day…

Some people predicted he would never receive another mission like this because whoever gave it would go broke.

Almond smiled at their reactions and said, “I’ll only take exactly 1 million won.”

That statement terrified ShyNapoleon.


“What the?!”

A bewildered scream could be heard from the enemy lines.

“Everyone… everyone’s dead?”

They finally realized that a single archer had decimated twenty of their soldiers and continued to inflict casualties on them.

“Who… who is that man! Send in the archers! We can’t win if we’re attacked like this from the side!”

The enemy sent over forty soldiers, which included ten archers.

[ShyNapoleon has donated 1,000 won.]

[Oh… please…]

ShyNapoleon began cheering for the enemy.

— LOL, it’s pointless…

— It’s too late! Turn back! NOW!

— He’s begging LOL

— Hahahaha

Almond felt slightly bad for ShyNapoleon.

‘But missions need to be cleared.’

ShyNapoleon was the one who gave the mission in the first place. Treevy required at least 1 million won in a user’s account to give missions, so he likely wasn’t broke yet.

Almond came to terms with that and drew his bowstring against the forty soldiers headed towards him.

Pang! Pang! Pang!

Three soldiers instantly fell.

“I’m going in again.”

He easily completed the requirements of hitting three headshots in a row. Then Almond activated the consecutive shooting skill again.


He stood still like before and shot like an automated tower. It seemed irrelevant to him whether twenty or forty enemies showed up.

The forty arrows that remained in his quiver gradually dwindled.

However, a slight change occurred this time.

“Over there!”


The sound of a bowstring being drawn could be heard from the enemies. One of the enemy archers had discovered Almond and drew their bowstring.

The enemies could now attack Almond from a distance as well compared to before. He would definitely get shot if he stayed in one place and kept shooting.

— I think you have to evade while shooting.

— Using that skill while moving seems difficult.

It was best to stand still in order to maximize the consecutive shooting skill.?However, he would become exposed to the enemy archers.


The enemy fired their shot and the arrow flew toward Almond.

However, Almond remained still.

— You’re not going to dodge it?!

— Does he not know?

— Dodge it!

— Noooo!

— Please die, Almond!

— LOL die!!!

Almond quickly tilted his head and his eyes glowed like a scene from one of the montages. His bow also tilted at the same angle and his gaze turned toward the sky.


The angled shot quickly flew up and bounced in the sky with a strange noise.


— ???

— What!?

The arrow bounced in the sky because it had clashed with the enemy arrow.

He defended against an arrow with an arrow.

— He hit the arrow with his arrow!

— Oh shit!

— Omg…

— Is this real life?

— Am I seeing things?

— This must be a bug!

— Damn, Napoleon is fucked.

— Inhuman…

— Not a mortal…

— Insane!

The enemy archer blankly stared at what just happened. Almond’s arrow instantly pierced between his eyes.


Not very many of the forty remained.

“Now it’s 710,000 won.”

Almond continued aiming and firing as if nothing happened.


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