General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 17: be a mother

Chapter 17: be a mother

Chapter 17 Being a Mother

"Are you hungry?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

This morning, the three little guys were too excited to learn that they were going out.

The three nodded.

Su Xiaoxiao remembered that there was a stall selling dumplings and dumplings nearby. The husband and wife had been doing it for many years. The taste was always good, and it was in the same direction as the medical hall.

Su Xiaoxiao and Sanxiao found the stall.

It was past breakfast time, and there were no more customers. The boss was not there. The lady boss was standing behind the stall making dumplings, and another seven-year-old girl was helping pick vegetables.

She was the first to see the guest, and pulled the clothes of the proprietress: "Mother, there is a guest here."

The proprietress recognizes Su Xiaoxiao. After all, there are not many customers who are so fat. Once you come, you can remember them for a long time.

"Girl, are you still two bowls of rice wine dumplings and one bowl of spicy soup dumplings today?"

she said cheerfully.

The original staple food is large, can eat three bowls at a time, and two bowls are sweet, who is fat if she is not fat?

In order to lose weight, Su Xiaoxiao decided to resist the urge to be greedy and asked Sanxiao, "Do you want to eat dumplings or glutinous rice balls?"

The three did not speak.

The proprietress looked down, only to realize that the fat girl was following three small dumplings.

The little dumplings are cute and lovable, with flushed cheeks, like three lucky dolls walking down from the New Year's picture.

The proprietress had never seen such a beautiful child before and couldn't help asking: "Girl, they are..."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the little girl who was snuggling beside the proprietress, then looked at the three little ones with envious eyes, and said sternly, "My son."

The three little ones were stunned.

The lady boss was also stunned.

Su Xiaoxiao is too young to look like the mother of three children, but in this turbulent world, there are some girls who marry a long time ago.

The proprietress smiled and said: "Three sons, really lucky."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled.

Su Xiaoxiao asked the three again: "Dumplings, dumplings, which one to eat?"

Three little animals: "Mother."

knew it would be like this.

Su Xiaoxiao coughed lightly and answered vaguely, "Well, what to eat?"

Three little eyes bright.

Su Xiaoxiao turned her face and whispered: "Don't look at me like that, it's my first time being a mother...not necessarily a good one..."


A small bean curd pointed at the dumplings and said.

Su Xiaoxiao was surprised, said the second word so quickly?

There is no swirl on the forehead, it is a big tiger.

The other two foreheads have hair spins, Erhu with a white hairband, and Xiaohu with a blue hairband.

Erhu and Xiaohu ordered dumplings.

The four sat around the small table, and the steaming dumplings and dumplings were served.

"Mother, eat." The three said.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "You eat, I'm not hungry, be careful of the heat."

The three of them faced the bowl and whispered.

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly looked at the three of them and said, "You...can you say your own name?"

She wanted to know their real names.

The three of them tilted their heads for a while, and nodded in unison.

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up: "Then what are your names?"

The little hands of the three of them pressed against their little chests.

"Big Tiger."

"Two tigers."

"Small Axe (Tiger)."

Su Xiaoxiao: ""

After the three little ones were full, Su Xiaoxiao took them to the town's medical clinic.

Yesterday, she came in and out from the back door, avoiding the staff in the medical center, so everyone didn't know her.

To stabilize Father Su's injury, acupuncture and medicinal materials are indispensable.

"I want a pair of silver needles, in addition." She paused and reported a dozen herbs in one breath.

The shopkeeper settled the bill for her, a total of five taels.

After the first purchase, she only had twenty taels of silver left in her hand.

"Can it be cheaper?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

The shopkeeper smiled lightly: "How much does the girl want to give?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "I only have two taels of silver in my hand. If you are willing... I can exchange my medicine with you to make up the difference."

The shopkeeper laughed angrily.

What a big voice from a village girl!

She exchanged her medicine.

What medicine? Are the country's earthwork rotten herbs?

What kind of place does she take Rong Entang!

"Rongentang is the largest hospital in the town. Is there any good medicine? Would you like something from a village girl? What else can you get!"

Su Xiao said: "My medicine is very good."

The shopkeeper sneered: "I think you are here to deceive medicine. I have seen many people like you! Hurry up! Otherwise, I will report to the official!"

In the wing room on the second floor, the young man in brocade was sitting on a chair, and a doctor from the medical center was examining his left arm.

"The dislocation is well received and there will be no sequelae."

The brocade-clothed boy raised his hand, and the doctor withdrew wisely.

The guard standing by the window suddenly said, "Young master, look! It's the girl just now!"

The teenager turned his head and looked around: "It's her."

means that there are three more children around.

The guard gestured and asked strangely: "Master, did she really just take your arm back just now?"

When the young master hit the horse, he was in the crowd opposite and didn't see it very clearly.

The brocade-clothed boy hummed.

guard said: "I see her clothes, she is clearly a village girl, how could she do this? Could it be that she also knows medical skills?

The boy was silent.

Receiving a dislocated arm and saving a child who choked and choked, she should know medical skills.

But...healed cousin.

"Cousin has a special status. People of unknown origin should not approach him rashly, but wait for Doctor Dong from the medical center."

Dr. Dong has been practicing medicine for many years and has excellent medical skills. He is the best person to treat his cousin.

But he said that after Su Xiaoxiao came out of the hospital, he planned to look elsewhere, but just a few steps away, he was stopped by a man in his fifties.

At first glance, the other party's attire is no different from that of ordinary people, except that there is a medicine gourd hanging around his waist.

is a man.

Lang Zhong smiled at Su Xiaoxiao and cupped his hands, Daoming's intention.

Su Xiaoxiao snorted: "So you were also in Jinji at that time... You want to ask me now, what method did you use to save the child?"

Langzhong smiled shyly: "I hope the girl will give me some advice."

Su Xiaoxiao waved his hand: "Hey, you're too polite, what's not to teach you? You want to know, I'll just tell you."

"Really?" Lang Zhong couldn't believe that the other party agreed so easily, which was different from what he expected!

"Are you the man in the middle?" Su Xiaoxiao took out a small porcelain bottle from the basket and smiled slightly, "Just in time, I have a bottle of gold sore medicine here. Do you want to sell it to you cheaply?"

Langzhong glanced at the small porcelain bottle she took out, and asked angrily, "If you don't buy your medicine, will you still teach me the rescue method for choking?"

"Yes." Su Xiaoxiao said without hesitation, "But are you too embarrassed to prostitute?"

Langzhong: ""

Lang Zhong twitched the corners of his mouth, and asked without a smile, "How much is a bottle?"

Su Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand: "For the sake of being a colleague, I'll sell you five taels of silver!"

Lang Zhong was taken aback: "Five taels?! Why don't you go grab it!"

Su Xiaoxiao looked up at the sky, but she helplessly spread her hands: "Then let other medical clinics go whoring for free."

Langzhong again: ""


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