Gate of Revelation

Chapter 863

Chapter 863

Shen stood calmly, his eyes as clear as water.

Everyone there, including Chen Xiaolian, had already poured their power into Shen.

They could also sense it. The highly monumental power had begun to slowly swirl, disregarding Shen’s will as it absorbed even more power from their surrounding space.

The eye of the storm had been formed.

Apart from a refresh, nothing else could stop it.

However, the refresh had been blocked by the domain created by the Oddity.

“How do you feel right now?” Du Wei walked over to stand in front of Shen. “Having obtained the memories and power of ‘God’, the present you can also be considered God, no?”

“There’s no special feeling.”

Shen smiled. “The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. And now, it is time I fulfil my responsibility.”

“Right now?” Du Wei was slightly taken aback. “I thought you would want to wait a while longer for the eye of the storm to absorb enough power.”

“What’s important here is not the amount, but the level. The moment the divine consciousness began gathering with me as the core, I had already stepped into a new level. I could head into the Upper Plane at any time. Once I’ve dealt with the Development Team, stop the refresh and completely cut off the connection between the two worlds, these code streams would come to a halt. When that happens, you guys will be able to initiate the refresh reversal process,” Shen said coolly.

“By the way, a request in the name of friendship, you still have one of those you haven’t used, don’t you? If there’s anything you want to ask of me, now’s the time.” Du Wei suddenly broke into a smile.

Shen looked straight at Du Wei before he too, broke into a smile.

He pondered solemnly before shaking his head. “There’s nothing.”

“For real? If you don’t use it now, you may not have the chance to do so again.” There was an odd look on Du Wei’s face as he looked at Shen.

“Isn’t it better that way?” Shen raised his brows slightly. “I’ll just continue to have you owe me. Having you owe me one can be considered a good thing.”

“Alright, then.” Du Wei let out a soft sigh. “You… do you have anything else you want to say?”

He gave Cheng Cheng a surreptitious glance through the corner of his eyes.

Shen turned around.

“There’s nothing.”

Du Wei had assumed that Shen would disappear next. However, Shen seemingly hesitated for a moment before speaking up again, “Forget it, I should give this to you after all.”

With his back still facing Du Wei, Shen stretched his left hand, waving it backwards. Next, an envelope flew out from between his index and middle finger. As though there was a hand carrying it, the envelope flew smoothly towards Du Wei.

“How much money are we talking about here?”

Du Wei accepted the envelope, then pinched it to test its thickness before bursting into another smile. “Doesn’t feel all that thick. It can’t be banknotes. So… a cheque?”

“Whether or not to give to Cheng Cheng, you decide.” Shen ignored Du Wei’s joke. The very next moment, he disappeared.

The green-coloured code streams outside continued to beat the wall of the domain from the outside, like a rampaging storm. But no matter how violent it became, the thin curtain of light – with the Oddity at its very centre – remained unbreakable.

Du Wei looked at the swirling code streams outside for a long time before lowering his head to tear open the envelope.

There were five sheets of paper inside the envelope. Du Wei gave them a brief glance and discovered that the words on the sheets of paper were not the same.

The first four sheets were ordinary sheets of paper and the words written on them were done using ordinary ink pen. The last one, however, had a surface that glowed with a faint fluorescent light and floating words.

“Hey, Du Wei.

“Honestly, from a logical perspective, you should not be able to see this letter.

“I’ve thought about it again and again, but I just can’t imagine ever getting the chance to give you this letter.

“But I still want to write this letter. Even if you never get to see its contents, I just want to write down the things I want to say to you.

“The entrance to Zero City has been opened. Hmm, it’s the Thirty-three Heavens we built. Zero City is the name given to it by those fellows who now occupy our building. It has become the commonly agreed upon name in both the Player world and Awakened world. Following their lead, I too, got accustomed to calling it that.

“After I found the first pair of wings, I wanted to return to Zero City only to discover that I could no longer enter. My authority… was revoked!

“I’m sure you can guess just how shocked I was back then.

“Because that was your handiwork.

“I’m certain my guess is correct because there can be no one else who would do that.

“Although Cheng Cheng hates me, she is not the type of person to do something like this. The way I see it, if she weren’t fighting with Gabriel for complete control over that instance dungeon, she would have scoured the world to find me and try to gut me to my death.

“However, you never said a word about it to me.

“Naturally, when we met, I too never said a word about it to you.

“You know everything, and so did I. But neither of us said a thing about it.

“Truth be told… there were two or three times. When we met again all those times, I had thought about whether or not to simply bring up the topic with you.

“But after thinking about it carefully, I chose to keep my mouth shut.

“I think, if I were to bring it up, we will surely be incapable of maintaining our happy friendship.

“It’d be better to just continue like this. Both of us pretending to be in the dark, as though we don’t know anything.

“You are the only one who can play this game that requires mutual understanding with me.

“Xiao Yun is too prideful. So much so that she looks down on every one of us except Bai Qi, who was one level stronger than us. Rather, she’s only holding herself back with Bai Qi, looking forward to the day she surpasses him.

“Of course, in the end, the two of them ended up going to the Yellow Springs together.

“Gabriel always seems like someone who can never grow up. Laughing all the time, he can never hide anything in his heart. I’ve always wondered. How can an old monster who has lived for so long maintain that youthful state of mind?

“Bai Qi… I’ve always thought that he has problems with his IQ. Hmm, it’s not like he’s stupid. Rather, he’s obstinate. The way he analyses problems is always somewhat different from us normal guys. Once, I had thought that, only guys with some problems with their heads like him could become so strong.

“Naturally, at present, I have far surpassed him. If he’s still alive now and finds out that I have become so much stronger than him, he will surely go mad from rage, don’t you think?

“The problem with Umbrella is that he is too pessimistic. I believe you must have noticed it as well. In truth, he has never believed that there is actually an answer to be found here in this world. When we left Thirty-three Heavens, he was the only one who took a piece of the Oddity with him. All he wanted is to build a very small portable sanctuary. By depending on it, he’ll drag it out as long as he could. Maybe he’ll make a few tries, but only if he could already see some hope for that.

“Hmm, lastly, there’s Cheng Cheng.

“Honestly, I’ve always felt puzzled. Are you two really brother and sister?

“Although you two have the same hair colour, she is far less intelligent compared to you.

“But that’s fine too. I like smart friends, nor smart women. A straightforward woman who is quick to make decisions and act. Someone who wears her thoughts on her face. Being together with someone like her is less tiring.

“A pity… she stopped being my woman a long time ago.

“But Du Wei, I kept my promise to you. The day I left her, I did not say anything, even to this very day.

“You are right. I share the same opinion as you. Having her hate me is better than letting her fall into despair over me.

“See? Between us, there’s no need to say anything. The past and now, we’ve always shared a mutual understanding with one another.

“I even know that you’ve more or less figured out something about my real identity even though that’s something that I’ve only just found out not long ago.

“Sigh! Those foolish Players… they really think that there is some importance in killing the Awakened ones who occupy Zero City.

“They know nothing.

“Still, it can’t be helped. I have to play the role of a Player properly, that of the Guild Leader of Thorned Flower Guild.

“I need their help in finding clues regarding the wings and a way to return to Zero City.

“Only by going back would I be able to save this world.

“However… it comes at a price.

“When the defect in the world template is patched, you guys will all be eradicated.

“It’s funny. To think that a day would come when I would use the word ‘price’ to describe my friends.

“But believe me, this was a really hard decision for me.

“I thought about it for a long time, went through the information within the wings again and again, but I am simply incapable of finding another way.

“If possible, I hope that the one eradicated would be me.

“But I could not accomplish that.

“Every one of us knows all too well, given how battered Thirty-three Heavens has become, that it can no longer withstand the next refresh.

“Taiyi is dead as well. Weakened, again and again until he became a GM who can hardly exert control over anything. No one can help us fortify Thirty-three Heavens.

“When the next refresh comes, we will have nowhere to hide.

“When that happens, the Oddity will break away and return to the world template and the Development Team will once again have full control over this world.

“Rather than have that happen, why not let me have a go?

“But, I really do not know how to tell you guys any of this.

“Fortunately, Cheng Cheng and Gabriel have hidden themselves inside the instance dungeon within Romania. Bai Qi has become an instance dungeon’s NPC and Little Yun is still in the Yellow Springs. As for Umbrella… it’s been a long time since I last saw him.

“As long as you don’t show up, I will be able to smoothly complete my plan.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you. I named my plan, the Heaven Patching Plan.

“A most cliché name, don’t you think?

“But I know you love this cool-sounding name. If you’re the one doing this, you would definitely give it such a name.

“Alright. It’s almost time. I have to go now.

“I haven’t written with a pen for too long. Hopefully, my handwriting has not become too ugly.

“Still, it should still be way better than your crappy ass handwriting, no?

“Nothing unexpected will happen. I will smoothly obtain the Oddity before you arrive.

“Then, goodbye, my friend.

“Honestly, I really hope I can see you again at the very last moment.”

The writings ended there.

Du Wei gently folded the four pieces of paper and unfolded the fifth paper. Golden-coloured words formed using power floated upon the surface of the paper, flowing about at a certain rhythm.

“Fine, you punk. You won.

“In the past, this kid would have been no different from an ant in our eyes. Never in my wildest imaginations did I ever think that you could, by relying on the kid, turn my plan upside down.

“I don’t even know, did you plan one step ahead of me, or is your damned luck just too good?

“Don’t worry, I’m someone who’s willing to admit defeat. Unlike you, I won’t shamelessly cause a scene here.

“Moreover, that kid named Chen Xiaolian did indeed find out more of the truth and a better way.

“In the end, all we need is one person.

“One person to sacrifice themself and become the eye of the storm.

“I know, you must have also been prepared to become this sacrifice.

“But can it, I’m not dead yet.

“Since I was once this world’s first GM, how can I leave the sacrifice needed to protect it to someone else?

“I’ve said it before. If possible, I would rather it be me.

“I don’t know if those guys will believe me or not.

“But I know, you will definitely believe me.

“And now, it is time for me to honour my words.

“Actually, I had wanted to write this with a pen. That way, it’ll look more formal and respectable. But as you know, I don’t have the time for that.

“Then, I’m off.

“P.S: Help me tell Cheng Cheng that I’ve been constantly thinking about her after leaving her.

“P.S.2: But don’t tell her that I’ve slept with many red-haired women.

“P.S.3: By the way, I should make this clear. I slept with those women because their hair reminded me of Cheng Cheng, not you!”

That marked the end of the second letter.

Reading the final part of the letter, Du Wei cold not stop himself from revealing a wry smile. He muttered, “You punk… this joke of yours to ease the atmosphere is too crappy.”

“You’ve been looking at it for so long. What did he say?”

Cheng Cheng put on a nonchalant façade and said casually, but the slight quiver in her fingertips betrayed her thoughts.

“Do you want to see it?” Du Wei raised the letter in his hand at Cheng Cheng.

“What’s the point of reading them?” Cheng Cheng turned her head away. “I’m not interested.”

“Forget it. She has been this way ever since she went into the instance dungeon with me.” Gabriel threw a contemptuous glance at Cheng Cheng. “She’s definitely incapable of saying she wants to read it. Just give them to me!”

Gabriel had been about to stretch his hand out to take the letters in Du Wei’s hand when Cheng Cheng suddenly strode forward to stand before him. Snatching the letters, she glared at Gabriel. “What do you care if I read it or not?”

She swiftly glanced through the contents of the letters before slowly putting them down. Then, she turned around and stood there motionlessly, her back against the rest.

After a while, Cheng Cheng finally turned around once more. Her face remained nonchalant and her hand continued to grip onto the letters.

“The letters… just what is written on them?”

Gabriel blinked his eyes, not daring to take the letters from Cheng Cheng’s hand.

“Gabriel, do you still remember? Back then, you told Shen that only self-sacrifice can be considered a sacrifice and that Jesus did not nail his twelve disciples onto the cross.”

“Of course I remember.” Gabriel pursed his lips to the side.

A smile appeared on Cheng Cheng’s face, but there was a great grimness interweaved into the smile.

“Truth is, he has long since… wanted to nail himself up there.”


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