Gate of Revelation

Chapter 1: Come Forward and Receive Death

Chapter 1: Come Forward and Receive Death

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GOR Chapter 1: Come Forward and Receive Death

“Come forward and receive death!”

“I do not have many friends, you are one. If you die, I will be unhappy.”

After adjusting some final punctuations with his keyboard, Chen Xiaolian raised his head and massaged his sore temple.

Within a VIP waiting room of an airport, service personnel wearing beautiful uniforms were gently pouring coffee for the guests.

This was an airport within a small country’s tourist city, located within Southeast Asia.

Chen Xiaolian stretched his waist and quickly affixed an author’s back section on the chapter that he had just finished. Thinking for a moment, he quickly typed in a line of text: Seeking monthly ticket…

Glancing at the book review section, he could see some readers urging for more while others were cursing: Always not updating the book, but still have the face to ask for monthly ticket? Author has a small dick ah…

He quickly exited the back section, switched off his laptop, and stuffed it into his bag. Suddenly getting the urge to urinate, he looked at his phone and saw that it was still early. Chen Xiaolian immediately got up while carrying his bag and proceeded to run toward the toilet.

Chen Xiaolian, gender male.

As for his profession… a web novelist, one who wrote fantasy fiction novels. He possessed quite the reputation within the web novel circle as he had written one or two relatively popular web novels.

He also managed to earn some royalties.

Hmm, considering his current age, there was no need to spend much money anyways. As for things like getting married, having children and buying a house, those matters were relatively far in the future for him.

However, in his online profile, he had made up a rather funny image of himself. It was something of a prank toward his readers. He had casually taken an image shared by his circle of friends and made it his own avatar picture: It was the picture of a thirty-year-old, fair skinned fatty with a round looking face.

Because of this, his readers and fan base all thought Chen Xiaolian to be an adorable thirty-year-old fatty. Fans who were close to him would affectionately call him “bloody fatty” or “fat uncle”.

However, the truth…


Chen Xiaolian splashed a handful of cold water onto his face before roughly wiping them off. He then observed the reflection on the mirror. A noticeably immature looking face that was overly delicate looked back. Chen Xiaolian made a strange expression on his face.

By manhua standards, the face looking back at him through the mirror would no doubt belong to the ‘black bellied, attractive 16 year-old teenager’ classification.

Truth be told, Chen Xiaolian’s age was also not too far from sixteen. He was only eighteen-years-old, a long way to go before being called “uncle”.

Thus, every time he thought of the female fans among his readers calling him “uncle”, Chen Xiaolian would feel a certain pride in successfully pranking others.

His face may be a little off from being considered ‘handsome’. If it was any consolation, however, it could still be considered ‘elegant’.

His height could be considered as a flaw, though. At eighteen years of age, he was only at one hundred and seventy centimetres. During basketball sessions within school, he could only sit on the bench as part of the assisting group.

After wiping the water off his face, Chen Xiaolian took a basketball shooting posture and threw the rolled up tissue paper into the wastebasket.

His movements were fairly standard and were the results of him practicing in private. Unfortunately, with his problematic height, he would probably have no chance of being a basketball player.

Hmm, after this trip, it would almost be time for the school to reopen. If he were to fail in the selection for the basketball team, then he should just give up. Besides, it was not necessary to become a basketball player to fulfill the wish of being surrounded by cheerleaders.

Looking at the time again, he noted that there was still some time left before the plane took off.

Within the airport restroom where there was an English signboard prohibiting smoking, Chen Xiaolian took out his hand phone and checked his WeChat. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the sound of conversations coming from the restroom entrance.

“I heard that it is about to enter closed beta?”

“Indeed, it seems that the new settings have been implemented. The instance dungeon has also been completed. This time’s closed beta would probably be very lively, some very powerful players have been selected for this.”

“Sigh, it seems it will be very eventful…”

Chen Xiaolian walked out of the restroom and saw two person wearing aircrew uniforms chatting.

What surprised him was the fact that the two of them were conversing in Chinese – in this small Southeast Asian country, almost ninety per cent of tourists were Chinese. However, it was rare to meet a pilot who spoke Chinese…

In addition, their topic of conversation was obviously about online games. Hearing that also stoked Chen Xiaolian’s curiosity.

Closed beta… instance dungeon… players…

“I am sorry, please excuse me,” Chen Xiaolian smiled politely, showing some shyness at the same time.

The two crew members gave Chen Xiaolian a glance and immediately made way for him through the restroom entrance.

Chen Xiaolian walked two steps forward when he suddenly heard someone shouting for him from behind.

“Wait a moment, you dropped something.”

Turning his head, Chen Xiaolian saw the leftmost lanky-looking pilot bending over to pick up something from the ground. He then handed it over to Chen Xiaolian. “Your boarding pass?”

Chen Xiaolian glanced over it and found that it was really his. It must have fallen off when he was retrieving tissue papers from his bag.

He hastily said a few words of thanks, but the pilot narrowed his eyes as he glanced over Chen Xiaolian. “Flight XX3307? Interesting…”

What kind of words are those?

Moreover, Chen Xiaolian instinctively felt that the way the other person was looking at him was a little strange.

“I can only say… I wish you good luck.”

Those were the last words said by the pilot. After that, he waved goodbye with his hands and left with his companion in another direction.

How baffling!

Chen Xiaolian stared blankly at the pilots back.

Do airline companies hire their pilots in such a casual manner these days?

That person must have some brain problems, right? I wonder who would be so unfortunate as to ride on the plane he flies!

That minor event did not stay in Chen Xiaolian’s mind for too long. He went back to the waiting room, had another round of coffee and played mobile games for a while. After an hour, Chen Xiaolian began to board the plane.

As he was boarding, he was surprised to find that, among the crewmembers greeting the passengers at the airplane entrance, was none other than the “I wish you good luck” fellow!

Chen Xiaolian was shocked senseless; however, the other party only smiled and nodded towards him. After that, the pilot turned around and headed into the cockpit.

The flight attendant politely guided Chen Xiaolian toward his seat. The space given to First Class was very wide and he sat down before changing into a pair of slippers. Chen Xiaolian then turned to the flight attendant and requested a glass of beer.

He suffered from a mild discomfort toward flights, also known as motion sickness. By drinking some alcoholic drinks, he hoped to be able to fall asleep after boarding the plane. That would be for the best.

After drinking a mouthful of beer, someone sat down on the passenger seat beside him. He gave the passenger a glance and saw a little loli with a short bobcut hair… neat and clean, with a pair of big, black eyes. She wore a light blue short skirt as she sat on the passenger seat, her pair of white legs dangling freely in the air – Hmm, the act had exposed her height. When she was seated, her legs could no longer reach the ground.

Considering Chen Xiaolian’s age, he was naturally not a lolicon. (That is something exclusive to uncles!)

He was only curious as to why such a young child would board a plane alone. In addition, this was an international flight.

Realizing that Chen Xiaolian was looking at her, the little girl made a brief eye contact with Chen Xiaolian. She then nodded politely in a seemingly subconscious manner; however, her attitude remained cold, as though the nod earlier was simply from instinctive etiquette.

Later, she seemed to have received a phone call. She retrieved her phone and spoke into the phone with a childish voice.

“Unnie… Omo… Imnida…”

Chen Xiaolian chuckled to himself: A Korean loli…

Seemingly aware that he was still looking at her, her eyes became colder. When she saw Chen Xiaolian, whose teenage face indicated that he was not that old, holding on to a glass of beer… her eyes seemed to show traces of disapproval.

Well, I am now being despised.

Chen Xiaolian chuckled secretly. He simply took out his eye blinders and put it on before going to rest.

Soon, the flight attendants gave another notice and the plane began to slowly move along the runway. After a burst of violent vibrations, the plane rose to the sky…

Two hours later, Chen Xiaolian was woken up by a burst of vibrations. Removing the blinders, he looked around in confusion and saw that the warning lamp above his head had turned on.

The Korean loli sitting beside him was instead very calm, she held onto a glass of orange juice, drinking it one mouthful after another. She was wearing bunny-shaped earphones and listening to music.

The flight attendant used a warm and harmonious voice to make an announcement, stating that the plane had probably ran into some turbulent airflow and asked everyone to not enter a state of panic.

It should not have been anything. An airplane running into these kinds of situations were simply far too common.

However, after a few minutes, the frequency of the vibrations from the airplane seeming grew in intensity and the extent of the vibration increased. Seeing that, the passengers gradually entered a state of alarm.

Glancing around, Chen Xiaolian saw that the first class flight attendants had already been seated at their designated seats, their safety belts fastened tight.

Chen Xiaolian could stop himself from feeling apprehensive.

Of the two flight attendants of the first class area, the older one, presumably the chief, maintained calm and continued using a harmonious voice to sooth the passengers.

As for the younger flight attendant… when Chen Xiaolian was boarding the plane, he had taken another look at her. She had a pair of very slender legs and her current seating position just happened to be directly opposite Chen Xiaolian.

Chen Xiaolian was able to spot the traces of panic and fear within the flight attendant’s eyes.

The chief attendant remained calm and was using a gentle voice to sooth the passengers, saying that nothing serious was going on.

However, Chen Xiaolian had noticed that the younger flight attendant’s legs were…


That was right. They were trembling.

Holy shit! Even the flight attendants are scared to the point of trembling?!

Then… then something big must have happened.

Chen Xiaolian suddenly became nervous. It was at that moment that a loud bang suddenly erupted out from who knows where.

The aircraft suddenly lost all power and screams rang out from the passengers’ compartments.

One could clearly feel the aircraft falling down at a rapid rate…

Next, a series of loud noises rang out non-stop. Amid the terrifying noises, Chen Xiaolian’s face had turned ghastly white, all the strength within his body seemingly sapped away.

The Korean loli beside him began crying out of fear, screaming out in Korean.

As the last of the loud rumbling noises roared, Chen Xiaolian had one last thought before losing consciousness: I cannot be so unlucky, right? I am only eighteen-years-old! I am still a virgin… I write novels about transmigrations! Am I about to transmigrate?!

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1 Seeking monthly tickets is part of the webnovel scene in China, where the monthly ticket roughly acts as a form of subscription fee.

2 Black bellied means someone who seemed kind and honest on the outside but could well be plotting something insidious on the inside.


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