Gate of Immortality

Chapter 118: The powerful Young master

Chapter 118: The powerful Young master

The mysterious young man was no other than Yang Shi. Yang Shi didn't know why he made such an absurd request. But the girl in front of him was really beautiful. Yang Shi thought, " Have I become a leecher? Why am I thinking about this girl?" Unfortunately, Yang Shi didn't know that his consciousness is slowly getting affected by the Crimson Lily.

" Well, Suppressing the desires isn't meant for a true cultivator." Yang Shi consoled himself. Since fate connected them, he will definitely help her. Another reason Yang Shi is arrogant is, the bandits are just Spiritual Ascension realm cultivators. The bandit leader is just a half step Primordial Spirit realm cultivator. Yang Shi can crush them with a wave of his hands.

" How dare you! Disrespecting my elder sister?" the little boy raged as he clenched his first. " Hehe, brat, I am a very generous person. Miss, The choice is upon you. Would you like to satisfy me, or a dozen of bandits?" Yang Shi cackled. The lady thought and sighed, " If you can do what you have said, you will get a kiss." Yang Shi didn't notice the crafty light in the girl's eyes.

" That's it. I like your bravery. You won't regret making this deal." Yang Shi smiled. " Ah, here they are." Yang Shi looked in a direction. The sibling couldn't see anything. But in a minute, with sounds of galloping horses, bandit reached there.

" Hahaha, so here is the little missy of Lan clan. Eh? Who are you, brat? Don't meddle in our business." The bandit sneered as he pointed his sword at Yang Shi.

" Fellow brother, Why resort to violence when money can solve everything?" Yang Shi smiled as he cupped his fist. The girl and his brother's face turned weird. " Hmph, I knew it. He has no power. Trying to deal bandits with money?" The little boy spat angrily. The girl also frowned as she also thought.

" Hahaha, It seems you are a fat cat. Leave your belongings and come with us. Maybe your parents can give us good ransome." The bandit's eye gleamed with greed.

" I want to make amends with you, but why you guys are courting death?" Yang Shi sighed. " What? Hahahaha, hilarious. I guess you have become mad after being scared." The bandit leader laughed.

" Fools not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth." Yang Shi laughed coldly. The bandit's expression turned cold. " Brat, it seems you need some discipline." The bandits coldly said. " Bai Chong, beat him." The leader ordered. A bulky man with scarred face came forward.

" Let this uncle teach you some manners." The bulky man laughed as he came running at Yang Shi. Yang Shi looked at the bulky man with pitiful eyes as he raised his hand. As the bulky man reached near, Yang Shi swung his arm in a graceful manner as he slapped the bulky man.

" PAA" With the sound of slapping, there was another sound of something snapping. Like someone's bone cracked. The bandit leader that Bai Chong was looking at him in a weird manner. " What hap-" The leader questioned but suddenly, he got cold chills in his spine as he gasped in horror. Bai Chong was looking at him, but only his head! His body down from his neck is still facing forward. Bai Chong's neck was twisted, his eyes became lifeless as he fell down.

The little boy and his sister also looked at Yang Shi with frightened eyes. Never in life, they saw such a diabolic method of killing. Yang Shi looked at the bandits casually, as if he only killed a fly. " I gave you the chance to go to heaven, yet you barged into the gates of hell." Yang Shi shook his head in disappointment. " So, Are you coming one by one or coming all together?" Yang Shi raised his eyebrows.

" Brat! Don't get cocky. Brothers! Kill him!" The bandit leader felt something is wrong with the young man, so he commanded everyone to attack him at once. The dozens of bandits charged at Yang Shi, swinging their weapons angrily. Yang Shi grabbed the hilt of his longsword. " Fleeting Light."

Nobody saw the sword of Yang Shi. they only heard a clanking noise of a sword being drawn and a flash of silver light. When the silver light disappeared, Yang Shi's sword was already back in its sheath.

The girl and her brother blinked in amazement, but what happened next was sacred them to witless. Blood spurted out like fountains as all the bandits tumbled down, or say, their body parts fell down.

During the last weeks of his training in Eastern Mountain, Yang Shi practiced "Fleeting Light." specially. He found some insights about the art of sword drawing. He felt Fleeting Light can become a hidden attack if he improv it. Of course, it has lots of room for improvement, but Fleeting Light is more than enough to kill a dozen of Spirit Ascension bandits.

When the siblings saw the carnage, they couldn't help but feel their stomach churning. " Ughh...BARF!" The little boy coughed as he vomited on the ground. The girl also felt nauseous by seeing blood and organs everywhere.

" Yo-You are not a human. You are a demon, Argghh." The bandit leader's face turned ghastly pale as he scared out his mind. He turned around to escape but didn't notice a dagger stabbed into his heart. The matter happened in a split second. The bandit died with a frightened face, without knowing how he died.

" And here goes the last one. Now, Miss, time to honor your promise." Yang Shi turned around as he smiled at the girl. " Wh-Who are you?! Don't touch my sister." The boy looked at Yang Shi with anger as he showed him his fist. Yang Shi was standing a dozen of meters away from them, but suddenly his figure blurred as he appeared in front of the brother-sister duo. The little boy was scared as Yang Shi grabbed his collars and raised him.

" Little brat, you shouldn't meddle when seniors are talking." Yang Shi cackled as he gave spank to his butt. " AHHH." The boy cried painfully as he glared at Yang Shi with teary eyes. " Ah, Young master, my brother is naive, please, forgive his impudence." the girl spoke hurriedly. " Ahh, It feels so refreshing to get called Young master." Yang Shi hummed. The girl's face turned a little strange as she heard Yang Shi's murmur. " Is this guy a pervert?' She suddenly thought.

" I wonder what is the name of miss?" Yang Shi suddenly said. " Lan Yue." The girl replied with a meek tone. " Haha, Indeed. Finding a beauty like you is like seeing the Blue Moon." Yang Shi laughed [ Lan means Blue and Yue means Moon.]

Hearing Yang Shi, Lan Yue's face became a little bashful. In Yang Shi's eyes, Lan Yue was indeed beautiful. Unlike Ruxue, Lan Yue was giving off a mature aura. Yang Shi's eyes were more focused on the twin peaks of Lan Yue, which was considerably bigger. " Pity that such a beauty is living in such a place. If she appeared in Firmament City, many young masters from powerful families would have pursued her." Yang Shi thought.

" So, about the kiss..." Lan Yue said as a tinge of redness appeared on her cheek. " Xiao Hai, go and kiss the young master." Lan Yue said.

' Huh?" Yang Shi was taken aback.


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