Gate of Immortality

Chapter 112: Daily life in Eastern Mountain

Chapter 112: Daily life in Eastern Mountain

Yang Shi collected the beast core from the mead of Chaotic Abyss Tiger. " It seems although the poison of serpent is powerful, it's not enough to instakill peak rank beasts. At most, it will make them numb for some time." Yang Shi sighed. When Yang Shi attacked the tiger with two arrows, he knew that it would certainly dodge the first arrow. So the first arrow was a screen that covered the second poisonous arrow.

" But even with the poison, I have to call my White Tiger primordial spirit to fully unleash the Descend of Tiger move." Yang Shi muttered. Now he only has poison enough to tackle three peak rank beasts.

" Not bad, You have finally shown some courage. Now collect some more for me." The golden egg said playfully. " Lass, just wait. I will change my name if I don't make you work your ass off." Yang Shi gritted his teeth. The golden egg giggled evilly.

One peak rank beast is enough for Yang Shi to use his full power. So he didn't dare to take them lightly. But now, he didn't have much choice. He rested for a day and began to find more peak rank beast. Each peak rank beasts are like kings, and each of them had their own territory. 

" Tch, I don't even have enough material to make a more powerful poison. It seems I need to tackle them head-on." Yang Shi massaged his temple as he rushed to the next location. With his Celestial View, He felt like a god is looking at the world. Not even an ant can escape his view. For the next beast, Yang Shi found out a Demonic Deer that has six legs.

||Five days later||

" Haah, Haaah." Yang Shi huffed as he wiped out blood from his mouth. In front of him was a lion whose entire body is icy blue. " RAAAAAA! Disrespectful human!" The lion roared as he spat a ball of blue light at Yang Shi. Yang Shi hurriedly used Starlight Burst to evade the ball. Where the ball fell, a huge icicle appeared.

" Fuck, Snowstorm Lion isn't weak at all." Yang Shi muttered as he held his saber horizontally and wiped his palm over it. The crimson suddenly became ablaze with fire. Yang Shi swung his flame saber and charged at the lion.

" Flaming Gold Slash!" Yang Shi roared as he made multiple slashes at the lion. Yang Shi made this move after combining Gold Split and Flame Sword slash. The new move has an affinity of the Fire so it's the bane of the Ice and Water-type elements.

" Insolent Human! First, you dare to disturb me, and now you are trying to kill me?" the lion roared as it pounced at Yang Shi. Yang Shi sneered as he slashed his flaming saber at the lion. This was the fifth Demonic beast Yang Shi was fighting. He already exhausted all the poison. So there is no debuff effect on the Snowstorm Lion.

" Face my Snow Burst." The lion roared as the atmosphere suddenly turned dark. With a sudden surge of cold air, many sharp ice daggers shot at Yang Shi. Yang Shi again activated his Starlight Burst and used his Heaven Calamity to break the ice daggers. Unfortunately, a few ice dagger struck him.

His right arm and waist started bleeding, but the most surprising thing is that the ice dagger melted and turned into Ice qi and invaded his body. yang Shi hurriedly channeled Great Solar Extreme Yang Art to used Fire qi to repel Ice qi. " Fuck, Thi beast is really hard to deal with." Yang Shi activated his Celestial View and carefully studied the movement of the Snowstorm Lion.

Suddenly, He saw an opening. Yang Shi clutched his saber in both hands as he dashed at the lion. The lion sneered as it condensed a ball of blue light in his mouth. The moment it was going to release it, Yang Shi suddenly disappeared from its position. Yang Shi appeared from the side as he slashed at the head of the lion.

" Eh?" The lion startled but it also sprang back to dodge the slash. But at that moment, Yang Shi's lips curved. " Solar Ball." Yang Shi condensed a flame ball in his hands. Although it was small, it was giving off a terrifying amount of heat. He threw it at the condensed blue light at the lion's mouth.

The lion's expression changed greatly as the Solar ball touched the blue light. Yang Shi laughed as he kicked the lion's body and used the reaction to get away from it. The fire and ice collided, resulting in a disruption in the qi. The ball exploded with a great force, almost blowing the head of the lion. Yang Shi didn't let go of this chance and finished the lion with a single slash. With a groan, the Snowstorm Lion fell down.

Yang Shi's body was sweaty. He also sat near the corpse, recovering his breath. " Fuck, The peak rank Demonic beasts have even awakened their bloodline and elemental power. Defeating them is even more harder." Yang Shi sighed. He thought about killing a poisonous beast whose poison can kill Peak rank Demonic Beasts, but the question is, how can he defend such poison from the first place?

Yang Shi didn't learn alchemy, so getting contact with such poison can be fatal in Deep Sky Forest's Eastern Mountain. After all, Ancients Beasts are living here. Yang Shi took out the beast core and put the corpse in his spatial ring. The core was giving off a icy aura as it was in pale blue colored.

" Well, This Icy core is an absolute treaure for Ice element cultivators." Yang Shi muttered. " Too bad, I am wasting this precious cores like cabbages." Yang Shi sighed. " What did you say? You are wasting cores?!!" The golden egg jumped angrily as it spat.

" Fine fine, I am just joking." Yang Shi hurriedly said. " Don't worry about cores. I am only sucking the Demonic qi of the cores, not the elemental qi. In fact, What I am doing is making the core easily refinable by cultivators." The golden egg snorted.

" Really? Thank you so much." Yang Shi's tone made a 180-degree turn. He became happy after thinking about selling these cores at an exorbitant price. Demonic cores are rare and hard to refine. People need a good alchemist to refine the core's qi into pills, which can be easily digested.

Without the demonic qi, these cores can be directly absorbed, which means its price will be double or even triple. Yang Shi felt all his hard work really didn't go to vain.

" Hmph, what with that expression?" The egg snorted. Yang Shi laughed wryly but said nothing. " Well, I can feel the Demonic beasts are getting stronger and stronger. How about it, I will improve your agility technique?" The golden egg spoke.

" Will you give me Nine Roc's Heaven Shifting Movement Technique?" Yang Shi asked with wide eyes. " NO." The egg refused instantly. How can she divulge the ultimate movement technique of the Roc clan? " Then? What is it?" yang Shi asked with a depressed face. " By letting you enter the minor completion stage of Starlight Burst." The egg laughed.


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