Gate of Immortality

Chapter 100: Crafty Huang An

Chapter 100: Crafty Huang An

" I will always remember the kindness of Elder Li." Yang Shi cupped his fist. " Greater reward comes with great responsibilities. I hope you will able to prove yourself worthy of this reward when the time comes." Elder Li said with a serious tone.

" Don't worry Elder Li, I will definitely prove to you." Yang Shi nodded. Two servants brought an exquisite jade box with complex patterns on it. Yang Shi took the box. He could feel the warmth of the Spirit Fire.

" Here, Your Golden Fire Tower robe and the insignia." Elder Li passed them a red colored robe with a flame sign on its back and a black obsidian token with a giant hammer sign. Yang Shi took it with respect and wore it. " Wow, Its quality is just for good." Yang Shi felt that this robe is made of special materials, which are extremely durable.

" You should go to seclusion to refine the Spirit fire of Purple Rim Winged Snake. Since it's a second-grade Spirit Fire. You will need at least three days to refine it and fully absorbing it might take up to a week. Be cautious when you refine it, Else it might get berserk and harm your foundation." Elder Li warned Yang Shi. " I will remind your advice." Yang Shi slightly bowed. 

" Well, Enough chitchat, Now you can leave. You young men must be hoping to celebrate eh?" Elder Li smirked. 

" Thank you, elder." Yang Shi and Huang An along with others smiled as they left hastily. Yang Shi thought to go to the Alchemist guild of Golden Fire Tower. Yang Shi anted to buy a Sky Enchanting Pill to break through the Fifth stage. He saw the place was bustling with many people. Unlike the blacksmiths, They wore a white robe, With a pill cauldron sign on their back. Yang Shi went to their counter and asked about the Sky Enchanting Pill.

" Sorry, Young man, We don't have any Sky Enchating Pill for now. As you see, Sky Enchating Pills are Third Grade pill, Which is very useful for Primordial Spirit Realm cultivators, So its very rare." The receptionist said with an apologetic tone.

" Come on, I am a Master Blacksmith in Golden Fire Tower. Can't you give me some leeway?" Yang Shi pouted.

" What?! You are a Master grade Blacksmith?" The receptionist blurted out. Yang Shi showed him his emblem. "It's original." The receptionist murmured.

" Young Master, Although we don't have Sky Enchanting Pill for sale, There is a way you can get it." The receptionist said, With a sudden change of tone. " Since now you are a certified member of Golden Fire Tower, You can do missions. One of our senior alchemists is in urgent need of Soul Nourishing Grass. If you bring three stalks of it, You will get a Sky Enchantment Pill." The receptionist said, handing Yang Shi a bamboo slip.

" Is it so? I might try that." Yang Shi nodded. He asked for a few more missions to see. While flipping through the bamboo slips, Yang Shi halted suddenly. " How...This is, Hundred Blood Tempering Roots, and It's 500 years old. So, I can get this in exchange for Ground Dragon Flower." Yang Shi muttered. He really found two essential things here.

" I should go back and try to finish these two missions as fast as I can." Yang Shi thought and left. Then he saw Huang An standing outside. " Ah Brother Yang, Here you are."

" Fuck, I am so hungry." Huang An groaned. Then he looked at Yang Shi and said, " Brother Yang, You must be pretty hungry, no? Why not have a meal together?"

" Well, I do feel hungry. Indeed, We should celebrate today.'' Yang Shi nodded. The duo entered an inn asked half of the menu with big jugs of wine.

" Ahh, I am so happy today." Huang An said. " Brother Yang, Getting a second grade Spirit fire must be good, eh?" Huang An teased. " Haha, Is brother Huang feeling jealous?" Yang Shi smirked.

" Not really. My Old man promised to give me a Spirit Fire if I become a Master grade Blacksmith this time. Now, He has to empty his pockets." Huang An laughed.

" Huang clan is quite influential, eh? No wonder they call Huang Clan the richest clan of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom." Yang Shi said. " Well, I know. But my clan won't let me spend money. Just a bunch of miser old men." Huang An laughed. Then he looked at Yang Shi and asked, " Brother Yang is sure not a rogue cultivator? Judging from the result there, You must have quite a powerful background." Huang An laughed mysteriously.

" Well, Not quite right. But I will make my own name." Yang Shi laughed. To be honest, He didn't even have a background. Just a few months ago, He appeared in this world mysteriously, and now he is a Master Rank Blacksmith, A professional Assassin, and a small-time rich person.

" One day, This world shall tremble on hearing my name." Yang Shi thought. " Well, Brother Yang." Huang An interrupted Yang Shi's thoughts.

" The main reason I asked you to come here, to give you this." Huang An passed a card to Yang Shi. It was a pitch-black card with a symbol of a gold ingot in the middle of it.

" What's this? Yang Shi asked with surprise. " Brother Yang, Have you heard about the Yearly Auction of the Hundred Gold Pavilion?" Huang An asked. " Yes, It's said that only top quality treasure sold in it. Not just anybody can participate in it." Yang Shi nodded.

" Indeed, Without this invitation card, you can't participate in it." Huang An laughed as he tapped on the black card. " So why are you giving this to me?" Yang Shi asked. " Well, I have a bunch of extra cards, so I might it to you. There are lots of things there, that might catch your eyes." Huang An laughed.

" Well, Then I have to shamelessly accept your goodwill." Yang Shi kept the card. " The auction will be held on the next month, So please come to the Royal capital as soon as possible." Huang An said.

" I will remember Brother Huang's words." Yang Shi nodded. " Then, I shall take my leave." Huang An smiled as he left.

" What a crafty fellow." Yang Shi laughed. " Well, Now, I have to refine the Spirit Fire."


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