Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 29: Emperor's Love

Chapter 29: Emperor's Love

Grand Duchess strutted through the hallway of this small palace privately owned by her brother. There was no one except few servants cleaning the room and two royal guards guarding the biggest door in the end of the hallway.

She stopped in front of the door and said nothing, but the two guards immediately recognized her and opened the door, "His Majesty is waiting Her Majesty Grand Duchess," the guard said.

Grand Duchess entered the room and immediately saw a man standing in front of a mirror, fixing his golden hair and crown, tidying the hem of his majestic silver robes. His handsome, chiseled face looked nervous. He turned his back and faced his guest, her sister.

In an instant, Emperor Audric's golden circle dominated his entire pupil, making his pupil pure golden.

"What are you nervous for?" Grand Duchess chuckled.

"That--that's because my big sister is coming!" Emperor said ecstatically. He jumped and hugged his big sister, however, Grand Duchess swiftly retreated.

"I'm not in the mood for you acting like a dog," Grand Duchess sat in the leather chair and crossed her leg. She kept her smile, but her aura didn't seem to be friendly. In fact, it made the room felt suffocating.

However, Emperor Audric didn't seem to mind. He sat obediently, facing his big sister. He lost his usual overbearing aura, the aura that would make people cower and kneel obediently. If people saw the expression that he made right now, they would not believe that the majestic emperor actually pouted like a kid.

"Big sis, are you mad at me? Did I do something bad?" Emperor Audric asked.

"I ordered you to instruct your beloved wife, it's been a month but I saw no move from her at all," Grand Duchess sneered, "Have you gone soft on her?"

The bright face of Emperor suddenly darkened, he clenched his fist. He was always irritated whenever his big sister mentioned his 'beloved' wife. He would readily dispose this woman whenever he wanted, but his big sister actually forbid him to do so. Which made him even more irritated.

"That woman said that she is sick, she said she felt nauseous and her body felt weak," Emperor slowly reached his sister's finger and intertwined it with his, "Big sis, please don't torment me, you know that my beloved is you, I will follow all your wish," Emperor said. His eyes didn't lie, as the golden color thickened and his loving gaze deeply penetrated into one's bone.

But Grand Duchess pulled her hand away, she looked with disgust, "We're blood sibling, the rule of Golden Camellia forbid blood sibling to marry since two hundred years ago. Have you forget that, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Audric's face darkened, he gritted his teeth and his hand firmly gripped the chair arm, afraid that he would lashed it out in front of his beloved sister. He was about to erase this old rule for the sake of making his sister the empress. But again, his sister forbade him.

"I can erase that law"

Grand Duchess laughed mirthlessly, she gazed at her brother with contempt, "So that you can force me to marry you? I don't want to marry a traitor."

"I'm not a traitor!"

"Silence!" Grand Duchess slammed the table. She wasn't physically strong, but the impact silenced the Emperor. He retreated and lowered his head in front of his beloved big sister.

"That rule is also the only way for me to protect my son from your filthy seed with that woman, your Crown Prince," Grand Duchess snorted.

Emperor Audric remembered about his son who was hopelessly obsessed with his nephew, to the point of almost mad. He hated his wife to the bone, but he didn't hate his children.

But this time, he was actually annoyed with his own son. Thinking about his crazy son who wanted to marry his blood cousin, which is also a man.

'No wonder my big sis was so mad, she felt betrayed by me.'

Emperor's gaze softened, maybe because of his own incompetency that made big sister disdained him. He still needed to fix everything, so he could approach his beloved big sister once more.

"Don't be mad, big sis. I will force that woman to do it, then I will find a good way to torture Aster without breaking him."

Grand Duchess finally sighed. She stared at his brother and suddenly couldn't disdain him more than this, "I want to see the result soon, don't hurt my son too much."

"Yes, your beloved little brother understand," Emperor Audric said, he smiled and called the servant outside. Few servants brought tea and snack for them to enjoy. The pair of sibling spent their time together for few hours.

After few hours, Grand Duchess stood and prepared to leave.

"Sister!" Emperor Audric stopped her. He looked nervous, "Can I get a kiss?"

Grand Duchess frowned, but replied, "Come here."

Emperor Audric jittered and approached his big sister, he was joyed but at the same time felt nervous. It was rare for his big sister to agree on this.

Grand Duchess was a head shorter than her brother even after she wore high heels, "Lower your head," Emperor followed her instruction. He lowered his posture until they were equal. His sister face was so close to him, he could see the perfect face of the most beautiful woman he ever saw.

Grand Duchess smiled and lightly kissed his cheek, it was so light that it felt like feather ticking his face. Emperor Audric frowned, "Can you kiss me on my lips?"

"No, I will save it until you do your job, Your Majesty Emperor," Grand Duchess sneered and left the room.

Emperor Audric was stunned. What his sister said was true, he didn't deserve such kiss until he stopped being incompetent.

'How can I ever reach her if I am always incompetent.'

Grand Duchess walked out and sat in her carriage, she smirked, almost giggled.

'My cute brother is such a useful chess piece.'


Emperor Audric looked at his Empress sleeping quietly on her bed. Since her appearance was already not beautiful, she looked even more horrible. This angered Emperor even more.

'That nasty Harion can live with my beautiful sister, but I'm stuck with this hag? Unfair.'

Emperor Audric kicked the bed and instantly awakened Empress who looked pale. Her eyes wandered until she saw her husband looking down at her. She greeted her husband as usual, albeit her body was drenched with sweat and her face looked very sickly, she still struggled to appease her mad husband.

Ironically, she didn't know why her husband was always mad at her, even when she did nothing wrong.

"Husband, is there anything?"

Emperor saw her dry and chapped hips moving and got even more disgusted.

'No, my big sis is like heaven and hell pit compared to her her.'

"Go and punish that kid, don't kill or disable him," Emperor ordered.

Empress was uneasy. She hated her husband's sister, Grand Duchess Camellia, because her husband seemed to love his sister too much. But she never hated Aster. She saw that kid growing up with her children and was a good kid, albeit a bit too cold.

Now that she had to torture this kid because her husband seemed to hate him for no reason. She was unsure.

"Husband he did nothing wrong, how could we punish him like this?" Empress pleaded, "Your sister might be offended if we pushed him too much."

Emperor snorted, this ugly woman actually dared to question him, "I will give you a reason to punish him. Just do what I tasked."

Emperor turned his back and left the room, before he closed the door, he said: "Don't pretend to be sick, looking at you like this makes me want to vomit."


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