Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 239: Perspective

Chapter 239: Perspective

'Milord, he is waiting for your command.'

The news that the shadow guard delivered was like a sudden storm swept all his doubt and consideration. Aster gripped the armrest tightly, his body shook as the shadow guard called Nate finished his report. The shadow guard returned to his original kneeling position and then continued, "Milord, I'll be waiting for your order, I will return back to you three days after this, the time is tight, please give us your direct order."

The shadow guard then disappeared into thin air, Aster could feel his presence for a fleeting moment until he was fully alone again.

'So Ramuja hasn't forgotten about me? He he went berserk because he searched for me'

Aster's body trembled out of excitement and panic, because he needed to meet his lover soon. He wanted to touch Ramuja, he wanted Ramuja to tell him that everything was alright. Aster reached for his walking stick on the table, he stretched it and then walked towards his door.

When he finally reached the door, the door was opened from outside and he was surprised to hear the voice of a woman asking him, "Aster? Your face is red, did something happen?"

Aster knew the voice of this woman, "MMariette, I need to meet Tuskan soon!" Aster said, he tried to sidestep Mariette, but she blocked the doorway. She was bringing a drink to Aster, thus, she reached for Aster's walking stick and then led him back to his room.

"I will call Tuskan back here, but you need to tell me what happened, you look so agitated," Mariette said. She held Aster's hand tightly and they sat again in Aster's room. Aster was in a rush, but he didn't want to disrespect Mariette, thus, he nodded and then returned back.

"Mariette, Iuh I want to meet Tuskan, because only he can help me," Aster said. Mariette frowned, somehow, she had the feeling that agitated Aster meant that there was something really important that had just happened. Aster was always calm and collected, like a deep lake. But when he got agitated, then that meant something had touched his deep consciousness.

Mariette could vaguely guess what it was. But she was unsure that the news from Golden Camellia could reach Aster this quick, "You need to tell me the clear picture Aster, I can help you too if you can give me a good reason. You seem in a hurry."

"Mariette, it's just Tuskan can definitely help me with his power," Aster felt helpless, he didn't want to spoil anything to Mariette, because she was far more perceptive and neutral than Tuskan.

'If I talk with Tuskan directly, then I can ask and pressure him on the spot, I'm sure Tuskan couldn't reject me, I think he can help me with this, but with Mariette she is far trickier than him.'

Mariette had sensed that this must be because the news about Aster's servant went berserk in Roagelt. Mariette had worked hard to cover this story from Aster's ears. She even covered this story, so Tuskan couldn't hear it as well. She planned to give Aster and Tuskan more time together before conflict started rising.

"Is this about the news?" Mariette asked.

"No, it's not about the news," Aster quickly denied, but it also showed that he already knew about the news in Golden Camellia. He closed his mouth immediately, but it was too late.

"I know that soon or later, you'll know about this, Aster," Mariette sighed. She took the walking stick from Aster hand and put it on the drawer. She then closed the balcony door and locked it, he also closed the front door and locked it.

"Mariette, what are you doing?" Aster asked suspiciously. He could hear the click of the doors getting locked.

"Im just making sure that you didn't do anything stupid, Aster," Mariette replied, "I'm sure the news about your servant went berserk in Roagelt surprised you, but you should know that getting agitated over it would only harm you."

"Wait, you know this already, don't you? Why didn't you tell me!? Did you deliberately hide it from me?!"

Mariette sighed. She sat beside Aster again and replied, "I told you just now, getting agitated over it would only harm you. You only spend a few minutes with me here and you already accused me of hiding the news, this kind of news is just simply not good for your health. You are still recovering, remember?"

"I'm in great health!" Aster struggled, he tried to rise from the sofa, but fell back to the sofa because he didn't have his walking stick.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I want you to have more time thinking about your decision. Since it's too late like this, then you might as well know about this cold truth," Mariette took a deep breath and then continued, "Your servant, Ramuja, went berserk during his public execution in Roagelt City Centre. It became a massacre there and he killed countless guards and many citizens with his own hand. Aster, I know that you are in love with this person, but, he doesn't seem to be a good guy"

Aster was stumped to learn the truth from Mariette. He thought that Ramuja simply went angry and fought against many soldiers and then fled, at least he was safe, "That's a lie, my Ramuja would never kill innocent people! He is so gentle even to a flower, how could he kill someone ruthlessly?"

"The report said that he killed these innocent bystanders without mercy. It was too grotesque that Roagelt was now in its mourning period, because this servant of yours killed a ten years old kid hopefully he didn't mean it. Maybe it was accidental, but yes, it is the same person in your mind."

Aster doubted the authenticity of the news, but with Mariette in front of him, he sensed that Mariette was serious this time, "Aster, you are my family, I already take you as my little brother. I want you to reconsider your choice, I don't know how you get this news about your servant, but I don't want you to get blinded by love and then proceed to get hurt."

"He he is not that kind of guy, Ramuja is a very gentle person" Aster tried to rebuke. But Mariette seemed to have ignored him and stood from the sofa, she opened the door and then said, "I will call Tuskan, but looking at your demeanour just now, even the news about this guy already made you unreasonable. I don't want you to be illogical because of love, any love that is not logical is just simply not worth it."

Mariette closed the door and locked Aster from outside. The last sentence from Mariette lingered in his head, 'any love that is not logical is just simply not worth it.'

Aster was silent, he lowered his head because he still couldn't believe that Ramuja could kill a ten years old kid and many other innocent bystanders. Did Ramuja kill them on his name? Did he want to avenge the massacre in Dionde City?

'Any love that is not logical is just simply not worth it, but I love him more than my logic. Ramuja, are you really that ruthless? The Ramuja I know is a gentle sweetheart...'


Mariette stormed inside Tuskan's room, and he found that Tuskan's face was still red as he was dazed while staring at the moonlight. Mariette walked toward her brother and hit her head gently, "Wake up, daydreamer, time to face the reality now."

"HHuh? What?" Tuskan finally turned his head. He saw that Mariette's countenance was deadly serious, thus he also resumed his straight posture. They sat face to face as Tuskan was waiting for Mariette to open the conversation.

"It's about Aster," Mariette said. Tuskan reacted immediately, his eyes became sharp and he was all ears. Mariette observed her twin brother, and a pity arose in her heart, her little brother already fell in love with Aster this much.

Tuskan was a stubborn and ruthless guy. He never liked anyone and never let anyone near him, not even their own family except Mariette. His life was filled with governing, treachery, and war.

Maybe because Aster was a nave guy, Mariette knew that Tuskan had realized that Aster's background was not simple, but Aster attracted him like a magnet. It was inevitable that Tuskan would fall in love with Aster sooner or later.

'I don't want to ruin his happiness he never likes anyone before, he never opens his heart to anyone. Why would I let a servant ruin his happiness? And I don't want Aster to get hurt more than this, my two cute little brothers, I will help you two.'

"Tuskan, do you know about the massacre in Roagelt, the capital of Golden Camellia?"

"I do, I heard that the culprit escaped, he killed many people and even killed an innocent ten years old kid, he is currently a big fugitive in Golden Camellia," Tuskan heard the news, but he was too busy to inquire about the further information of the news.

"The truth is, it was Aster's servant who was the culprit of the massacre. Maybe he wanted to avenge Emperor Charles for what he did in Dionde City, and another terror might come soon. That monster Aster is in love with that monster."

Tuskan froze on the spot, he could feel the chill down his spine, and his heart slowly shattered. He already imagined a good life with Aster, only to have his heart broken by this news. He clenched his fist tightly, but still didn't show any change in his expression.

"But I want you to change his mind, Tuskan, Aster has been hurt many times because of this servant. My informant said that Charles massacred the people in Dionde city because of this servant too, to give a warning to Aster. He is simply bad news for Aster," Mariette sighed, "I want you to persuade Aster, but don't fall for his begging. He will beg for your help, you need to have the heart to reject his plea. It is for his own good"

"But Aster loves this guy"

"Love is a tentative thing, especially for the young minds like you and Aster. But Aster is a good guy, and he is related to us. He is our only fragment of Saintess Celine. He is a treasure in Great Arctyr. I don't want him to be broken by a cruel man like his servant."

Mariette tapped Tuskan's shoulder and then said, "I know that you love him, sometimes, love is something you fought for, you need to replace this servant in Aster's heart. This is to save him."

Tuskan pondered in his heart, he sought for an answer deep inside and he came to the conclusion that he just wanted Aster to be safe and happy. Because, seeing a smile bloomed on Aster's face was his greatest happiness, 'To save Aster'


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