Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 199: The Golden Princess' Pure Love

Chapter 199: The Golden Princess' Pure Love

Rosalie was anxious. She was sitting inside her carriage and passed many villages and small towns to attend the small party hosted by Florentino Viete. Yes, her beloved Floren finally invited her to a party.

At first, she was afraid that Floren would host another debauched party, but this small party was at noon and it was specifically noted in his letter that all guests should be dressed properly. With that, Rosalie put her heart at ease and headed to the Velvet Castle the next day.

After that wicked woman, Aunt Duchess Camille's death, Floren was naturally free from all of her restraint. He was now able to control his own destiny, Rosalie thought that Floren would immediately invite her to his castle and uttered his gratitude for her, because Rosalie saved his life.

But instead, it took more than eight months since Aunt Duchess' death for Floren to invite her.

'Does he have any internal agenda? No, right? Floren is a righteous man, he is pious and religious. He is forced to create his debauched image because Aunt Duchess forced him to.'

Rosalie hated the fact that Aunt Duchess died not on her hand, but as long as that wicked woman was dead, then she and Floren would definitely reunite. Rosalie held Floren's bronze pin tightly, 'Maybe he will give me his silver pin today? Or maybe a gold pin'

Rosalie couldn't help but imagine the beautiful wedding between her and Floren. She was excited and ordered the coachman to hurry up.

Rosalie arrived in front of Velvet Castle, nothing had changed, including the neutral flag that decorated the flag. Viete was still a neutral region and would not adhere to anyone's political interest. Although, Floren was forced into prostitution by Aunt Duchess, he still retained some of his dignity by staying true to the nature of his house.

Rosalie's maidservant opened the carriage door, Rosalie was greeted by the sight of Floren with the classic white suit and red rose on his pocket. He had his hair combed back, showing his handsome face.

Before, he usually had this frivolous, almost flirtatious face whenever he faced a woman. But now Floren showed his true nature, he had this righteous and calm countenance. He bowed his body slightly and smiled, "Welcome to Velvet Castle, Your Highness Golden Princess Rosalie, may I?"

Floren extended his hand, Rosalie blushed, she nodded and gave her hand to Floren. She was escorted to the main ballroom. The ballroom was quite big with beautiful decorations, there were many foods already served, but there was no other guest.

Rosalie was a bit surprised, and she asked politely, "Pardon, but, where are the other guests?"

Floren smiled mysteriously and then replied lightly, "Your Highness, this is a small party hosted by me, by any means, I can invite anyone I want to, right?"

"Of course."

"Then, I choose to invite only one person," Floren stared at Rosalie meaningfully. Rosalie caught the meaning immediately and she blushed. She took a few steps back and her heels accidentally slipped on the velvet rug.


Floren reacted immediately and caught Rosalie who fell backward, Floren caught her gently, their faces were very close to each other as they could feel each other's breath. Their eyes met and none of them would break the silence.

This was the first time their faces would be this close, Rosalie was stunned, yet at the same time, she didn't want to break the silence between them. Because Floren was staring at her deeply. As if he was actually in love with her all along.

Rosalie understood that he barely knew her. It was her stalking behavior that made her feel like they had known each other for years. Rosalie had been stalking Floren since he was only eight and she was four.

The handsome boy that looked very serious and righteous already caught her eyes since she was a kid. But she dared not to get close to him, because she was scared. Especially because she kept overhearing the same words of 'Rosalie is not as good as Camille as Golden Princess' since she was just a kid.

Floren broke the silence by smiling at her and then said, "Be careful, Your Highness, I don't want my only guest to get hurt."

Floren propped Rosalie back and Rosalie thanked him shyly.

"It's almost time for lunch, I know it's not as romantic as dinner, but you are not going to come if the party is at night, right?" Floren chuckled.

Rosalie nodded embarrassingly. In order to protect herself, she would never come if it was night. But somehow, she felt a bit guilty because Floren had to follow her interest, "I'm sorry for being inflexible."

"It's okay, I think not attending a night party is very wise of you. You are a Golden Princess, your dignity is the priority."

Rosalie nodded affirming his words. Floren held Rosalie's hand and then took her to a small table that was already prepared with many of its tableware. There was a vase filled with two roses in the middle. She sat at the opposite of Floren.

Floren called the servant and they began delivering one food after another, a delicious three course meal filled the table one after another. Rosalie ate gracefully as always, but she always tried to steal a glance at Floren, which she immediately regretted everytime, because Floren stared at her deeply, which made her face hotter. He barely touched his food, he was only staring at her with his hot gaze.

"Your Highness, have I ever told you that you are exceptionally beautiful?"

"TThank you, but you are praising me too much"

"No, no. I really think so. You are beautiful like a red rose, that's why I put a rose on my lapel because I want to show what is inside my heart," Floren said.

Rosalie jolted slightly. Maybe she was dreaming right now, but it sounded like Floren indirectly confessed to her just now.

"Sir Floren is too much, it's not good to be too flirtatious with everyone" Rosalie tried to dodge the confession, but Floren shook his head. His face looked bitter.

"Maybe that is what Your Highness is thinking inside, that I am a debauched man ready to throw some flirtatious words to everyone" Floren bit his lip and then continued, "I did, but that was because the Grand Duchess forced me to, in fact, I never want to go down that path. And I already cut all the contact with them."

Rosalie was staring at Floren intently, there was no trace of dishonesty in him. He was purely in pain whenever he mentioned his past, which made Rosalie guilty for bringing up the past, "It's all just the past, I know you are not like that."

Floren looked hopeful, "It is thanks for your help, you freed me from Grand Duchess' shackle."

"WWell, I'm just doing my best for someone that I" Rosalie stopped midway, because she didn't want to reveal that she was in love with Floren all along.

"I know that you are an amazing woman, so I need to prepare myself to face you right now. I hope that you are not turned down by my enthusiasm"

"Not at all, I like it very much," Rosalie said sincerely, "In fact, I've always wanted to visit this castle. Because they said it is very majestic, it seems true."

Floren showed a happy and relieved countenance, "Your Highness, can I call you Miss Rosalie?"

Rosalie's body trembled with excitement, but she tried hard to contain it and replied, "You can just call me Rosalie, and I will call you Floren, is that okay?"

"Okay! It is very fine!" Floren nodded excitedly.

"But I have one question," Rosalie's shoulder leaned forward, and she asked, "Why is Marquis Viete inviting me here, is there something I can do?"

Floren scratched his head in awkwardness, he shook his head, "You will know it soon. After you are done with lunch, do you want to have a dance with me?"


After a while, the music finally started and Floren stood, he extended his hand which was accepted by Rosalie. They were walking to the middle of the ballroom and then the butterfly waltz music started playing. They danced through the soft rhythm of the waltz.

Both Floren and Rosalie were very trained nobles, they matched each other's dances and if the guests were here, they could see that Floren and Rosalie almost looked like an old married couple judging by how in sync they were.

After the dance slowed, Floren pulled Rosalie to his embrace and then he whispered, 'Rosalie, I've been in love with you all this time. I know you never realize it, but I just don't want to harm your position. That's why I never approach you. I'm sorry."

Rosalie was stunned, she stared at Floren's meaningful gaze and her golden circle eyes were immediately triggered. She tried hard to focus and searched for lies. But couldn't find any. Floren was either an expert liar, or he was really sincere.

And Rosalie's heart said the latter option. Floren was a righteous man in her heart, he never lied unless it was necessary. Even if he lied, he would never lie to harm anyone.

Rosalie smiled gracefully and replied Floren with a whisper also, 'You should know that you are always in my mind. I've been in love with you since I was a kid. Maybe you might find this creepy, but I've been dreaming to marry you since I was four years old.'

Floren showed a shocked expression, but it gradually turned into a gentle smile, "It is settled then."

Floren took a pin from his pocket and handed it to Rosalie, "This is my silver pin, I'm sorry that I can't give you my gold pin yet, I will hand it to you after after we got married."

Rosalie caressed the silver pin gently, she almost burst inside her body out of happiness, but she tried to act calm and collected as much as she could.

"I will be waiting for the day where you hand me your gold pin," Rosalie perked his upper lip up.

The two were blending again with the waltz and then stopped after some times. The day was getting late as the sun was going down, Rosalie had to leave now or else she would be severely reprimanded by her father and brother.

Floren escorted Rosalie until the gate and she kissed her hand lovingly, "I will make myself proper enough to marry you. Just you wait."

Rosalie felt like she was going to faint with Floren's sweet sincere promise, she nodded and looked around, since there was no other noble, she kissed Floren's cheek lightly and said, "I will be waiting."


The carriage left the castle and Floren's expression gradually cooled off. He returned to the castle. He went into a room that was guarded by two guards from Grand Duchy. He entered the room without knocking and saw the exquisitely beautiful man sitting near the window. He was reading a book and glanced at Floren. He immediately put down his book and chuckled sarcastically, "It went as expected, right?"

Floren's gaze darkened, as reluctant as he wanted to admit, what Aster predicted was completely correct, Rosalie was obsessed with him and she had been stalking him since they were both a kid and would immediately accept any kind of advance from him. She was simply blind by love.

Aster laughed, "I know her inside and out, soon, if you didn't move at all. She would move first and destroy this castle, as long as you are in her hand. That's why you have to control her first, so you are able to get the upper hand against her."

"Fine, I admit that you are right," Floren admitted helplessly. He wished that Rosalie would show some disgust, so he could rebuke this beautiful but dangerous man in front of him, "Just tell me what plan you have to stop her from doing anything, I will obey."

Aster grinned maliciously, "I have a plan."

Aster looked outside, the scenery was beautiful from the window, and he could see Rosalie's carriage arriving and leaving the castle.

'Rosalie, you are in my hand now.'


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