Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 189: Eulogy of the Prince 26

Chapter 189: Eulogy of the Prince 26

I returned to my room with great joy within my heart. This was the first time my master willingly indulged with the pleasure I had given. He was very restrained usually, and would never touch the subject of carnal pleasure like that.

'This is also the first time I did it with someone I love'

I had countless experiences with carnal pleasure, but I've never been joyous about it. Because it was full of force and anger, there was no gentleness inside those monsters I called 'master' before.

But with Milord, every touch generated warmth that I was craving for so long. He brought this fuzzy feeling of feeling loved.


I do love him. Maybe I had been in love with him since our first meeting in the slave market, or maybe when I first saw him standing in the garden, surrounded by flowers in the dawn that made him look ethereal. In the end, the answer was clear, I had been struck by his mesmerizing beauty.

'Milord, I do love your appearance. But it's not the only thing. I love when you are seriously working on the documents, when you are reading, when you are sleeping, and even when you are angry.'

'Maybe I've been falling harder than I expected'

I opened my room and then closed it. I sat on the bed and opened the desk. There was a small box that became my treasure for a while now. I opened the box and caressed the treasure.

'Golden pin means you love me and you trust me wholeheartedly. But I can't trust you completely, Milord I lied to you a lot, and I'm afraid that you'll leave me when you recover your memories again'

I devotedly kissed the golden pin and muttered in a low, almost inaudible voice, "I'm sorry, Milord."

"How romantic and ironic at the same time, a slave who is devoted to his master, but still lied because of his own egotism," I opened my eyes instantly and my eyes darted to a woman dressed in black. 

I hid the golden pin and asked warily, "Who are you?"

"My name is not important, I'm tasked to keep you in this room until the Crown Prince finishes his business with Aster."

My mind instantly flashed the memories of Milord almost getting taken by the Crown Prince in the meadow. Milord was scared and almost cried on the spot that roused my anger.

Maybe I was hazy because of the sweet nectar that we indulged tonight, so I forgot about the real threat.

"FUCK!" I jumped from the bed and I tried to reach the door. But a whip suddenly wrapped around my leg and I fell to the ground.

"I told you, you are not allowed to leave this room until he finishes whatever business he has."

I glared at her. I kicked the whip that tied my feet and I broke free easily. The woman was surprised as I tried to reach the door again, but this time, she used more force and tied my hand.

"What the?! How can you be so strong!"

"RRAAGH!" I pulled the whip and the woman was pulled to my direction. I raised my fist. But the woman quickly dodged it and slid under my body and pulled me from behind with her whip. She overturned me to the ground. 


"Hah Hah... they didn't tell me that Aster's slave has crazy strength!"

I struggled again and with more force, I successfully broke free from the bind again. I focused myself to escape this room as soon as possible, because Milord was with that monster right now.

"Fine then!" the woman used her second whip and whipped my back.

"Ack!" I ignored the stinging pain that was caused by that barbed whip. I walked to the door.

"Just give up already!" The woman crazily whipped my back with her barbed whip, each whip made me feel number and number, until I lost count how many times she had whipped my back. I touched the doorknob and fell to the ground.

"You are crazy! The barbed whip has toxins to paralyze in each slash! You took almost fifty whips, what are you!

"MMilord" I couldn't feel my body, from head to toe. I couldn't even feel my face, only my mouth kept muttering Milord again and again.

"RRelax, the toxin won't kill you. I also have the antidote to clear it instantly, but" the woman stared at my torn back, it was bleeding horribly. "I'm sorry, you will need some rest before it healed completely."

Strangely, the woman felt guilty to me, she fished out the antidote and calming oil to heal my wound, "You can use this daily, it will heal your grievous wounds quickly."

Since I couldn't say anything, I only stared at her eyes while my lips kept repeating the same line over and over, "Milord Milord"

The woman felt a bit disturbed with my chanting, she said, "Relax, Charles will not hurt Aster. I know him well. Although he is coldblooded and ruthless, he will not hurt Aster, trust me."

"HHow can I. trtrust you"

"Well, I can't reveal anything, but I've been with him for so long, we've been partners for ten years. We trained swordsmanship together, and at some point we almost got married. How funny is that? I actually almost got married to him."

I stayed silent, the woman seemed to be monologuing, "At first, I thought he just liked Aster as a cousin, maybe he showed excessive favoritism, but it was nothing bad. Until I saw him kissing Aster's painting with an expression I've never seen before."

The woman stared at me back and said, "Don't worry, I don't hate Aster. In fact, I see him as my little brother, since I only have one little sister who is more mature than me, hahaha." She laughed dryly. Then she sighed, "Well, maybe I envy him slightly, he has the full attention of a man that is loved by everyone in the empire. But I followed him only because his late mother ordered me to."

"Anyway, I might've been spoiling too much, but I feel slightly guilty for whipping you fifty times. I'm sorry."

After a while she got a signal from outside and she smiled, "It's okay now, I will give you the antidote first, so you will recover immediately."

The woman approached me and chugged the bottle full of antidote to my mouth. I coughed slightly, but I successfully drank the whole bottle. She nodded and placed the healing oil beside me, "Farewell, I hope we may never encounter each other again."

With that, the woman disappeared, leaving me paralyzed here. I kept imagining horrible things that Milord suffered currently, I couldn't help but to struggle as hard as I could to stand up. Gradually, the toxin wore off and I could move my body again, although I still couldn't control it fully.

The pain in my back was horrible, it was almost similar to that time when the late Grand Duchess punished me by whipping my back and then using saltwater to multiply my pain.

"Open the door! Ramuja, are you okay?!"

'Milord?!' I was panicked. Milord suddenly stood in front of my room and twisted the doorknob repeatedly. I glanced at my condition in the mirror. My tunic was ruined with many slashes around.

'I don't want Milord to see this, he must've experienced a horrible experience himself.'

I took off my tunic and only wore short pants. I unlocked the door nervously and Milord was in front of me, still with wet hair and untidied pajamas. My heart sank when I noticed a kiss mark on his collarbone. It was definitely not mine, because he said he didn't want anyone to see a kiss mark around his neck.

"MMilord, is everything alright?! What happened?" I circled around him, rather than checking Milord's condition, I just didn't want Milord to notice that my back had many grievous wounds. I just didn't want to make him even more stressed out.

"Milord, please answer me! Are you okay?!" I asked him again.

"II'm okay I had a bad dream just now."

I noticed Milord's pale countenance and my heart felt like it was sliced open. Because it was proof that I failed to protect him again.

"A bad dream? Do you want this servant to accompany you to sleep?" I raised my eyebrows mischievously, trying as hard as I could to hide the stinging pain in my face. Milord was very sensitive to someone's facial expression, if he noticed that I was bearing a painful wound, he would notice it immediately.

Milord was staring at me for a while and then said, "Sleep well, Ramuja."

Milord turned his back and walked through the corridor quietly. I made sure that he had disappeared from my sight and then returned back to my room. I locked the door and my consciousness slowly drifting away, maybe because I tried to bear the pain with tremendous self-control.

"Milord, I am sorry" it was the last sentence I uttered before I fainted.


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