Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 185: A Trap Disguised As Gift

Chapter 185: A Trap Disguised As Gift

At night, the aristocrats' carriages arrived in Lantern Palace one by one, they were dressed in one of their best dresses, because the birthday party they attended tonight was not just some regular noble.

This was the birthday of the second most important young man after the Crown Prince in Golden Camellia. To be invited to his party was already an honour, and this was the best moment to show off their wealth and status, and to find a new partner.

As the nobles soon filled up the Lantern Palace's main hall, Aster who had been staring at the front gate from the upper balcony smiled, "At least that guy is late, or didn't come? Either way, it's good."

Usually, there would be his servant who would kneel beside him and wait for a guest or something in the upper balcony, but not today. In fact, Ramuja hadn't attended to him since yesterday's accident.

Aster could feel the sense of loss in him, because whenever he glanced at Ramuja when they were in this upper balcony, it soothed his heart. It gave him the sense of security that everything would be alright.

"Now it turned out to be like this" Aster's shoulders dropped slightly.

Irion barged in to ask his master to come down, because the party would be starting soon. When he saw the lonely back of his master, Irion sighed slightly.

True, he still couldn't accept Ramuja completely to be the golden circle of his master, if it was possible, he would want his master to be in love with someone in a higher position to cement his footing in Golden Camellia.

'But love is blind I guess.'

Irion approached Aster and then cleared his throat to make a sound. Aster realized that Irion was here, and he fixed his posture again. With slightly cold eyes, he asked, "The audience quota has been filled?"

"Yes, Milord. Everyone is waiting for you."

Aster smiled, "Good."

Aster stepped down from the bifurcated staircase, because he had held his seventeenth birthday a year ago, he only dressed casually, because eighteenth birthday wasn't that of a big deal compared to the previous birthday. 

Aster wore a thin and loose collared white shirt coated with rare gold dust, thus it gave the shirt a sparkling effect that made the wearer look luxurious without showing it excessively. He also used a black leather pants and boots, which gave his top and bottom a dual image of elegance and rigidness.

Aster looked indifferent as always, but whenever his eyes darted on someone in the audience, the people would gasp. Because Aster's eyes were really mesmerizing, one glance from him could make you tremble in awe.

Aster stood in front of the audience, he smiled and greeted them, "Welcome to Lantern Palace, I, Grand Duke Aster Di Arlingdon, am very grateful for your willingness to attend my eighteenth birthday. I thanked honourable ladies and gentlemen for your generosity to attend this birthday of mine. My servants have already prepared the food that would suit your tongue, please enjoy. Also, I've noticed that my fellow nobles are bringing me gifts"

It wasn't an obligation for someone to give a gift in a noble's birthday party, unless it was their own family. But gifting was the sign of friendliness in Golden Camellia anyway. Thus, the nobles who brought gifts lined to present theirs to the Grand Duke.

Aster accepted every gift enjoyably, he knew that the gifts were mostly menial things like jewellery or gold, but he accepted it wholeheartedly. The last on the line was Gaum Cresthold who smiled at Aster and gave him a small box, "I haven't seen you for a while, I'm also busy with my task as the king in Rhea. Don't worry, I'll spare more time in the future."

Aster kept his smile, but he hated when this guy in front of him started spouting his ridiculous romance. He had no willingness to continue the relationship with Rhea after the invasion, but it was bound. Since Rhea basically helped Aster to be the new grand duke anyway.

"King Gaum should focus more in your kingdom," Aster replied. Gaum chuckled and then left.

Aster was swarmed with gifts, but before he could open his speech again, the audience were shocked when there was a man who stormed inside the ball confidently.

Charles entered the main hall of Lantern Palace with Rosalie beside him. Few royal servants followed them with many gifts. Aster said nothing, but when he saw Charles' golden circle flickered, his back went cold.

Charles and Rosalie stepped in front of Aster and they smiled, Rosalie opened her mouth first, "You are eighteen now, congratulations," she said it lightly, but Aster could feel the sneer and arrogance emanating from Rosalie.

He noticed that Rosalie was quite timid before, but after his mother duchess' death, she became a bit unscrupulous and rude.

'Did she have any connection with my mom? Either way, I shouldn't let her stomp me just because mom is not here anymore.'

Charles was jealous when Aster stared at Rosalie, although he knew that he was staring at her out of suspiciousness, it still gave him the sense of jealousy in his heart.

"Congratulations, my dear Aster. I'm sorry for being late, I need to look my best on my love's birthday," Charles threw a smile that melted the heart of the audience there.

Compared to Aster's image, Charles was indeed the ideal man for them. He was gallant, powerful, rich, very handsome, and was already crowned by the people as the hero of Golden Camellia. His smile radiated the aura of kindness, whenever the Crown Prince smiled, the people would melt.

Meanwhile, Grand Duke Aster was cold , detached, sometimes downright intimidating. Although he had the legendary beauty that was far better than his mother, he didn't have the aura of kindness that the late Grand Duchess and Charles have.

'They do fit each other though, Charles and Aster.' The audience thought.

Aster's smile cracked when the people started to gossip about their non-existent relationship again. "Thank you for coming, Your Highness Crown Prince and Golden Princess. You've graced this birthday party of mine with your presence."

Rosalie gave her gift to Aster and left the stage, while Charles stood still, staring at Aster. He smirked and said, "I want you to open my two gifts right here, right now. So people realize how serious I am."

Charles handed the first gift, a medium sized box to Aster.

Honestly, Aster didn't want to open it at all, because every time there was Charles there, then there was bad luck. But when he glanced at the audience who was eager for him to open the gift, he had no choice but to comply.

Aster opened the box slowly, and when the present was revealed, he jumped back out of shock. Everyone was shocked too, no, rather than shock, they were terrified.

Because Crown Prince Charles gifted Grand Duke Aster a real, severed human head that had been preserved. Charles proudly said, "My darling, this is the head of a small island's tribal chief. It is located far from here, but I can take you there, someday. After I killed their chief, they surrendered and are your property now. You can do anything on that island, the island comes with the inhabitants."

Charles winked at Aster. Aster was nothing but terrified, not only due to the crazy gift, but also due to Charles' eyes that had turned golden completely, "Do you like it?"

"Are you cra--!?"

"Crown Prince is so romantic, aaaaah!" Aster's words were cut short when a young lady was seriously excited with the gift, and then others were clapping their hands and kept praising him.

"The Crown Prince dedicated his life so the Grand Duke can have a great gift!"

'What the?! Are these people insane like him?! He destroyed the lives of innocent small islanders for what? A crazy gift for me?! What the hell!'

Aster was pressured by the people to say certain things, or else, he would be portrayed as the villain who rejected their beloved Crown Prince.

Aster gulped, he was so disgusted by Charles right now, but he had no choice but to nod, "YYes, I like it."

Charles was satisfied with Aster's answer and the guests were getting more excited.

'Was he surprised because the gift is too good? Glad I spared a few months of my journey to invade that small island. It's indeed a nice gift.'

Aster felt nauseous with the 'gift', he closed the box quickly. As he was going to leave the party, Charles held his hand and said, "I still have one more gift."

Aster was already frightened to the bone, but he kept his calm faade and asked, "What is it?"

Charles gave the small box to Aster and whispered to Aster, 'Don't worry, this one is not so surprising. I bet you've expected it for a long time.'

Aster gulped, he opened the box slowly and this gift while it was not visually displeasing like the previous one, but he could feel his heartbeat skipped. Because this one was completely out of his expectation.

"This is my Gardenia of Blooming Desire, I've never presented this to anyone but to you. As I promised you before, I will never marry anyone but you. So, please accept it."


Aster finally trembled out of nervousness. He had no way out now, the guests were too excited and fiction-filled to care about the reality that Aster was scared. The only saw Grand Duke looked very happy that he almost fainted.

Charles tightened his grip in Aster's hand and he guided Aster's trembling hand to touch the gardenia and then took the gardenia with him. Charles was relieved when Aster finally took the flower and loosened his grip. 

"So, what do you think? My love, will you accept me?"


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