Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 134: Cracked Facade

Chapter 134: Cracked Facade

Aster's face was hot the entire time. He performed a flower kiss with Ramuja, returned his feelings, and kissed Ramuja's cheek. Those chain of events made him almost faint out of embarrassment and excitement.

Aster rushed to his room, and then washed his face to calm himself. He gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His face was still reddish even after washing it with cold water, Aster touched his forehead to check his temperature, his cheek, and then his lips.

He stopped there, his fingers fiddled with his naturally ruddy lips. The pink lips had turned slightly red, probably because of the pressure from Ramuja's lips during the flower kiss.

'My lips also kissed his cheek'

Aster's face flushed again. He remembered that moment when Ramuja's private part was standing straight. It was very awkward.

'But it's so big though, too big'

Aster slapped his cheek, "Aster! You pervert!"

Aster washed his face with cold water again. He took a deep breath to dispel all perverted thoughts.

'It is improper, I shouldn't imagine improper things. I'm a noble, a noble shouldn't think about a thick, long'

"Wait, what is wrong with me? Aaaah!" Aster pulled his hair, he was frustrated with his own thoughts. Aster looked down and saw that his private part also reacted, thinking about Ramuja.

'I need a bath, I need a bath now!' Aster took off his clothes and jumped into a cold bathtub. It was almost winter already, but due to his skin condition, he didn't feel cold at all. In fact, he could feel a certain part was still hot.

Aster took a bath for twenty minutes until someone knocked on the door.

"Young Lord, are you done?" Jain asked.

"Yes, wait a minute."

Aster wiped his body and wore the white cotton shirt and leather pants that had been prepared by Jain.

He finally collected his mind after he heard Jain's voice. Today might be his happiest day to finally kiss Ramuja, but today was also the day when he would confront his mother.

At least, he needed to clear out the doubt in his heart. Because evidence was pointing towards his mother duchess. But, if she was innocent, Aster believed that his mother would know how to defend herself towards suspicion and accusation.

'I just hope she has some reason that makes her innocent, going against my own mother is'

Aster opened the bathroom door only to find Jain with his stoic face, staring at his master deeply, "Young Lord, this subordinate saw the whole thing in the garden."

Aster frowned, he didn't care if Jain saw everything, because it was in an open garden anyway, and Jain was his subordinate that protected him.

"Is there any problem?" Aster asked.

Jain nodded and glanced on his left to the window, "There are many of Grand Duchess' shadow guards around you before, I couldn't eliminate them all, because there were too many."

"So, my mother already knows about my kiss with Ramuja?"

"Yes, Young Lord."

Aster's gaze sharpened. He checked on the corner of his eyes, wondering if there was a shadow guard here.

"Does my mother always send many shadow guards around me?"

"No, Young Lord, she usually only dispatched one or two. But after your return from Velvet Castle, she surrounded you with shadow guards."

Aster took a deep breath. His mother's action only piled the doubts in his heart. He didn't know how to defend his mother in his mind.

'Everything is just too obvious now.'

"Alright then, I shall face her," Aster said with firm resolve.

Jain could feel the dread that they would face soon, thus, he kneeled in front of his master and stared at his eyes, "Young Lord, are you sure about it?"

Aster saw the meaningful gaze from Jain. If Aster had a choice, he wouldn't want to confront his mother either. He wanted to trust her wholeheartedly, but it became obvious that his mother was setting up something, and it couldn't be avoided now.

"I am sure."

"Then, I, Jain Tellah, shall protect you from any harm until my last breath," Jain said, then he kissed Aster's hand.

Aster rubbed Jain's head and said, "Jain, you are my most trusted subordinate. I trust my life to you."

"Yes, Young Lord. This subordinate shall guard your life until my demise."

With that, Aster and Jain walked out of his room. They walked to Grand Duchess' chamber, and in every step, Aster could feel the unspeakable chill in his skin. He never felt this nervous when meeting his mother before.

Aster and Jain reached the door of Grand Duchess' chamber. The guards immediately bowed their heads and opened the door.

Grand Duchess Camille was sitting on her balcony with her morning tea while reading a book. She noticed that the door was opened and her smile bloomed beautifully when she saw her son.

"Are you here to talk about your work trip? Come here, my son," Grand Duchess said. The maid prepared a cup of tea for Young Lord as usual. Aster walked to the balcony and sat on the opposite side of his mother.

Grand Duchess closed her book and put all her attention on her son. She was wearing a blue dress with a fur shawl on her shoulder to keep herself warm, "How was your trip in Velvet Castle? Was it nice?"

"It is very nice, mom. But I didn't know that there was a spy around me."

"A spy? Who dared spying on my son! Don't worry Aster, I will strengthen the Lantern Palace, your safety is of the utmost importance!"

Aster still hadn't lost his suspicious eyes, his golden circle shone slightly. After he got the clarity in his head, he could see how fake his mother's reaction was.

"Mom, who do you think dared spying on me?"

"Hmm, probably Charles? He is a bit wrong in his head, or maybe our other enemies."

"Yet, that enemy has the initiative to inform my personal servant, Ramuja, about my flower kiss with Tuskan in Velvet Castle."

"What-- You kissed Tuskan? That young king from Great Arctyr?" Grand Duchess closed her mouth with her hands, she looked surprised, "Well, I never forbid you to have relationship with anyone as long as you are happy, my son."

Aster realized that his mother tried to divert the topic, she was trying to dodge the real problem, "That is unimportant, I'm more concerned about the identity of this spy. That spy must've been an insider, someone in this lantern palace, because he could inform Ramuja who was inside this palace the whole time."

"Ah, then, I shall inspect the Lantern Palace, I will catch the spy and execute him."

"Why do you need to search that far mom, maybe you can just call the spy," Aster said, "That spy must be a highly trained one, because he could travel that great distance before my carriage arrives. There is no person in this palace that have a highly trained spy except you, mom."

Grand Duchess' amiable smile cracked. She chuckled, "Oh my, what is this? My dear son is accusing me?"

Aster could feel the insulting tone in his mother's words. The aura around her turned dreadful and Aster couldn't help but get intimidated by his own mother. The maids around them held their breath and their face paled.

'To see myself being intimidated by my beloved mother'

Aster clenched the hem of his shirt and he continued, "I will not accuse you without any evidence, mom."

"What evidence do you have against your beloved mother? You know that I'm a very adept person, right? If I am the one who spied on you, I wouldn't leave any trace," Grand Duchess stated. Her eyes turned sharp, like a beast about to hunt her prey.

Aster calmed himself as he steeled his guts, "During the Autumn Banquet in this Lantern Palace, I was attacked by Charles and his assassins. My guard medal subordinate fought against two assassins at the same time. Charles killed two guards and broke into my room. He almost raped me."

Aster's eyes checked every maid around his mother duchess, and none of them showed a shocked expression when he said that. Aster's heart sank, he almost self-confirmed it.

'So, all of them already know about this.'

"How could that be? The shadow guards were busy guarding the duchy during the banquet," Grand Duchess reasoned.

"Oh, and a shadow guard finally helped my subordinate to fight Charles' assassins right when I was about to be taken? Mom, if it was a coincidence, then it was a well-planned coincidence."

Grand Duchess' smile cracked again and her beautiful smile subsided, "It is a coincidence."

"Funny that you didn't seem to react much when I said I almost got taken by Charles," Aster sneered, "Your assassin failed to kill my guard medal subordinate, he chased Jain around the palace and no shadow guards reacted. Those shadow guards only obeyed your order, mom."

"So, you think I set everything up?" Grand Duchess laughed scornfully. "Aster, your guard medal subordinate and that slave must have polluted your mind."

"Mom, admit it, tell me the reason why did you do that?" Aster scoffed, "How much control did you have around my life?"

Grand Duchess' amiable smile returned, she intertwined her fingers, leaned closer towards her son and propped her chin with her hands, "My son, you know that everything I do is for your own good. Just accept it wholeheartedly, you will thank me later."

Hearing that Answer instantly burst Aster's control, he stood and glared at his mother for the first time in his life, he unleashed his fuming rage, "CHARLES ALMOST RAPED ME! HE ALMOST TOOK MY PURITY! HE ALREADY TOUCHED ME. YOU ARE MY MOM, HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT!?"

Grand Duchess' smile didn't falter, her eyes turned pure golden, "A great ruler must experience drawbacks in his life, I'm doing everything for you. You are my gem, Aster."

Aster almost punched his mother's face out of anger. But he couldn't do it, his body trembled to contain his rage.

This woman was his most precious family he had. The one who protected him since he was a child. This was the woman he trusted the most. Aster's tears dropped unconsciously.

Grand Duchess fished out her handkerchief as she wanted to wipe Aster's tears. But Aster slapped her hand, "Don't touch me!"

"Aster, why don't we talk first slowly? Your entanglement with that filthy slave has destroyed your mind."

Aster's glared at his mother, "He is not someone who would hurt me. Unlike you, mom. You monster."

Aster had enough of his mother. Staying near his beloved mother was unbelievably painful. He turned his back and said, "From now on, I'm going to separate myself from you and your agenda. Goodbye, mom."

With that, Aster left with Jain.

Grand Duchess's smile turned into a small grin as she chuckled, "Well, I guess it is time to redo everything again. I couldn't believe I have to do this twice, but it should be safe to return him back to normal."

Grand Duchess glanced at one of her maids who was still trembling, "You. Call that peasant girl named Merry. It's time for shock therapy."


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