
Volume 11 4 – Tasuku Uehara and No More Restarts

Volume 11 Chapter 4 – Tasuku Uehara and No More Restarts

Translator: your_pingas

“Ha? You can’t match her?”

Amano explicitly despised me as he walked.

I fixed my scarf and sighed.

“Don’t be so mad. I already paid the fee for this discussion, right?”

“I guess…”

My dear friend said that as he looked at the convenience store coffee with complicated emotions. That’s the one I paid for him a couple minutes ago. After taking a couple of sips, right now, he can’t be complaining.

I bitterly smiled and turned to Amano, who showed an explicitly disgusted face.

“Well, I’m not planning to say something that’ll make you nervous. That’s a promise.”

“…Really? Aren’t you planning to say you don’t match Aguri-san as a boyfriend?”

Indeed, that’s how he sees me. But, honestly, perhaps I really thought about that.

I waved my hands and said.

“I’m not saying it. That’s really not what I’m going to talk about.”

“I-I see.”

Amano immediately sighed in relief. Looking at him, I can’t help but smile gently.

(…This guy is always putting us ahead of anything else.)

Especially today- it’s the last day before White Day. I don’t think Amano has much free time too.

Even so, he still sacrificed his after-school time and stayed with a person like me. …He’s sincerely worried about me.

I appreciated it. At the same time, I swore that I have to be closer to his heart as well.

He took another sip of the coffee with a bitter face. I started talking to him once again.

“So, I’m definitely not talking about whether I match her. Instead, it’s a more realistic and urgent issue.”

“In other words, …the present for White Day?”


“Well, …but, Uehara-kun, didn’t you walk around the town alone to find a White Day present?”

“Yeah, I bumped into Hoshinomori too and heard about her ‘zenpai’ thing.”

“Chiaki’s zenpai thing? Eh, what’s with that? I want to join too if that’s about a game.”

“Ah, nope. How should I put it? …Well, even though I think I should tell you first.”

So, I gave a simple explanation about Hoshinomori’s troubles and cleared my throat.

“Well, that’s everything. In the end, after that, …I’m still hesitating about the gift for White Day.”

“Really? That would be an issue for loners like me. …But, I feel like choosing gifts for girls should be easy for Uehara-kun.”

“Hmm, …that would be the case for people that gave me obligatory chocolate. I made up my mind quickly and prepared them. It’s just cheap, small snacks you can buy online.”

I clicked on my phone and showed him the snack. Amano dropped his shoulders depressingly.

“Uwah, what is this? That’s a guy living in a completely different world than mine…”

“Hmm? Come to think of it, what did you prepare? The obligatory chocolate present.”

“Eh? Well, honestly, aside from the Black Thunder I got from Aguri-san, the rest are honmei chocolate…”

“You’re even ‘normier’ than I do!”

“Wel, I guess you can call that a normie…! However, in contrast, I have to bear extra pain for not being able to return a casual gift like Uehara-kun…!”

Amano tried his best to explain. Looking at him, I said-

“Yes, that’s it!”

-At the same time, I took a step forward. Amano nearly jumped as I continued.

“Facing Aguri’s feelings- her handmade honmei chocolate, I have no idea what I should give back!”

“Ah, …I see.”

Amano nodded his head.

“Indeed, I’m pretty troubled by this too. Honestly, I don’t know how I should answer Tendou-san, Chiaki, and Konoha-san’s loving presents.”

“See!? You can’t decide at all, right!?”

I grabbed his shoulders and asked for agreement. Yet, Amano looked away a bit sorrily.

“Well, I already thought about this a long time ago. …So, I’m already prepared.”

“Huh!? You!?”

“That’s pretty mean!”

Amano’s triggered. I said sorry and rubbed my eyes as we talked toward the street.

“But, seriously, the more I think about this, the harder it gets. Presents…”

“Well, yeah. …It’s different from presents for obligatory chocolate. You can’t just base your standards on the price.”

“Yeah, I do want to find things that Aguri loves. However, the more I think about it, the more I feel like nothing can match a handmade gift.”

“I get it.”

“However, why don’t I just make something instead? I thought about it and felt like that’s not what I should do. Hmm, but I’m not a cliché guy that feels only girls should make handmade snacks…”

“Yes. Honestly, no one wants Uehara-kun’s handmade cookies, right. I don’t like it.”


I knocked Amano’s head gently. He said, “Ouch!” But, he immediately stroked his head happily. I bet he craves for boy’s interactions like this, right. …I feel like this guy’s just as subtly miserable as when I first met him.

He chuckled for a while and noticed my sympathetic look. So, he cleared his throat and took another sip of the coffee.

“So, Uehara-kun wants me to help with finding something to match Aguri-san’s feelings?”

“Hmm, …well, of course, I know this is something that I should figure out myself. But, it would be great if I can have some suggestions.”


Amano showed a bewildered expression after hearing that. He thought for a while and said a bit sorrily.

“Hmm, I do want to tell my presents for White Day to Uehara-kun for your reference. …But, I still feel like the girls should know it first. Or, I should say this is my sincerity…”

Amano rubbed his shoulder awkwardly. I still love how honest this person is, and I agreed with him. “You’re right.”

“Sorry, Amano. I wasn’t planning for you to tell me. It’s okay. You can keep your White Day present as a secret.”

“Really? …I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, it’s okay. I should be the one to say sorry for you worrying about me. Anyway, you don’t need to say what you’ve prepared for White Day. I simply want to chat with you about what Aguri loves…”

“Hmm, things that Aguri-san likes…”

Amano walked for a while as he mumbled. Then, he raised his head with a bitter smile.

“Honestly, I think Aguri-san would be happy no matter what you give her, as long as it’s from Uehara-kun, right.”

“Hmm, …perhaps. However, that’s why I want to make her happier.”

“Yes, …I understand. Very much.”

Amano said that with a gentle smile. …Seeing his face, I can’t help but open my mouth for a moment. …But, I managed to keep it inside my throat.


Both of us fell silent. For a while, I can only hear the lively street and the sound of stepping on snow.

So, we snapped out of it after a while. Then, we’re at the alley where we fought a long time ago.

Both of us can’t help but stop at the same time. After that, we faced each other and smiled.

-Just like that time, we grabbed each other’s collar.

I showed a despising look to Amano- but I’m smiling.

“Hey, virgin, who do you think you are? I guess you already treated yourself as a normie after being surrounded by beautiful girls recently.”

Facing my insult, Amano’s eyes turned sharp too- but he’s also smiling.

“You’re the same. What’s up? Where’s your ‘cricket’ theory? Did you stop sucking blood from others? Moreover, you’re always giving to others in this year to the point that it hurts.”

“You said it, you so-called twisted gamer. You’re just the same. Even though you said all you need is games- you ended up giving up your New Year because of a friend. Seriously, forgive me, don’t be like that anymore.”

It seems that we’re criticizing each other. In reality, this sounds more like flirting. I can’t retort even if he said that.

…Since that day, our relationship has changed violently.

However, it seems that we’re still always bickering with each other.

At least, from my point, Amano has always stayed the same. His courage and communication skills have improved a bit. But, his inner “Keita Amano” hasn’t changed.


…I’m the same. No matter how much I try to laugh, cover, pretend as a normie or love master-

In the end, …I, Tasuku Uehara, is just a hardworking idiot.

…It was hard for me to accept this in the past. But, for some reason, right now…

“Isn’t that great, Uehara-kun?”

Once I snapped out of it, Amano already let go of my collar and looked at me gently.

Instead of saying he read my mind, that’s more like the answer to our discussion…


I slowly released his collar.

Then, I nodded determinedly and asked.

“Do you…think that’s true?”

“Yes. Of course, as I said before, Aguri-san will love whatever Uehara-kun gives. Yes, what ‘Uehara-kun’ gives.”


During this time, I finally made up my mind and decided what I should give to Aguri.

Finally- I shook hands with the guy that I found annoying a year ago.

“Yo, thanks, lonely virgin asshole.”

“It’s nothing, you flippant normie asshole.”


Then, it’s finally here. March 14.

I arrived at where I’ll meet Aguri a bit earlier. The “presents” showcased inside the shop windows attracted my eyes. I leaned on the wall and waited dazedly.

I sighed and looked at the sky. The sunset’s bathing the street as the snow trickles down. The clouds are pretty thin. It’s a romantic weather for White Day. However, this coldness is slowly freezing my heart.

(…Aguri…will be here, …right?)

I bet Amano will get mad at me if I tell my worries to him. Yet, this insecurity is slowly spreading inside my chest.

Of course, I trust Aguri.

Compared to the lighthearted teenager a year ago, I already have a solid bond with Aguri. We understood each other a lot more.

However, that’s why I can’t help but think about that possibility.

“Do I suit Aguri better than Amanocchi?”


I hastily lowered my head. Then, I realized Aguri’s already next to me in her uniform. She leaned on the wall too.

Aguri looked at the sky dazedly, just like I did.

“Tasuku, you always prioritize others over yourselves, for good or for bad.”

“I-I’m sorry…”

This is what getting a fever on your face feels like. Next, I’m about to hand my important present to the girl I love. I have to show my disgusting jealousy and weak mentality.

I didn’t know you can be that embarrassing as a guy.

Facing my utter depression, Aguri continued staring at the sky.

“You’re honest. I- really hate this part of you, Tasuku. Also, I have to be sincere here.”


“-I really love Amanocchi.”


“For example, if my parents forced me to marry him- I won’t feel pain at all. I think that’s called love.”

“…I see.”

Come to think of it, I guess this is the first time I heard how Aguri thinks of Amano seriously. After all, she always said absolutely no for the surface Amano. That’s why I’m worried.

Then, that’s why, …unexpectedly, I wasn’t shocked at her confession.

I’m even a little bit happy about it.

…What the hell is wrong with me? Am I glad because Aguri opened her heart to me? Or is it because my friend is praised? Either way, I’m just the same-

“Hiya, …Tasuku really considers others before yourself.”

-Once I snapped out of it, Aguri’s looking at me dumbfoundedly. I looked away with a blush, “T-This is embarrassing.”

Aguri teased me and sighed. …Then, she continued as if this is just usual chatter.

“So, I met with Amanocchi before coming here and encouraged his White Day. …However, half of that is based on another reason.”

“Another reason?”

“Yes- I want to confirm the feelings between Amanocchi and me. To put it simply- I got really close to Amanocchi.”

“Wha-? …W-Well, in the end, how did it…?”

My heart can’t stop pounding. However, in contrast to this, Aguri bitterly smiled and answered.

“He vehemently and impolitely rejected me. He even got really, really mad at me.”

“H-He got mad at you?”

I was a bit shocked at the unexpected result. Aguri continued.

“Amanocchi said he knew what I was going to do. I couldn’t do that even if it’s just a joke. It’s because he doesn’t want to hurt Tasuku- and my feelings so casually. He told me, ‘Instead of doing dumb stuff like this, how about you just go and find Uehara-kun, who’s been waiting in the chilling wind, you dense gal? He got so mad at me. I thoroughly pissed him off.”

“Haha, …that’s how he does things.”

“Really. That’s why he’s a short-fused person…”

At this point, we made direct eye contact for the first time today. We smiled sincerely.

After that, Aguri started explaining the result. “However, that’s why…”

“I understood. It’s because Amanocchi encouraged me. This time, I can finally say it out loud without making Tasuku suspect anything.”


At this point, Aguri stood up from the wall and turned to me.

The street behind her is painted with the sunset.

As usual, she showed her innocent, lighthearted, yet most adorable smile. Finally- she said the thing that I’ve been craving since meeting her.

“I love Tasuku more than anyone else.”


Huh, my vision is getting blurry. …For some reason, I can’t see my beloved girl clearly anymore. Even though it’s such a reassuring answer, my cheeks flared up as I plopped my head down bashfully.

Aguri didn’t mind my embarrassing reaction and continued.

“Amanocchi’s really amazing. He can even get mad at Main-nee-san for me. I don’t know anyone that can act like this aside from him. As for Tasuku, you simply won’t get into a fight with anyone. You’re smooth, slick, and treat all girls nicely. Moreover, you even include boys as well. You simply think that it’s best if everyone related to you is happy. What a helplessly wholesome and flippant boy.”

“…Yeah, you’re right. I have nothing compared to Amano-“

“However, that’s why I- love Tasuku.”


“…I said this before, right? I fell in love with you during middle school…”

“Yes, I remember that. …I can’t forget it.”

“Really? That’s great.”

Aguri sighed in relief. …At this point, I finally made up my mind.


I called her name and raised my head. My eyes are filled with determination.

I looked into her eyes solemnly- and puffed up my chest.

“I hope you can go out with me once again.”

Upon hearing that, Aguri…answered with two words without any hesitation.

“Of course! Looking forward to being with you again, Tasuku!”


I nearly broke into tears for a moment. However, I don’t want Aguri to see such an embarrassing side of me.

In the end, I lowered my head and adjusted my breath. Suddenly, Aguri handed me something.

“This is for you.”

“Hmm? What’s this?”

I took it with my hands.

“…Labears keychain?”

“Yes, this is called Labears. …As I’ve said before, I actually wanted to give you this during the school trip.”


I see. This is…the present I haven’t got my hands on until now. It was robbed by Main-san, and then my friend protected it - the Labears.

I stared at the teddy bears on my head. Aguri asked a bit worriedly.

“Hey, …can you take it this time?”

To this question-

I sighed for a long while. …Then, I raised my head determinedly and held the Labears tightly with a smile.

“Yeah, of course! Thank you, Aguri! I’ll treasure this with my life!”

Aguri smiled in relief after hearing my answer.

“Glad to hear that! Ah, but doesn’t this feel weird?”

“Hmm? Why?”

“…I gave you something first, even though it’s White Day.”

“Ah, that’s right. …We’re still really bad at keeping secrets.”

“Yeah. …I’m sorry, Tasuku.”

“Why is the one that gave something out apologizing? Are you an idiot?”

I said that and rubbed Aguri’s head. Then, I stood up from the wall and walked next to her.

“Even so, let me give you a present on White Day, Aguri. After all, I managed to prepare something that’ll make you super happy.”

After hearing that, Aguri said, “Eh, seriously!?” She jumped like a gal and hugged my arms.

“What is it? What is it? I’m excited. Is it a luxurious bag, makeup kit, or jewelry? …Huh, don’t tell me it’s a ring!?”

“Ah, yeah. Well, I want that if I’m picking from the shop windows.”

“Seriously!? Ah, you’re amazing, Tasuku. Unlike a certain lonely gamer, you understand-“

“We’re here.”


We took…around 5 steps from where we met. Aguri kept blinking her eyes after hearing that we’re at the destination.

“Eh, but, this is-“

She questioned me confusedly.

“This is the arcade, …right?”


I nodded.

I pointed at the-

-UFO machine behind the window with an innocent smile.

“I’ll get anything you want today- my most beautiful lady.”


For a moment, Aguri’s eyes are filled with tears.

Indeed- this is to recreate the scene where I first met Aguri in middle school.

This is my- most beloving present for White Day.



…Aguri’s head remained lowered, just like mine before.

I’m suddenly getting super worried.

(Eh, don’t tell me I ruined the mood!? W-Well, I think the difference between a ring and a UFO machine is too big! C-Crap, I messed up! My inner gamer got lured out once I’m here-)

-Suddenly, Aguri buried her face into my chest and hugged me tightly.


Even though I’m shocked, I still embraced her tightly. The customers around are giving us weird looks, …but I don’t really care at this point.


Both of us hugged each other for a while. We want each other to feel our body temperature.

These 30 seconds felt like an eternity.

Aguri raised her head gently.

“…Well, I’m looking forward to it, …my hardworking side-part hair-kun.”

The young girl laughed cheerfully.

I smiled.

“Oh, you can rely on me!”

So, we immediately returned to the UFO machine in our memories-

“Ah, but I still want one more thing before that.”

“Ah? What? Don’t tell me you still want the ring-“

I didn’t notice until I finished saying that. Aguri…closed her eyes and turned to me. …Of course, I know what she wants me to do.

My face is getting hotter and hotter with each passing second.

“A-Are you an idiot? We’re in front of so many people right now. This is an arcade as well. The mood isn’t romantic-“

“It’s okay. Let’s do it right here, right now.”

“…Ah, …but…”

“I said it’s okay to do it right here, right now. …What about you, Tasuku?”

“…Sheesh, of course.”

I made up my mind and hugged Aguri’s petite body. Our faces got closer.

It’s been around 2 years since we first met each other.

Even though we keep going around in circles-

However, today, at this moment-

In front of the UFO machine in our memories-


-We kissed each other for the first time.


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